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Usa/ Cover letter

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Usa/ Cover letter
Message de laurawlf posté le 11-02-2013 à 10:47:44 (S | E | F)

j'ai rédigé une lettre de motivation en vu de postuler dans un hôtel en Californie, pourriez-vous s'il vous plait m'indiquez d’éventuelles fautes ou erreurs de syntaxe .
( C'est une chaîne d’hôtel où j'ai déjà effectué un stage au Québec )
Merci d'avance pour votre aide
P.s : Les "..." représentent le nom de la compagnie d'hôtel.

After already worked 4 months internship in a ... Hotel in Montebello, Québec, I wish now integrate your prestigious Etablishement which I know offers a good career opportunity and developement.

Due to my training in the ... Etablishement, I know your requirements and qualities demanded for " turning moments into memories for our guest " that are rigor, dynamism, motivation and team-oriented.

I got the opportunity to go 1 year in Australia and learn the English language. But now I wish to perfect it by working in an English environnement while also imbuing myself by American culture.

I have a experience as waitress, cook and seller. But I also had the chance to discover the positions of housekeeping, receptionnist and hostess at the spa during my internship at the ... Hotel.
I would therefore like to put my abilities into action for the ... compagny, and have a chance, that you give me a position you judge adequate to my profile.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2013 11:20

Réponse: Usa/ Cover letter de bluestar, postée le 11-02-2013 à 15:34:42 (S | E)

After Having already worked 4 months internship in a ... Hotel in Montebello, Québec, I wish now wish to join integrate your prestigious Etablishement(orth.?) which I know offers a good career opportunity and possibilities of developement.

Due to Because of my training in the ... Etablishement(orth.), I know your requirements and the qualities demanded for " turning moments into memories for our guest ": that are rigor, dynamism, motivation and a team-oriented attitude.
I got the opportunity to go 1 for one year in (prep.?) Australia and learn the English language. But now I wish to perfect it by working in an English-speaking environnement while also imbuing myself by with American culture.

I have a experience as a waitress, cook and seller. But I also had the chance to discover have some experience of the positions of housekeeping, receptionnist and hostess at the spa during my internship at the ... Hotel.
I would therefore like to put my abilities into action for the ... compagny, and have a chance request that you give me a position you judge adequate to my profile.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2013 11:20

Réponse: Usa/ Cover letter de laurawlf, postée le 11-02-2013 à 15:39:51 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour les corrections apportées !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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