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West Side Story/résumé

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


West Side Story/résumé
Message de joattack posté le 30-01-2013 à 21:27:56 (S | E | F)
Salut à tous,

Je dois présenter brièvement ce qu'est West Side Story pour mon cours d'anglais.
Je vous prie de m'aider en corrigeant les fautes de grammaire ou d'orthographe du texte.
Merci d'avance.

Created in Broadway in 1957, West Side Story is an American musical comedy, in fact a transposition of Shakespeare's famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" in Manhattan during the 1950's. That is why West Side Story is also called "musical tragedy". On the one hand, the tragic predominates because the death triumphs over loves and the two main characters, Tony and Maria finally die at the end. On the other hand it's obviously a musical because there is singing and dancing but the West Side Story creators : Jerome Robbins, Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim didn't want to leave off there : they operate a revolution concerning the form. Indeed, singing and dancing are deeply associated since the dance passages have a part in the narration whereas before, dancing passages were a sort of time out in the narration. As a matter of fact, West Side Story prefigures the modern musical comedies. But we have to get back on what the musical relates, what is the history of West Side Story. To sum up, the history takes place in Manhattan during the 1950's. Two gangs, two rival youth gangs fight over the control of a particular area of Manhattan. Wheras the Jets led by Riff (the white gang) were born in Irish, Polish or Italian families, the Sharks led by Bernardo come from Porto Rico. The situation collapses in no time when Tony, one of the Jets falls in love with Maria, the sister of Bernardo. Their love is going unfortunately to be under, to suffer the Gangs rivalry and even lead them to the death. To conclude, this musical was and is always nowadays a success. Despite the fact that the dialogues were getting old, became outmoded, West Side Story keeps a resonance amongst the young people because some topics like rebelliousness, rage, authority, violence or racism concerns young people. Furthermore, sealing the success of the musical, West Side Story spawned a motion picture in 1961 which won ten Oscars in 1992.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2013 22:01

Réponse: West Side Story/résumé de gerondif, postée le 30-01-2013 à 21:42:41 (S | E)

Created in Broadway in 1957, West Side Story is an American musical comedy, in fact a transposition of Shakespeare's famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" in Manhattan during the 1950's. That is why West Side Story is also called "musical tragedy". On the one hand, the tragic(sonne français) predominates because the death triumphs over loves and the two main characters, Tony and Maria finally die at(in) the end. On the other hand it's obviously a musical because there is singing and dancing but the West Side Story creators : Jerome Robbins, Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim didn't want to leave off there : they operate a revolution concerning the form. Indeed, singing and dancing are deeply associated since the dance passages have a part in the narration whereas before, dancing passages were a sort of time out in the narration. As a matter of fact, West Side Story prefigures the modern musical comedies. But we have to get back to on what the musical relates, what the history of West Side Story is. To sum up, the history takes place in Manhattan during the 1950's. Two gangs, two rival youth gangs fight over the control of a particular area of Manhattan. Wheras the Jets led by Riff (the white gang) were born in Irish, Polish or Italian families, the Sharks led by Bernardo come from Porto Rico. The situation collapses(je vois plutôt ce verbe là pour un corps) in no time when Tony, one of the Jets falls in love with Maria, the sister of(maladroit 's) Bernardo. Their love is going unfortunately to be under (sens?), to suffer the Gangs' rivalry and even lead them to the death. To conclude, this musical was and is always(mauvais choix de "toujours") nowadays a success. Despite the fact that the dialogues were getting old, became (pourquoi ne pas les laisser au présent?) outmoded, West Side Story keeps a resonance amongst the young people because some topics like rebelliousness, rage, authority, violence or racism concerns young people. Furthermore, sealing the success of the musical, West Side Story spawned a motion picture in 1961 which won ten Oscars in 1992. (bonne date?)

Réponse: West Side Story/résumé de joattack, postée le 30-01-2013 à 22:00:54 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup mais je ne vois pas comment remplacer "tragic"

Réponse: West Side Story/résumé de joattack, postée le 30-01-2013 à 22:09:41 (S | E)
Voici donc le texte modifié.
N'hésitez pas à me dire si des erreurs perdurent d'avance

Created in Broadway in 1957, West Side Story is an American musical comedy, in fact a transposition of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" in Manhattan during the 1950's. That is why West Side Story is also called "musical tragedy". On the one hand, the tragic predominates because death triumphs over love and the two main characters, Tony and Maria finally die at the end. On the other hand, it’s obviously a musical because there is singing and dancing but the West Side Story creators: Jerome Robbins, Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim didn't want to leave off there: they operated a revolution concerning the form. Indeed, singing and dancing are deeply associated since the dance passages have a part in the narration whereas before, dancing passages were a sort of time out in the narration. As a matter of fact, West Side Story prefigures the modern musical comedies.
But we have to get back on what the musical relates, what is the history of West Side Story. To sum up, the story takes place in Manhattan during the 1950's. Two gangs, two rival youth gangs fight over the control of a particular area of Manhattan. Whereas the Jets led by Riff (the white gang) were born in Irish, Polish or Italian families, the Sharks led by Bernardo come from Porto Rico. The situation basculates in no time when Tony, one of the Jets falls in love with Maria, the Bernardo’s sister. Their love is going unfortunately , to suffer because of the Gangs rivalry and even lead them to death.
To conclude, this musical was and still is nowadays a success. Despite the fact that the dialogues become outmoded, West Side Story keeps a resonance amongst the young people because some topics like rebelliousness, rage, authority, violence or racism concerns young people. Furthermore, sealing the success of the musical, West Side Story spawned a motion picture in 1961 which won ten Oscars in 1962.

Réponse: West Side Story/résumé de lucile83, postée le 30-01-2013 à 22:33:05 (S | E)

...the tragic predominates because...
Comment pouvez-vous employer en anglais un adjectif à la place d'un nom?

Réponse: West Side Story/résumé de joattack, postée le 30-01-2013 à 22:39:52 (S | E)
En fait je veux dire le tragique donc je ne sais pas quel mot employer.

Réponse: West Side Story/résumé de lucile83, postée le 30-01-2013 à 22:43:33 (S | E)
Qu'est-ce qui est tragique dans cette histoire?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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