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Covering letter/help

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Covering letter/help
Message from aandreitaps posted on 26-10-2013 at 19:12:51 (D | E | F)

Please,could anyone help me with my covering letter?
Thank you for your answers.

Bogota, Colombia October 26, 2013
FDI International Admission Office
Via Amatore Sciesa 9 20135 , Milano , Italy

Subject : Motivation Letter for admission to one year program in Fashion Design

I graduated in social communication Pontifical Javeriana University on October 22, 2013, I have focused on visual communication and presented a draft grade on a visual series of tourism in Cordoba, Colombia. Additionally I have experience working in the media for Faces Colombia, one of the lifestyle magazines, fashion, style and most prestigious society of the country. I am also certified in corporate event at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and made a television presentation workshop.
My experience as an intern in the magazine Caras helped me to better understand the management of digital media, as well as to learn about the basic parameters of fashion photography and style.
My interest in studying the one-year program in fashion design is because I think the academy course and offers theoretical and methodological tools which are very useful and necessary for the formation of a good designer fashions , plus it motivates me the fact that the objective of the program is focused on deepening student student understanding Italian design and look to develop in students the skills of analysis, design and marketing understanding to instill in students the ability to design their projects in the future. Finally, I´m very interested in the opportunity to live and learn and learn and enjoy Milan to the best of their exhibitions, which displays the excellence and creativity of Italian and European design.
I want to continue in this race design to use my skills and knowledge and apply it in the fashion design and to fulfill my dream of designing. Your school seems the most appropriate and gives me everything I want to learn.
I hope this letter have convinced him that I am a good candidate to study with you. I am at your disposal for any information and waiting for a response from you.

My best regards,


Edited by lucile83 on 26-10-2013 21:05

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Forum > English only


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