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Correction /description ville

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /description ville
Message de maloane posté le 25-10-2012 à 14:21:29 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît pour un devoir sur la description d'une ville? j'ai choisi le pays des merveilles.xxxxx
Merci de votre aide, et bon courage pour la lecture.

Why visit?
"Wonderland" is a vast country. Any map for going to, just your imaginary. If you shut your eyes, maybe the white rabbit leads you. He is late all the time, and you must run to foolowing. Over,all are colored, flowers sing, amimals speak, you can fly as a bird and breathe freely bottom of the sea. There is various univers, this country is intoxicating and nothing could be easier to lose. But inhabitants are of help to the tourist.

Don't miss:
-The "unbirthday" is a big festival. 364 days of the year, you can celebrate your "unbirthday", with the mouse, the haze and hatter.
-The speciality of Wonderland is the space-cake and mushroom beware of side effect!
-The show of the caterpillar, absolem, is magic. He tell fantastic story and can make when he smokes various shapes and figures.
-The castle of the queen of hearts, is the biggest of this country. You must take a labyrinth for go to. You can it visited , but the queen is often anger! If you contradict her, you can lose your hear.

What's news?:
-A Show cooking is organised. All inhabitants and Tourists can participate only two rules.
Ingredients authorized are Cake and mushroom and Cats are no admission. For the opportunity, the Haze and the hatter will give tea. the best cook win a party for hers "unbirthday"
- the queen decide to built a new castle but she has cut all hearts of the soldier, so them, with only one soldier, the project is put off until later.
-For more informations, the famous book: Alice in Wonderland, is to sell. That young girl has regularly visited this country. Her book explains in detail wonderland, its inhabitants and traditions.

Merci à ceux qui auront eu le courage de me lire,xxx à ceux qui voudront bien me répondre et éventuellement m'expliquer les fautes

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-10-2012 16:23
Inutile de dire que vous êtes suuuuper nulle...vous êtes ici pour progresser


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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