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Correction/ bulletin 1

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ bulletin 1
Message de airmyonne posté le 03-09-2012 à 13:47:26 (S | E | F)

Comme je m'entraîne à traduire des textes en anglais, et que je voulais innover, j'ai traduit des appréciations de professeurs sur les bulletins de notes (pas forcément les miens). Je trouve ce travail très intéréssant, puisque cela permet d'améliorer l'utilisation des adjectifs et de se familiariser avec les tournures de phrases courtes utilisées dans les bulletins, le même genre que celles utilisées dans les publicités par exemple...
Pouvez-vous les corriger s'il vous plaît ?

French: Excellent overall! Very serious pupil. Relevant and rigorous thoughts.
Economic and social science: The very serious work allows X having very good results. Carry on with that.
Mathematics: Absolutely satisfactory results. X is very serious and comfortable in that subject. May she carry on with that.
History and Geography: Very good term. A lot of serious and relevance. A quality involvement.
Sciences : Good term. Use every suggested document to reason rigorously.
English Excellent work.
Spanish: Satisfactory work and results.
Latin (optional): Serious work even if the participation is rare. Satisfactory results.
Greek (optional)Good term. Satisfactory level. Unobtrusive and methodical work. Carry on with that.
Last year work placement: Excellent oral and written work.
Sport Relay: encountered difficulties but showed willing. Carry on with efforts.
Athletics: work would have been better with more consistency.

Overall comment: Excellent term. X uses intelligently her real abilities. She has got the sense of commitment and responsibilities. Congratulations.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-09-2012 13:50
Merci de créer 1 topic pour chaque trimestre sinon c'est trop long j'en ai donc gardé 1 seul.

Réponse: Correction/ bulletin 1 de airmyonne, postée le 06-09-2012 à 20:32:49 (S | E)

Je vois que personne ne répond alors je relance le sujet.
Pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît ?
Merci d'avance.

Réponse: Correction/ bulletin 1 de headway, postée le 07-09-2012 à 15:06:13 (S | E)

je viens de trouver un lien sur les appréciations portées par les profs.
Lien internet


Réponse: Correction/ bulletin 1 de airmyonne, postée le 15-09-2012 à 16:54:30 (S | E)

Merci pour votre réponse. J'ai regardé sur le site, mais ce sont des phrases "préfabriquées"... Pouvez-vous m'aider à mieux corriger ma traduction s'il vous plait ?

Réponse: Correction/ bulletin 1 de bluestar, postée le 15-09-2012 à 17:23:23 (S | E)
Bonjour..Quelques suggestions..

French: Excellent overall! Very serious pupil. Relevant and rigorous thoughts.
Economic and social science: The (Her) very serious work allows X having(enables X to have) very good results. Carry on with that.
Mathematics: Absolutely satisfactory results. X is very serious and comfortable in that subject. May she carry on with that.
History and Geography: Very good term. A lot of seriousness and relevance. A quality involvement.
Sciences : Good term. Uses every suggested document to reason rigorously.
English Excellent work.
Spanish: Satisfactory work and results.
Latin (optional): Serious work even if the participation is rare. Satisfactory results.
Greek (optional)Good term. Satisfactory level. Unobtrusive and methodical work. Carry on with that.
Last year work placement: Excellent oral and written work.
Sport Relay: encountered difficulties but showed willing. Carry on with efforts.
Athletics: work would have been better with more consistency.

Overall comment: Excellent term. X uses intelligently her real abilities. She has got the a sense of commitment and responsibilityies. Congratulations.
Pour moi, la phrase "carry on with that" c'est un peu informel pour un professeur. Je pense qu'il serait plus susceptible de dire "continuez votre bon travail" ('keep up the good work')

Mais, d'autres peuvent être en désaccord..

Réponse: Correction/ bulletin 1 de notrepere, postée le 15-09-2012 à 17:44:23 (S | E)

How can we check your translations without the original text? Here are some corrections based on the text given.

French: Excellent overall! Very serious pupil. Relevant and rigorous thoughts.
Economic and social science: The very serious work allows X having to have very good results. Carry on with that (un peu bizarre).
Mathematics: Absolutely satisfactory results. X is very serious and comfortable in this subject. May she carry on with that.(idem)
History and Geography: Very good term. A lot of serious and relevance (cet extrait n'a aucun sens). A quality involvement.(un peu bizarre)
Sciences : Good term. Used every suggested document to reason rigorously.
English Excellent work.
Spanish: Satisfactory work and results.
Latin (optional): Serious work even though the participation is rare. Satisfactory results.
Greek (optional)Good term. Satisfactory level. Unobtrusive and methodical work. Carry on with that.
Last year work placement: Excellent oral and written work.
Sport Relay: encountered difficulties but showed willing (cet extrait n'a aucun sens). Carry on with efforts.
Athletics: work would have been better with more consistency.

Overall comment: Excellent term. X uses intelligently(mal placé) her real abilities. She has got the sense of commitment and responsibilities. Congratulations.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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