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Oral bac/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral bac/ correction
Message de inestkt1 posté le 02-05-2013 à 15:49:09 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais avoir une correction pour le bac s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour votre aide.

The Power is for me the power, the ability, the opportunity to make something .it' is a form of authority that can be exercised within a country, family , religion.

We have seen in class the text red scare ,The term Red Scare denotes the of fear of rise of communism  occurred after World War II, and was popularly known as "McCarthyism" The text the cold hysteria y shows the fear and the paranoïa that there around communism during this period The Hollywood Blacklist was a list of professionals who were not allowed to participate in the entertainment industry due to their suspected or confirmed political beliefs.
These documents are totally in relation with the notion because they denounces the abuse of power of the U.S. that often condemns with no evidence . There are even the power of the cinema it's the cause why McCarty was fear of the hollywood because he think the cinema could to manipulate the american and promove the communism. So the place is the gouvernement of US.
I appreciated this part of the notion because I learned a lot as the existence of the blacklist.
The different text relate the story of The Witches of Salem. In the 17th century, practice of magic was banned . The people of Salem, was from Puritan colonies based on a very strict moral the plaseaure has forbiden.
The story begins with two daughters acting strangely (having convulsions , claimde to have horrible vison ) and later was a group of girl , the doctor could do nothing so he think an enchantment.In June 1692, more than a hundred people had already been denounced by the two girls. The population began to doubt the veracity of two young girls, especially when they denounced the judges, who were considered to be protected by God himself. The city then decided to suspend the court and seek evidence before condemning people to death.
In total, 200 innocent people were accused of witchcraft and 20 were hanged .This story served as a lesson to all citizens except perhaps the two girl who confessed to have fun.
Is in relation with the notion because shows the abuses of power .Abuse of power by magistrates could force men and women to plead guilty for fear of being tortured .
I loved the second part of the notion because was very interresting I did'nt know the stroy of witches Saleme so I learned a lot I liked also understand how fear and religious beliefs can lead to such an atrocity.
So to conclude this is through two examples that are not in the same époque we saw that the Magistrate or the governmen is capable of abusing their power and condemn innocent we also saw that this power is often caused by fear and that itself causes fear and hysteria collective .

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2013 17:33

Réponse: Oral bac/ correction de hushpuppy, postée le 02-05-2013 à 16:46:52 (S | E)
Bonjour, c'est super, les corrections sont en coleur

The Power is for me (rearrange) the power, the ability, ___ the opportunity to make or do something .it' is a form of authority that can be exercised within a country, family , __ religion.

We have seen in class the text red scare (rearrange) ,The term "red scare" denotes the of fear of ___ rise of communism ____ occurred after World War II, and was popularly known as "McCarthyism"_ The text the cold hysteria y shows the fear and the paranoïa that there around (surrounded/encompassed or similar) communism during this period_ The Hollywood Blacklist was a list of professionals who were not allowed to participate in the entertainment industry due to their suspected or confirmed political beliefs.
These documents are totally in relation with the notion because they denounces(3ème personne pluriel) the abuse of power of the U.S. that often condemns with no evidence . There are ("the power" est singulier, donc..) even the power of the cinema_ it's the cause _____ __ ___ ______ why McCarty was __ fear of the hollywood_ because he think(passé) ____ the cinema could to manipulate the american ______ and promove the communism. So the place is the gouvernement of US. (ambiguous, in relation to what ? Est-ce une réponse à une question ?)
I appreciated this part of the notion because I learned a lot_ ____ as the existence of the blacklist.
The different text_ relate __ the story of The Witches of Salem. In the 17th century, practice of magic was banned . The people of Salem, was("people" est 3ème personne pluriel) from Puritan colonies based on a very strict moral_ _____ the plaseaure has(un autre mot, passé) forbiden.
The story begins with two daughters acting strangely (having convulsions , claimde to have ___ horrible vison_ ) and later _____ was a group of girl_, the doctor could_'_ do nothing so he think(un autre mot, passé) an enchantment.In June 1692, more than a hundred people had already been denounced by the two girls. The population began to doubt the veracity of two young girls, especially when they denounced the judges, who were considered to be protected by God himself. The city then decided to suspend the court and seek evidence before condemning people to death.
In total, 200 innocent people were accused of witchcraft and 20 were hanged .This story served as a lesson to all citizens except perhaps the two girl who confessed to hav___ fun.

I_ _s in relation with the notion because __ shows the abuses of power .Abuse of power by magistrates could force men and women to plead guilty for fear of being tortured .
I loved the second part of the notion because __ was very interresting_ I did'nt know the stroy of ___ witches __ Saleme_ so I learned a lot_ I liked also (rearrange) understand___ how fear and religious beliefs can lead to such an atrocity(vous avez donné plusiers examples, donc ce serait pluriel).
So_ to conclude_ this(autre mot) is through ____ two _________ examples that are not in the same époque ____ we saw that ______ the Magistrate or the governmen_ is(pluriel) capable of abusing their power and __ condemn___ innocent__ we also saw that this power is often caused by fear and that __ _____ itself ____ causes fear

Réponse: Oral bac/ correction de hushpuppy, postée le 02-05-2013 à 16:50:02 (S | E)

and hysteria collective__.
S'il vous plaît, corrigez tout le ponctuation
J'espère que cela vous aidera


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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