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Bac Oral /progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac Oral /progrès
Message de kawae posté le 11-05-2013 à 18:25:43 (S | E | F)
Hello bonjour à tous,

je poste mon oral d'anglais pour que vous puissiez corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît.Je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de problématique, donc si vous pourriez me mettre un peu sur le bon chemin sa serait cool ! J'utilise des expressions qui je pense sont assez difficiles, ( j'ai relu mon cours )ce qui serait cool, ci vous etes fort en anglais bien sur vous pourrez me faire les memes phrases mais en plus simple, que je m'en rappelle !
Merci pour vos réponses !

In the following presentation I chose to focus on scientific progress To do so, we will refer to positive side of progress and negative side among three documents which are Brave new world, Adam’s story and Keeper sister.

qu'est-ce qui peut être considéré comme un progrès humain ?

First, the cartoon Brave new world is set on a clone factory called “Clones R us”. This name is a pan shows us that from now on, People are all clones. So, thanks to the manufacturing of clones which all look the same (: tall, muscular, strong and happy), think and want the same things and are conformist. However, this image of a “Brave new World” is frightening because it could only happen in countries ruled by dictators, who refuse that people rebel and express their opinions, and where people who are different,This kind of society wants to format people.
Then, the following document will deal with PGD (pre implantation genetic diagnosis). It is a means to have a “medicine babies” who will be used to cure a sick elder sibling. In effect, an embryo can be selected before being implanted in a woman’s womb and then, by making transplants, this child can save a life.
The second document which is an article published in 2010 in “USA Today” an American paper, presents Adam's history. Adam was born by PGD to sure her sister. His cord blood cells were implanted into her; which saved her life.
The last document which is an extract from “My sister keeper” takes place in a counsel’s office is the USA. The narrator, a lawyer, is speaking with Anna. This young teenager is there because she decides to sue her parents because they consider her only a medicine. Even if she has given seven times before a part of her to her sister, the request to a kidney was the straw that broke the camel's back. Now, she is fed up and she wants to have a normal life, without having to go to the hospital. She doesn’t want to give any part of her anymore even if she loves her sister.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2013 18:29
Nous indiquons les fautes; à vous de les corriger.
Nous ne faisons pas le travail à votre place

Réponse: Bac Oral /progrès de kawae, postée le 11-05-2013 à 18:39:14 (S | E)
D'accord, ça ne fait rien Et où sont les fautes ? merci

Réponse: Bac Oral /progrès de lucile83, postée le 12-05-2013 à 11:51:43 (S | E)

Erreurs en bleu

First, the cartoon Brave new world is set on a clone factory called “Clones R us”. This name is a pan shows us that from now on, People are all clones. So, thanks to the manufacturing of clones which all look the same (: tall, muscular, strong and happy), think and want the same things and are conformist. Cette phrase n'a aucun sens

However, this image of a “Brave new World” is frightening because it could only happen in countries ruled by dictators, who refuse that people rebel and express their opinions, and where people who are different,This kind of society wants to format people.
Then, the following document will deal with PGD (pre implantation genetic diagnosis). It is a means to have a “medicine babies” who will be used to cure a sick elder sibling. In effect, an embryo can be selected before being implanted in a woman’s womb and then, by making transplants, this child can save a life.
The second document which is an article published in 2010 in “USA Today” an American paper, presents Adam's history. Adam was born by PGD to sure her sister. His cord blood cells were implanted into her; which saved her life.
The last document which is an extract from “My sister keeper” takes place in a counsel’s office is the USA. The narrator, a lawyer, is speaking with Anna. This young teenager is there because she decides to sue her parents because they consider her only a medicine. Even if she has given seven times before a part of her to her sister, the request to a kidney was the straw that broke the camel's back. Now, she is fed up and she wants to have a normal life, without having to go to the hospital. She doesn’t want to give any part of her anymore even if she loves her sister.

J'ai l'impression qu'il y a un mélange de traduction en ligne et de travail personnel

Réponse: Bac Oral /progrès de kawae, postée le 12-05-2013 à 20:37:09 (S | E)
Non, et si tu as cette impression j'aimerais que tu me dises pourquoi ? Merciiiiiiiiiii

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-05-2013 20:47

Réponse: Bac Oral /progrès de lucile83, postée le 12-05-2013 à 20:50:24 (S | E)

J'ai l'impression, à cause du nombre de fautes, que les 2 premiers paragraphes sont de x et le reste de y, soit 2 personnes différentes, ou traducteur en ligne et travail personnel.
Je peux me tromper, c'est juste un 'feeling'.

Autre question:
j'aimerais savoir pourquoi ces 2 posts sur le forum sont des copies, le vôtre et celui du lien en-dessous; pouvez-vous m'expliquer?
Lien internet

Ce passage est flagrant car même les fautes sont identiques.
The second document which is an article published in 2010 in “USA Today” an American paper, presents Adam's history. Adam was born by PGD to sure her sister.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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