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Exercise /mistake

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Exercise /mistake
Message from san99 posted on 08-06-2012 at 23:56:43 (D | E | F)

Would you, please, check this exercise and tell me if it's correct.
Thank you for your help.

1. We went (go) the theatre last night.
2. He usually writes (usually / write) in red ink.
3. She was playing (play) the piano when our guests arrived (arrive) last night.
4. We are doing (do) an English exercise at the moment.
5. Where did you go (you / go) for your holidays last year?
6. We met (meet) only yesterday and have already decided (already / decide) to get married.
7. We have not lived (not live) in England for the last two years.
8. I have lost (lose) my keys; I cannot remember when I last saw (see) them.
9. Whenever he goes (go) to town nowadays, he spends (spend) a lot of money.
10. They are preparing (prepare) the Christmas dinner today.

Edited by lucile83 on 09-06-2012 09:06

Re: Exercise /mistake from notrepere, posted on 09-06-2012 at 00:14:06 (D | E)

Bravo! No errors.

Edited by notrepere on 09-06-2012 17:27
Oops, it must have been too late at night.

Re: Exercise /mistake from headway, posted on 09-06-2012 at 10:01:33 (D | E)

"1. We went (go)to the theatre last night."

Re: Exercise /mistake from san99, posted on 09-06-2012 at 16:36:22 (D | E)

Re: Exercise /mistake from san99, posted on 09-06-2012 at 16:48:30 (D | E)
Thank you everyone for helping me in identifying and correcting the mistakes.

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Forum > English only


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