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For and against /correction

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For and against /correction
Message from dlsur posted on 30-07-2012 at 21:30:04 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone

I have a new essay, in this case a for and against. Should animals be used for scientific research?
I would appreciate if someone can check it.
Thanks for your answers.

Tests with animals.

Nowadays the scientific research has to find the solution to a lot of diseases. Therefore doctors and scientific use some kind of animals in this research.
To start with , we need to think that until a medicine comes to the sanitary system, this medicine has to past a lot of tests and obviously the first tests are made in some kind of animals , for instance mouses or guinea pig.
In addition to this we forget that contrary to popular belief the laboratories usually make the test in animals that they were born for this porpuse for example sheep , pigs , mouses, even apes.
On the other hand some laboratories use wild animals this , it is banned in the majority of countries. However , some scientific and laboratories break this rule, in despite of the fact that these tests are very painfulness.
All in all if we want to find the cure of important diseases and good medicines the tests with animals are necessary , but consequently with strictest rule about the animals.

Edited by dlsur on 30-07-2012 21:30

Edited by lucile83 on 30-07-2012 22:11

Re: For and against /correction from notrepere, posted on 05-08-2012 at 23:27:26 (D | E)

Nowadays the scientific research has to find the solution to a lot of diseases. Therefore doctors and scientists use some kind of animals in this research.
To start with , we need to think that until a medicine comes to the sanitary system, this medicine has to past a lot of tests and obviously the first tests are made in some kind of animals , for instance mouses(irregular) or guinea pigs.

In addition to this we forget that contrary to popular belief, the laboratories usually make the test in animals that they were born for this porpuse for example sheep , pigs , mouses, even apes.
On the other hand some laboratories use wild animals this , which is banned in the majority of countries. However , some scientific and laboratories break this rule, in despite of the fact that these tests are very painfulness.
All in all if we want to find the cure of important diseases and good medicines the tests with animals are necessary , but consequently with strictest rule about the animals.

Re: For and against /correction from dlsur, posted on 06-08-2012 at 12:52:28 (D | E)
Hi notrepere.

I did made the correction ,and I think that the essay is ok , well , but I have a doubt, when I say ....."the first tests are made in some kind of animals "..... I do not know where is the problem is.
Thanks for your work and your time.

Tests with animals.
Nowadays scientific research has to find the solution to a lot of diseases. Therefore doctors and scientists use some kinds of animals in this research.
To start with , we need to think that until a medicine comes to the health system, this medicine has to pass a lot of tests and obviously the first tests are made in some kind of animals , for instance mice or guinea pigs.
In addition to this we forget that contrary to popular belief, the laboratories usually make the test in animals that they were born for this purpose for example sheep , pigs , mouses, even apes.
On the other hand some laboratories use wild animals this , which is banned in the majority of countries. However , some scientists and laboratories break this rule, in despite of the fact that these tests are very painful.
All in all if we want to find the cure of important diseases and good medicines the tests with animals are necessary , but consequently with strictest rule about the animals.

Edited by lucile83 on 06-08-2012 13:08

Re: For and against /correction from notrepere, posted on 06-08-2012 at 17:42:39 (D | E)

tests are "performed" not "made". No space before the comma.

Tests with animals.
Nowadays scientific research has to find the solution to a lot of diseases. Therefore doctors and scientists use some kinds different kinds of animals in this research.
To start with, we need to think(another verb) that until a medicine comes to the health systembecomes available to the public, this medicine it has to pass a lot of tests and obviously the first tests are made in some kind(see above) of animals , for instance mice or guinea pigs.
In addition to this we forget that contrary to popular belief, the laboratories usually make the test in animals that they were born for this purpose: for example sheep, pigs, mouses, even apes.
On the other hand some laboratories use wild animals this , which is banned in the majority of countries. However, some scientists and laboratories break this rule, in despite of the fact that these tests are very painful.
All in all if we want to find the cure for important diseases and good medicines the tests with animals are necessary , but consequently with the strictest rules about the animals.

Re: For and against /correction from dlsur, posted on 07-08-2012 at 17:40:27 (D | E)
Hello notrepere

Well, here is the essay again, I think that now is correct but if I have to be honest I am not sure if there are some comas that I don't need, or articles. Apart from the another mistakes how I have said, I am not sure.

Thanks again for the ccorrection, and grammar explanations.

Tests with animals.
Nowadays scientific research has to find the solution to a lot of diseases. Therefore doctors and scientists use different kinds of animals in this research.
To start with, we need to understand that until a medicine becomes to the health system, this medicine has to pass a lot of tests and obviously the first tests are performed in different kinds of animals, for instance mice or guinea pigs.
In addition to this we forget that contrary to popular belief, the laboratories usually perform the test in animals that they were born for this purpose for example sheep, pigs, mice, even apes.
On the other hand some laboratories use wild animals, which is banned in the majority of countries. However, some scientists and laboratories break this rule, in spite of the fact that these tests are very painful.
All in all if we want to find the cure for important diseases and good medicines the tests with animals are necessary, but with the strictest rules about the animals.

Re: For and against /correction from notrepere, posted on 07-08-2012 at 18:41:31 (D | E)

Tests with animals.
Nowadays scientific research has to find the solution to a lot of diseases. Therefore doctors and scientists use different kinds of animals in this research.
To start with, we need to understand that until a medicine becomes to the health system(sorry, but this doesn't make sense), this medicine has to pass a lot of tests and obviously the first tests are performed in different kinds of animals, for instance mice or guinea pigs.
In addition to this, we forget that contrary to popular belief, the laboratories usually perform the test in animals that they were born for this purpose for example sheep, pigs, mice, even apes.
On the other hand some laboratories use wild animals, which is banned in the majority of countries. However, some scientists and laboratories break this rule, in spite of the fact that these tests are very painful.
All in all if we want to find the cure for important diseases and good medicines the tests with animals are necessary, but with the strictest rules about the animals.

Re: For and against /correction from dlsur, posted on 10-08-2012 at 17:49:00 (D | E)
Hello notrepere.

I'm going to explain why I have written the health system....., well I am spanish and here in Spain we have a public sanitary system or public health system ( sistema sanitario publico o sistema de salud publico ) and we use to call it just health system or sanitary system, probably when I was writing the essay I just did a traduction from Spanish
Thanks for your answers

Edited by dlsur on 10-08-2012 17:49

Re: For and against /correction from bluestar, posted on 10-08-2012 at 18:06:18 (D | E)

The sentence would be better if reworded: "..before (not 'until') a medicine becomes available to the health system etc.."...or some such.
"Becomes to the health system" is meaningless, as has been said..
Tests are performed 'on' animals, not 'in' them...

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