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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de ines06 posté le 09-12-2013 à 18:29:48 (S | E | F)
j'ai un devoir maison d'anglais à rendre et j'aimerais savoir s'il contient des fautes s'il vous plaît :/
Merci pour votre aide.

“Hello I work for the newspaper "New York", I am pleased to make your acquaintance, and my name is Carolina and you? Journalist said.
-Delighted, my name is Linda Carol Brown, she said, waving hello.
-So, on may the 17,1954,in United States in Washington DC when you were a child you must have been denied access to a white school, she protested
-Yes, simply because of my skin color! Linda exclaimed
-Your parents must have been revolted by the decision of the school?
-Indeed, my parents decided to enroll me in an all white school near our home. That’s why, they had to file a lawsuit against the Board of Education.
-It must have been very hard times for your parents and you! They must have won the case? She wondered.
-Yes it was extraordinary for our day, this was a turning point in the United States history because from then on, black people were allowed to go to all white schools.
-Your parents must have been so proud of their achievement! Besides, they must have set an example for many other black parents, journalist said.
-Yes but as a matter of fact there were so many other things we were not allowed to do, due to the Jim Crow Laws, she snapped.
-Therefore with this laws, black people got a “separate but equal status” and became second-class citizens…She said uneasily.
-In reality we were not equal, indeed after slavery was abolished we had to give up our seats in buses, we were not permitted to go to the same restaurants, cinemas and swimming pools as the White, we were supposed to address the whites as Miss and Mrs while we were called “nigger” or “boy” or “girl”, Linda declared.
-It must have been awful and humiliating, she added.
-Yes, it was so unfair!
- Finally I would like make reference to the photograph of Elliott Erwitt's which was taken in North Carolina in 1950, journalist said, showing her.
-This photograph represents very well our situation during Jim Crow era, indeed in a restroom there are each time two signs above the drinking fountains: one reads “white” and the other one reads “colored”, thus we were forbidden to drink from fountains reserved to white people. If we didn’t obey the law, we would probably go to jail or be severely punished, she insisted.
-This photograph is unbelievable and shocking, thanks to this photographer and your witness we will never forget what segregation was. Well, thank you for your coming and see you very soon! Journalist said
- You’re welcome! She said, waving goodbye

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-12-2013 22:39

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de gerondif, postée le 09-12-2013 à 18:49:09 (S | E)
peu de fautes (en bleu), mais un usage appuyé de la structure "must have been".

“Hello I work for the newspaper "New York", I am pleased to make your acquaintance, and my name is Carolina and you (What about you ?)? the Journalist said.
-Delighted, my name is Linda Carol Brown, she said, waving hello.
-So, on May the 17th,1954,in the United States in Washington DC when you were a child you must have been denied access to a white school, she protested (who says that ?)
-Yes, simply because of my skin color (the color of my skin)! Linda exclaimed
-Your parents must have been revolted by the decision of the school?
-Indeed, my parents decided to enroll me in an all white school near our home. That’s why they had to file a lawsuit against the Board of Education.
-It must have been very hard times for your parents and you! They must have won the case? (Did they win the case? would be more logical )She wondered.
-Yes it was extraordinary for our day, this was a turning point in the United States history because from then on, black people were allowed to go to all white schools.
(to any white school)
-Your parents must have been so proud of their achievement! Besides, they must have set an example for many other black parents, journalist said.
-Yes but as a matter of fact there were so many other things we were not allowed to do, due to the Jim Crow Laws, she snapped.
-Therefore with this laws(this est singulier et laws pluriel), black people got a “separate but equal status” and became second-class citizens…She said uneasily.
-In reality we were not equal, indeed after slavery was abolished we had to give up our seats in buses, we were not permitted to go to the same restaurants, cinemas and swimming pools as the White, we were supposed to address the whites as Miss and Mrs while we were called “nigger” or “boy” or “girl”, Linda declared.
-It must have been awful and humiliating, she added.
-Yes, it was so unfair!
- Finally I would like to make reference to the photograph of Elliott Erwitt's which was taken in North Carolina in 1950, the journalist said, showing her (manque un cod).
-This photograph represents very well our situation during the Jim Crow era, indeed in a restroom there are (you can see) each time two signs above the drinking fountains: one reads “white” and the other one reads “colored”, thus (très littéraire) we were forbidden to drink from fountains reserved to white people. If we didn’t obey the law, we would probably go to jail or be severely punished, she insisted.
-This photograph is unbelievable and shocking, thanks to this photographer and your witness(est une personne, testimony est un témoignage) we will never forget what segregation was. Well, thank you for your coming and see you very soon! the journalist said
- You’re welcome! She said, waving goodbye

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de ines06, postée le 09-12-2013 à 20:01:41 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide !!!!

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de justinedruart, postée le 11-12-2013 à 14:52:02 (S | E)
Bonjour, demain j'ai examen d'anglais c'est pour savoir si vous pouvez jeter un petit coup d’œil a mon expression écrite merci : One Monday noon on the way back of the school, Clémentine and I found a drunk woman lengthened(stretched out) on the staircases of the cinema of Dour. Given that this lady did not answer us when we called it, we have to decider to call the police. After a few moments, the police arrived. At the beginning, he did not want to take her in the combi because she is known police services of Dour and her neighborhood for drunkenness.However, they decided to take her and to put her one night in the prison.

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de justinedruart, postée le 11-12-2013 à 15:11:19 (S | E)
Re bonjour, j'ai fais mon expression écrite pour mon examen ( autre texte ) l'organisation du texte est elle correcte ?
At the moment, we are going to begin the exams and it lasts 1 week more or less a courses a day. Between Belgium and England, there are some differences. For example in Belgium we have exams at christmas time and at the end of june. By the way, the school system is different from the English one. For us, 1 period equals 50 minutes. We have a different teacher for each course. After exams, i go to do shopping to buy a christmas present for my boyfriend. It has been on more than 1 year since i have up to buy him this present. It's a Perfume " one million " It's costs 86 £.

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de gerondif, postée le 11-12-2013 à 18:26:55 (S | E)
des maladresses, de la traduction littérale, ou traducteur automatique pour le texte 01;

: One Monday noon on the way back of the school, Clémentine and I found a drunk woman lengthened(stretched out) on the staircases(montée d'escalier intérieure) of the cinema of Dour. Given that (since)this lady did not answer us when we called it, we have to decider to call the police. After a few moments, the police arrived. At the beginning, he did not want to take her in the combi because she is (prétérit) known to police services of Dour and her neighborhood for drunkenness.However, they decided to take her and to put her one night in the prison. (to send somebody to prison)

le 2 est un peu meilleur

At the moment, we are going to begin the exams and it lasts (futur irait mieux) 1 week, more or less a courses (a course est une formation longue) a day. Between Belgium and England, there are some differences. For example in Belgium we have exams at Christmas time and at the end of june. By the way, the school system is different from the English one. For us, 1 period equals 50 minutes. We have a different teacher for each course. After exams, i go (mauvais temps)to do shopping to buy a christmas present for (to) my boyfriend. It has been on more than 1 year since i have up to (sens?)buy him this present. It's a Perfume " one million " It's costs 86 £.

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de quentv10, postée le 11-12-2013 à 19:17:25 (S | E)
salut tout le monde, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour corriger mon texte d'anglais car je passe un oral demain. Cela parle de la biographie de rosa park:

hello,i'm going to present rosa park's life . Rosa park was born on february fouth nineteen thirteen. She became famous on december nineteen fifty five in alabama because she refusing to give up herseat to a white passenger on a bus. She was then arrested and tried. Then she was ordered to pay a fine for public desorder and violation of local law. She was assisted by afro-american who boycotted buses. On thirteen nineteen fifty six the supreme court of the UA has prohibited racial segregation abuses. For my part rosa park was a heroin and an extraordinary person because she stood up against racism and she allowed to prohibit the segregation racial in the buses

Merci d'avance pour la correction !

Réponse: Orthographe/correction de justinedruart, postée le 11-12-2013 à 21:09:34 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction ;)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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