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Correction /relationship

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Correction /relationship
Message de lavino posté le 17-02-2013 à 17:15:44 (S | E | F)

J'ai quelques difficultés de grammaire, Pouvez-vous svp s'il vous plaît corriger ce texte?
Merci d'avance.

LMX theory demonstrates that there are different types of relationships between leaders and followers (or members). LMX theory conceptualizes leadership as a process of interaction between leaders and followers. It is rooted in the belief that there are differences not only in nature but also in the quality of relationships between members. Compared to other leadership theories that mention relational concept overall (leader-follower), the LMX theory focuses more on reciprocity and the individuality of the relationship. It focuses around the conceptualization of levels of leader behavior towards subordinates and inversely.
More employees perceive their manager as resembling a real profile of their implicit model of leadership, the more it is approved. Better quality, also the exchange between the leader and members. This dyadic congruence leads to better outcomes, such as employee engagement in the organization, job satisfaction, and increased well-being.

Congruence in dyadic situations, leaders and followers have a high quality exchange. Low-quality exchanges are marked by contractual relations where the subordinate follows that to receive rewards controlled by the leader, showing no reciprocity in the relationship. exchanges of high quality are marked by higher levels of trust, communication, loyalty and reciprocity between the leader and the follower, resulting in positive personal and organizational. Dyadic congruence makes it easier to strengthen a relationship of leader-member exchange. But it is also possible that the exchange relationship strengthens implicit leadership theory. In addition, The quality of a leader is to learn the wishes of the followers in leadership. Leaders wish to be considered effective, so they take cues from followers (noticeable because of the high quality brand communication exchanges between the leader and members) and so they can change their behavior towards subordinates, if they have the ability.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-02-2013 19:09

Réponse: Correction /relationship de lavino, postée le 22-02-2013 à 14:26:43 (S | E)

J'ai quelques difficultés de grammaire, Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît corriger ce texte?
Merci d'avance.

Réponse: Correction /relationship de bluestar, postée le 25-02-2013 à 18:27:22 (S | E)

LMX theory demonstrates that there are different types of relationships between leaders and followers (or members). LMX theory conceptualizes leadership as a process of interaction between leaders and followers. It is rooted in the belief that there are differences not only in the nature but also in the quality of relationships between members. Compared to other leadership theories that mention relational concept overall (leader-follower), the LMX theory focuses more on reciprocity and the individuality of the relationship. It focuses around (une autre prep.ici) the conceptualization of levels of leader behavior towards subordinates and inversely ('conversely' serait mieux).
The m[rouge]More employees perceive their manager as resembling a real profile of their implicit model of leadership, the more it is approved. Better quality, also the exchange between the leader and members (verbe manquant ici) This dyadic congruence leads to better outcomes, such as employee engagement in the organization, job satisfaction, and increased well-being.

Congruence in dyadic situations,(reformuler) leaders and followers have a high quality exchange. Low-quality exchanges are marked by contractual relations where the subordinate follows that to receive rewards controlled by the leader, showing no reciprocity in the relationship. exchanges(majuscule) of high quality are marked by higher levels of trust, communication, loyalty and reciprocity between the leader and the follower, resulting in positive personal and organizational (? nom manquant). Dyadic congruence makes it easier to strengthen a relationship of leader-member exchange. But it is also possible that the exchange relationship strengthens implicit leadership theory In addition, Tthe quality of a leader is to learn the wishes of the followers in leadership. Leaders wish to be considered effective, so they take their cues from followers (noticeable because of the high quality brand communication exchanges between the leader and members) and so they can change their behavior towards subordinates, if they have the ability.

Réponse: Correction /relationship de lavino, postée le 25-02-2013 à 23:02:06 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide, mais j'ai du mal à trouver mes mots en anglais, comme reformuler une phrase.

It focuses around (une autre prep.ici) the conceptualization of levels of leader behavior towards subordinates and inversely ('conversely' serait mieux).
More employees perceive their manager as resembling a real profile of their implicit model of leadership, the more it is approved. Better quality, also the exchange between the leader and members (verbe manquant ici) This dyadic congruence leads to better outcomes, such as employee engagement in the organization, job satisfaction, and increased well-being.

Congruence in dyadic situations,(reformuler) leaders and followers have a high quality exchange. Low-quality exchanges are marked by contractual relations where the subordinate follows that to receive rewards controlled by the leader, showing no reciprocity in the relationship. exchanges(majuscule) of high quality are marked by higher levels of trust, communication, loyalty and reciprocity between the leader and the follower, resulting in positive personal and organizational (? nom manquant). Dyadic congruence makes it easier to strengthen a relationship of leader-member exchange. But it is also possible that the exchange relationship strengthens implicit leadership theory In addition, Tthe quality of a leader is to learn the wishes of the followers in leadership. Leaders wish to be considered effective, so they take their cues from followers (noticeable because of the high quality brand communication exchanges between the leader and members) and so they can change their behavior towards subordinates, if they have the ability.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-02-2013 23:11

Réponse: Correction /relationship de bluestar, postée le 26-02-2013 à 10:34:34 (S | E)
Bonjour...Comme lavino l'a demandé, j'ai fait quelques suggestions ci-dessous.

It focuses around on the conceptualization of levels of leader behavior towards subordinates and coninversely
The more More employees perceive their manager as resembling a real profile of their implicit model of leadership, the more it is approved. There is then bBetter quality, also better the exchange between the leader and members. This dyadic congruence leads to better outcomes, such as employee engagement in the organization, job satisfaction, and increased well-being.

When there is cCongruence in dyadic situations, leaders and followers have a high quality exchange. Low-quality exchanges are marked by contractual relations where the subordinate follows that seeks to receive rewards controlled by the leader, showing no reciprocity in the relationship. Eexchanges of high quality are marked by higher levels of trust, communication, loyalty and reciprocity between the leader and the follower, resulting in positive personal and organizational relationships. Dyadic congruence makes it easier to strengthen a relationship of leader-member exchange. But it is also possible that the exchange relationship strengthens implicit leadership theory In addition, the quality of a leader is to learn the wishes of the followers in leadership. Leaders wish to be considered effective, so they take their cues from followers (noticeable because of the high quality brand communication exchanges between the leader and members) and so they can change their behavior towards subordinates, if they have the ability.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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