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Exercice cooking/Vérification

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Exercice cooking/Vérification
Message de bernard02 posté le 27-01-2013 à 08:54:51 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

pouvez-vous me dire, s'il vous plaît, si mes exercices suivants sont corrects ou s'il y a des modifications ou des améliorations à apporter?
Cordialement et merci d'avance.

Exercises for Monday, 28th January 2013.

1 Do you often eat the following food in your country? If so, do you eat it in the same way?
Example: In Britain, we often eat 'fish' but not usually 'raw fish'.

raw fish
fried rice
fried eggs
grilled sausages
baked potatoes
roast beef
raw spinach
roast peppers
fried bread
boiled eggs
grilled cheese
baked bananas

My answers:
In my country, we often eat fried eggs, baked potatoes, fried bread, grilled sausages, roast beef, boiled eggs. We eat also spinach but not raw spinach, we don't eat grilled cheese very often, and we eat fried rice, roast peppers, baked bananas from time to time.

2 Look at the menu on the opposite page again, and answer these questions.

1 Which starter doesn't contain vegetables?
2 Which dish contains pasta?
3 Which dish may be rare or well-done?
4 Which dish is definitely cooked in the oven?
5 Which dish will probably be quite spicy?
6 Which dish contains alcohol?
7 Which meat may be fatty or tough if you are unlucky.
8 Which dessert(s) will be quite sweet?
9 Which dessert must be very fresh?
10 You are on a diet (= you are trying to lose weight) and you do not want to have a fattening meal. Which would probably be the best dish to choose for each course?

My answers:
1 The dish "Home-made Chicken Liver Paté" doesn't contain vegetables.
2 The dish "Tagliatelle with Courgettes, Cream and Bacon" contains pasta.
3 The dish "Grilled Fillet Steak" may be rare or well-done.
4 The dish "Baked Salmon with Spinach" is definitely cooked in the oven (or the dish "Breast of Chicken in a White Wine Sauce with Mushrooms." ??)
5 The dish "Grilled Fillet Steak in a Pepper Sauce" will probably be quite spicy.
6 The dish "Breast of Chicken in a White Wine Sauce" contains alcohol.
7 The meat "Grilled Fillet Steak" may be fatty or tough if you are unlucky.
8 The desserts "Chocolate Mousse" and "Ice Cream" will be quite sweet.
9 The dessert "Fruit Salad" must be very fresh.
10 I'm on a diet, so that I would probably choose "Broccoli Soup" as a starter, "Baked Salmon with Spinach" as a main course, and "Fruit Salad" as a dessert.

3 Choose a possible adjective from the opposite page to describe each of these foods.

lemon ................ ice cream ............
chicken .............. fillet steak ...........
honey ........... chillies .............
bacon ........... avocado .............

My answers:
lemon: bitter, chicken: grilled, honey: sweet, bacon: salty, ice cream: tasty, fillet steak: medium-rare, chillies: spicy (or hot), avocado: fresh.

4 What about restaurants in your country, and your own taste in food? Answer these questions about yourself and your country.

1 Do you normally need to book a restaurant in advance?
My answer: In the restaurants where I go mostly, I don't need to book in advance, but I do in some others.

2 Is it common to give the waiter a tip? If so, how much?
My answer: Yes, it's common to give the waiter a tip. The tip depends on the service, as far as I'm concerned, and in the restaurant where I often go, I give about three euros for a menu of thirty to forty euros.

3 Do you normally eat three courses in a restaurant? If not, how many courses do you normally have?
My answer: When I take the menu, I eat three courses (and sometimes four courses because cheese is included in the menu). But, sometimes, when there isn't menu, I take only two courses because it's generally much dearer than menus!

4 How many of these do you normally find on the table in a restaurant in your country?
salt yes/no pepper yes/no oil yes/no
vinegar yes/no napkins yes/no
My answers: salt: no (except in pizzerias), pepper: yes, oil: no (except in pizzerias),
vinegar: no (except in pizzerias) , napkins: yes.

5 Generally, do you add more salt to your food when you eat in restaurants?
My answer: Yes, I do. Generally, I add more salt to my food when I eat in restaurants, although I know that it's not very healthy.

6 Do you like steak? If so, how do you like it cooked?
My answer: Yes I do, I like it when it's medium-rare.

7 Would you say that food in your country is very spicy?
My answer: No I wouldn't, because the food is not very spicy in France.

8 Would you say that food in your country is generally quite fattening?
My answer: I would say that our food is generally a little too much fattening.

If possible, ask another person the same questions.

Modifié par bernard02 le 27-01-2013 09:00
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-01-2013 09:16

Réponse: Exercice cooking/Vérification de gerondif, postée le 27-01-2013 à 11:32:39 (S | E)

4.3 But, sometimes, when there isn't a menu, I take only two courses because it's generally much dearer than menus!

4.7 Would you say that food in your country is very spicy?
My answer: No I wouldn't, because the food is not very spicy in France.

4.8 Would you say that food in your country is generally quite fattening?
My answer: I would say that our food is generally a little too much fattening.

Réponse: Exercice cooking/Vérification de bernard02, postée le 27-01-2013 à 22:13:40 (S | E)
Bonsoir et ,

voici donc mes exercices modifiés:

1 Do you often eat the following food in your country? If so, do you eat it in the same way?
Example: In Britain, we often eat 'fish' but not usually 'raw fish'.

raw fish
fried rice
fried eggs
grilled sausages
baked potatoes
roast beef
raw spinach
roast peppers
fried bread
boiled eggs
grilled cheese
baked bananas

My answers:
In my country, we often eat fried eggs, baked potatoes, fried bread, grilled sausages, roast beef, boiled eggs. We eat also spinach but not raw spinach, we don't eat grilled cheese very often, and we eat fried rice, roast peppers, baked bananas from time to time.

2 Look at the menu on the opposite page again, and answer these questions.

1 Which starter doesn't contain vegetables?
2 Which dish contains pasta?
3 Which dish may be rare or well-done?
4 Which dish is definitely cooked in the oven?
5 Which dish will probably be quite spicy?
6 Which dish contains alcohol?
7 Which meat may be fatty or tough if you are unlucky.
8 Which dessert(s) will be quite sweet?
9 Which dessert must be very fresh?
10 You are on a diet (= you are trying to lose weight) and you do not want to have a fattening meal. Which would probably be the best dish to choose for each course?

My answers:
1 The dish "Home-made Chicken Liver Paté" doesn't contain vegetables.
2 The dish "Tagliatelle with Courgettes, Cream and Bacon" contains pasta.
3 The dish "Grilled Fillet Steak" may be rare or well-done.
4 The dish "Baked Salmon with Spinach" is definitely cooked in the oven (or the dish "Breast of Chicken in a White Wine Sauce with Mushrooms." ??)
5 The dish "Grilled Fillet Steak in a Pepper Sauce" will probably be quite spicy.
6 The dish "Breast of Chicken in a White Wine Sauce" contains alcohol.
7 The meat "Grilled Fillet Steak" may be fatty or tough if you are unlucky.
8 The desserts "Chocolate Mousse" and "Ice Cream" will be quite sweet.
9 The dessert "Fruit Salad" must be very fresh.
10 I'm on a diet, so that I would probably choose "Broccoli Soup" as a starter, "Baked Salmon with Spinach" as a main course, and "Fruit Salad" as a dessert.

3 Choose a possible adjective from the opposite page to describe each of these foods.

lemon ................ ice cream ............
chicken .............. fillet steak ...........
honey ........... chillies .............
bacon ........... avocado .............

My answers:
lemon: bitter, chicken: grilled, honey: sweet, bacon: salty, ice cream: tasty, fillet steak: medium-rare, chillies: spicy (or hot), avocado: fresh.

4 What about restaurants in your country, and your own taste in food? Answer these questions about yourself and your country.

1 Do you normally need to book a restaurant in advance?
My answer: In the restaurants where I go mostly, I don't need to book in advance, but I do in some others.

2 Is it common to give the waiter a tip? If so, how much?
My answer: Yes, it's common to give the waiter a tip. The tip depends on the service, as far as I'm concerned, and in the restaurant where I often go, I give about three euros for a menu of thirty to forty euros.

3 Do you normally eat three courses in a restaurant? If not, how many courses do you normally have?
My answer: When I take the menu, I eat three courses (and sometimes four courses because cheese is included in the menu). But, sometimes, when there isn't a menu, I take only two courses because it's generally much dearer than menus!

4 How many of these do you normally find on the table in a restaurant in your country?
salt yes/no pepper yes/no oil yes/no
vinegar yes/no napkins yes/no
My answers: salt: no (except in pizzerias), pepper: yes, oil: no (except in pizzerias),
vinegar: no (except in pizzerias) , napkins: yes.

5 Generally, do you add more salt to your food when you eat in restaurants?
My answer: Yes, I do. Generally, I add more salt to my food when I eat in restaurants, although I know that it's not very healthy.

6 Do you like steak? If so, how do you like it cooked?
My answer: Yes I do, I like it when it's medium-rare.

7 Would you say that food in your country is very spicy?
My answer: No I wouldn't, because food is not very spicy in France.

8 Would you say that food in your country is generally quite fattening?
My answer: I would say that our food is generally a little too fattening.

Modifié par bernard02 le 27-01-2013 22:14

Réponse: Exercice cooking/Vérification de bernard02, postée le 29-01-2013 à 05:26:49 (S | E)

je vous informe que ces exercices ont été rendus et corrigés lundi soir, et qu'il restait les fautes suivantes:

Cordialement et .

1. My answers: ............... We eat also spinach................
"Correction course: "We also eat spinach instead of the phrase "We eat also spinach" which is wrong.

2 4 Which dish is definitely cooked in the oven?
My answer: The dish "Baked Salmon with Spinach" is definitely cooked in the oven (or the dish "Breast of Chicken in a White Wine Sauce with Mushrooms.").
Correction course: It's only the dish "Baked Salmon with Spinach" which is definitely cooked in the oven (but not the breast of chicken in a white wine sauce)..
Correction course: OK.

- chicken: grilled.
Correction course: bland or lean.

- fillet steak: medium-rare.
Correction course: tender or tough.

4. 1 Do you normally need to book a restaurant in advance?
My answer: In the restaurants where I go mostly, I don't need to book in advance, but I do in some others.
Correction course: In the restaurants where I mostly go, I don't need to book in advance, but I do in some others.

4. 2 Is it common to give the waiter a tip? If so, how much?
My answer: Yes, it's common to give the waiter a tip. The tip depends on the service, as far as I'm concerned, and in the restaurant where I often go, I give about three euros for a menu of thirty to forty euros.
Correction course: Yes, it's common to give the waiter a tip. The tip depends on the service, as far as I'm concerned, and in the restaurant where I often go, I give about three euros for menus from thirty to forty euros.


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