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Correction /Radio

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Radio
Message de lili97kat posté le 06-04-2013 à 08:31:42 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mon texte, s'il vous plaît.

In the text, we learn that a hoax have been fire on the radio: a martien invasion. People believed to the martians attack, and were panic-stricken.
During the 1930 years, the only way to get informed was the radio. It was a few like our television of today. They trust the radio media and they gather all around with family. For a lot of peole it was the only way of communication with outside world. Moreover, televions and internet still don't no exist.
Today, it is different. The radio is less important, because we have more newpapers and new technologies like internet and television. If a news spreaded, all medias will spread the same news. And before, they have that radio.

Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-04-2013 08:43

Réponse: Correction /Radio de haaroult, postée le 06-04-2013 à 09:13:57 (S | E)
In the text, we learn that a hoax have been fire on the radio: a martian invasion. People believed to the martians attack, and were panic-stricken.
During the 1930 years, the only way to get informed was the radio. It was a few like our television of today. They trust the radio media and they gather all around with family. For a lot of people it was the only way of communication with outsider world. Moreover, television and internet still don't no exist.
Today, it is different. The radio is less important, because we have more newspapers and new technologies like internet and television. If a news spreader, all medias will spread the same news. And before, they have that radio.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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