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Correction /Synopsis

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Synopsis
Message de jawing posté le 20-11-2012 à 17:30:57 (S | E | F)
Salut à vous tous ! Bonjour,

Je dois écrire une lettre avec le résumé d'un film. J'ai choisi le film '' La haine '' Mathieu KOSSAVTIZ et j'aimerais que vous corrigiez le texte ci-dessous s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I fond of of the movie '' La haine '' by Mathieu KASSOVTIZ who was released on May 1995. The genre of this film is dramatic. The main actors are Vincent cassel (Vinz) Hubert Koundé ( Hubert) Saïd Taghmaoui(Saïd). La haine, has won 6 awards and 11 which are the largest nominations are the Gold and César for best French film of the Year.
This film is inspired by the death of a young black who was killed by a policeman. The spectator accompanies a day in the life of three young friends who live in the suburbs of Paris.They are all of foreign origin and living in a poor neighborhood. So they regularly participate in riots and when one of their friends received fatal injuries by police, Vinz decides to take revenge for him. They see the police as their worse enemy.
I saw this movie with my brother on the internet.
This film is a coktail of emotions which is exciting funny and sad together. Through this film Mathieu kossavtiz shows us the neighborhoods reality , we do understand that young rioters are not villains but victims of a broken society. which are often represented by the media as rogue. So i should to see movie

Modifié par jawing le 20-11-2012 17:37

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2012 18:08

Réponse: Correction /Synopsis de notrepere, postée le 20-11-2012 à 23:36:36 (S | E)

I fond(expression en anglais: to be fond of something) of the movie '' La haine '' by Mathieu KASSOVTIZ who(mauvaise traduction du mot 'qui') was released on(mauvaise préposition) May 1995. The genre of this film is dramatic. The main actors are Vincent cassel (Vinz) Hubert Koundé ( Hubert) Saïd Taghmaoui(Saïd). La haine, has won 6 awards and 11 which are the largest nominations are the Gold and César for best French film of the Year. (Cette phrase n'a aucun sens. A revoir)
This film is(temps) inspired by the death of a young black who was killed by a policeman. The spectator accompanies a day in the life of three young friends who live in the suburbs of Paris.They are all of foreign origin and living in a poor neighborhood. So they regularly participate in riots and when one of their friends received fatal injuries by police, Vinz decides to take revenge for him. They see the police as their worse enemy.
I saw this movie with my brother on the internet.
This film is a coktail(orthographe) of emotions which is exciting, funny and sad togetherat the same time. Through this film Mathieu kossavtiz shows us the neighborhoods reality (ordre des mots) , we do understand that young rioters are not villains but victims of a broken society. which are often represented depicted by the media as rogue. So i should to(inutile) see the movie.

Modifié par notrepere le 21-11-2012 01:46


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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