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Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux
Message de clemb21 posté le 05-12-2012 à 19:43:28 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?

Je suis en seconde et je dois présenter un bout de la tapisserie de Bayeux à l'oral, merci pour vos réponses


First, on the previous scene Harold died so the battle was almost over. Here, (je pointerai du doight le diapo) the Saxons tried to repulse the Mormons, however, they coudn't because they were not enough sodiers. They hadn't horses anymore and fought
with only some weapons held awkwardly as swords and ax. At this moment, I think that the saxons were on the defensive because of their shields. They wore coats of mail and helmets. Moreover, we can see all those dead bodies and if I'm not mistaken, they're some parts cutt off like arms and hands. It might symbolize the brutal and violent battle, the fierce fighting wich took place. In the meantime; an other part of the horsemen Normans were chasing the remaining English from the battlefield.

Le reste est en cours de création , merci encore.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-12-2012 21:06

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de ariette, postée le 06-12-2012 à 13:47:46 (S | E)

The Saxons tried to repulse the Mormons? Confusion
Mix up here: cf mormons and Mitt Romney (US elections 2012)
Bayeux tapestry isn’t it Saxons vs Normans? Harold vs William?

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de bluestar, postée le 06-12-2012 à 16:53:55 (S | E)

First, on in the previous scene Harold died so the battle was almost over. Here, (je pointerai du doight le diapo) the Saxons tried to repulse the Mormons Normans. Hhowever, they coudn't because they there were not enough soldiers. They hadn't horses anymore and fought
with only some weapons held awkwardly, such as swords and ax >(pluriel:axes). At this moment, I think that the saxons (majuscule) were on the defensive because of their shields. They wore coats of mail and helmets. Moreover, we can see all those dead bodies and if I'm not mistaken, they're there are some parts cutt off like arms and hands. It might symbolize the brutal and violent battle, the fierce fighting wich took place. In the meantime; an other another (un mot) part group of the horsemen Normans horsemen were chasing the remaining English from the battlefield
Modifié par bluestar le 06-12-2012 16:54

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de bluestar, postée le 06-12-2012 à 19:13:51 (S | E)
"the fierce fighting which took place"

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de clemb21, postée le 06-12-2012 à 20:07:29 (S | E)
Thank you very much !
Et oui pour Normans je pense avoir fait un mixte des deux ^^

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2012 21:04

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de violet91, postée le 06-12-2012 à 21:41:10 (S | E)

Et pour faire un ' simple ' , je reprendrai
- However - pas de repulse = drive away/ward off / push back / beat back : pas d'ambiguïté : termes de combat)/Had no horses left (pas un qui ne restât)or had no more horses - That moment ( description d'un moment très éloigné dans le temps - 1066) / cut (un seul ' t')/ it must symbolize ( probabilité , pas éventualité )/ which took ( 'h' oublié !)/ Norman ( adj .invariable en anglais )horsemen / ...English soldiers .or' English ones' si vous parlez des cavaliers).
Good luck ! You are working on a masterpiece you can visit in Bayeux : magic !

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de clemb21, postée le 07-12-2012 à 07:07:18 (S | E)
Ok thank's thanks/thank you !

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2012 21:36

Réponse: Correction /Tapisserie de Bayeux de violet91, postée le 07-12-2012 à 14:40:09 (S | E)
Hello ! Thanks, rather .(pluriel de remerciements)

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2012 21:37


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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