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Correction/ cover letter

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Correction/ cover letter
Message de bilobonda posté le 15-09-2012 à 17:46:27 (S | E | F)

Je ne sais pas si je poste dans le bon forum, mais j'ai lu des demandes d'aide à la correction dans d'autres sujets. Veuillez m'en excuser s'il y a erreur.
Ce serait une aide précieuse si quelqu'un pouvait relire la lettre de motivation ci-dessous et m'indiquer ses corrections/commentaires. :-)
Merci beaucoup !

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope you will consider me for the position of Physics Translator, as advertised on the website xxxxx.

I was particularly excited to see this specific job opening, as it offers a unique opportunity that is an excellent match with what you are seeking.

Alongside with physics, I have always been deeply passionate about foreign languages, including them as often as possible in my everyday life. When travelling abroad, I always make sure to reinforce those skills. In the last ten months, I have focused fully on language learning in an immersive environment and I greatly improved my proficiency.

In addition, my physics training helped me develop a particular set of skills relevant to the field of translation. My main strengths are an analytical mind and problem-solving skills, which prove to be useful for understanding grammar and can help to develop a good learning method. I am attentive to detail, and I can learn fast how to use the right information technology resources.

I truly enjoy dealing with language-related problems, trying to understand exactly the meaning of a complicated sentence, cross-check my references to ensure that it is correctly translated and summarize what I have learned once the problem is solved.

If you would like to contact me or schedule and interview, please contact me with the information included in my CV.

Respectfully yours,


Merci encore !
Modifié par bilobonda le 15-09-2012 17:46
Modifié par lucile83 le 15-09-2012 19:37

Réponse: Correction/ cover letter de gerondif, postée le 15-09-2012 à 18:00:49 (S | E)

Votre lettre est énergique et devrait retenir l'attention, mais je ne suis pas un spécialiste du langage commercial

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope you will consider me for the position of Physics Translator, as advertised on the website xxx.

I was particularly excited (je me demande si ce mot convient bien dans ce contexte) to see this specific job opening, as it offers a unique opportunity that is an excellent match with what you are seeking.(je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous n'apparaissez pas dans cette phrase, puisque c'est vous qui correspondez parfaitement au poste)
Alongside with physics, I have always been deeply passionate about ( me surprend)foreign languages, including them as often as possible in my everyday life. When travelling abroad, I always make sure to reinforce those skills. In the last ten months, I have focused fully on language learning in an immersive environment and I greatly improved my proficiency.

In addition, my physics training helped me develop a particular set of skills relevant to the field of translation. My main strengths are an analytical mind and problem-solving skills, which prove to be useful for understanding grammar and can help to develop a good learning method. I am attentive to detail, and I can learn fast how to use the right information technology resources.

I truly enjoy dealing with language-related problems, trying to understand exactly the meaning of a complicated sentence, cross-check my references to ensure that it is correctly translated and summarize what I have learned once the problem is solved.

If you would like to ( if you wish to)contact me or schedule and interview, please contact me with the information included in my CV.
(Please feel free to /don't hesitate to/ contact me for an interview, using the information included in my cv)

Respectfully yours,(ou dans l'autre sens)

Réponse: Correction/ cover letter de bilobonda, postée le 15-09-2012 à 21:12:49 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, je vais corriger cela et tenter de mieux formuler les phrases mises en évidence.


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