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Correction/candidat libre (1)

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Correction/candidat libre
Message de bistouflex93 posté le 31-05-2013 à 16:29:44

Je suis candidat libre et j'aimerais que l'on me corrige mes notions svp s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour vos réponses.

1)I am going to talk about the notion "myths and heroes"
First of all I would like to define the notion:Firstly a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes who is outcome of an popular belief or a tradition . A story that often cannot be verified
Secondly A hero can be a mythological figure or a person admired for his actions, his qualities and his courage.
To illustrate this I have chosen two documents ,
The first document is a picture of MLK. MLK is a black American clergyman and civil rights leader in the 20th century. It fought against the segregation and against all type of violent. He is known for his famous speech "I have a dream." For all its activities, in 1964 he received the Nobel Prize for Peace. This is someone very admired his actions , and that is why we can say that he is a hero.
The second document I have chosen is a song named « American land » write and interpreted by Bruce Springsteen.
This song deals with the topic of immigration. The song is about a real story which tell to us the dream of the immigrants before going to America. They want to leave their native country because they wanted to escape misery and they dreamed of better prospects. For immigrants, US represented a New Eldorado, it is a land of opportunities where you can find a job and make money, but they have to be courageous, determined, because they start from scratch.
However for many of them this eldorado will transform in nightmare.
Indeed all this immigrants will have a difficult life and many them died for built america of today
And for many the american dream will stay just a myth

2)I am going to talk about the notion "places and forms of power",
First of all I would like to define the notion:the "places and forms of power" can be defined as influence or control of a person,a group,a nation or a places have over people .
To illustrate this I have chosen two documents
To begin, I go you speak about places of power.
There are firstly the symbolic buildings which represent the power. The White House and " Elysée" are the symbols of the politic power
The places of the power can be also linked at religion.
For example the Mecca have great importance for muslims and the same for Vatican with christians
The second document I have chosen is a cartoon exemplifies the contradiction in United states population with regard to immigration.
We can see two men standing in middle of a fence which represents the Mexico-US border.
The biggest men is Uncle Sam.
Uncle Sam is the symbol of the United states and of American people.
The sign he is holding according to the author represents the opinion of majority American people towards Mexican immigration.
They don't want any more Mexican immigrants coming into their country
The smaller man dressed in a nice suit is a employer.
He hold a sign that says "Help wanted"
this message is also destined to Mexicans
But unlike of American people, American employers wants to encourage Mexican immigration because they are good worker
To conclude we can say that this documents corresponds perfectly to notion because US have a power politic on immigrants while employers have a economic power on them

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2013 19:34

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-06-2013 18:49

Nous sommes désolés, mais nous avons fermé ce sujet conformément aux conditions d'utilisations du site: Lien internet

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Réponse: Correction/candidat libre de lucile83, postée le 02-06-2013 à 18:49:13

These sentences have been copied from another post on the forum:
He is known for his famous speech "I have a dream." For all its activities, in 1964 he received the Nobel Prize for Peace. This is someone very admired his actions , and that is why we can say that he is a hero.
Lien internet

see &1, line 9 and 10
He is known for his famous speech "I have a dream." For all its activities, in 1964 he received the Nobel Prize for Peace. This is someone very admired, and that is why we can say that he is a hero.
That is not allowed.
Therefore your topic is closed.

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