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Aide/cinéma années 60

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Aide/cinéma années 60
Message de francois35 posté le 01-01-2014 à 18:03:23 (S | E | F)
bonne année et merci d'avance pour l'aide que vous apportez. Je dois rédiger un texte sur les années 60 ;pourriez-vous m'aider à trouver les fautes? (la partie 3 n'est pas vraiment finie).
Merci encore !

Cinema in the sixties(400-500 words)

Previous decades were very conservative. That’s why, in the sixties, people wanted to be free to do whatever they wanted. They didn’t want to follow what they were expected to follow. At that time, people wished they could have another life. Traditions were relegated to the past. It ended in a rebellion and in a counter culture.
Cinema was very influenced by the new era of the sixties. Within a few years, we could see a go ahead and new 7th art.

1)First films which illustrates the changing for women
Women wanted to refuse the censorship. Norma Bengell was the first woman who was in the nude in cinema. But she may have been sorry of that. Film critics were very tough with her and she suffered from it.
One of the most important feminine figure from 1950 to 1960 was also Brigitte Bardot. She was worldwide famous. She embodied the emancipation of women and sexual liberty. She became a sex-symbol. She played in many films such as “Et dieu créa la femme” which shows her naked. Even if, most of the people at that time didn’t like this type of films, it shows the huge improvement in cinema.

2)First films which shows the homosexual issue
At that time, homosexuals were despised. Until 1863 if there were a proof for sodomy between two males they would have been condemned for hanging. “Fortunately” in 1863 this sentence changed to become 10 years of imprisonment. Oscar Wilde was one of the most famous man who came to jail because of this law.
One of the first real movies about the homosexuality was “victim” directed by Basil Dearden.
It explains the story of a homosexual called Melville Farr (played by Dirk Bogarde who was also in love with man). Farr is said to be hard-working, serious and heterosexual. He has a family and he works as a lawyer.
Farr is approached by "Boy" Barrett (Peter McEnery), with whom Farr shared a romantic but asexual relationship.
He begs the lawyer to help him because policemen look for him.
Unless Melvill Far would have done what he could his position don’t allow him to hide his friend.
Finally, Barett committed suicide.
This was really different from what the public used to see. Undoubtedly, the movie must have accelerated the right for the homosexual. Finally, in 1967 sentences for homosexual were abolished in England.
Although laws changed for homosexual we don’t have to forget that still nowadays 8 countries use the death penalty to condemn homosexuality.

3)New type of films
Western spaghettis appeared in the early sixties and were very different from what was western before. Before this period western was really divided into two parts: nice versus bad people. Western spaghettis made more “mixed heroes”.
For example, in “The Good, the Bad and the ugly” heroes are gangsters. They rip off towns to have money.

4)Horror films
Annabelle Laurent is psychoanalyst and she wrote a thesis to know why people love horror films. It seems that many people watch this kind of films to break social norms, which condemned violence.
That’s why in the sixties lot of horror films appeared such as Hitchcock’s film. Those films changed the genre forever. For the first time, Horror anchors in realistic and loses his fantastic aspect. For the first time, monsters are insane human who need to kill for their pleasure.
Psycho for example, instead of showing filthy monsters (as horror films used to show before) prefers shows a schizophrenic character.
Peeping town was less known but probably as innovator as Hitchcock’s movie. We could see in this film a stalker who want to kill women.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-01-2014 21:50

Réponse: Aide/cinéma années 60 de carr30, postée le 02-01-2014 à 15:06:43 (S | E)
I've marked the problems.
Apercu does not work I hope it is clear.

Previous decades were very conservative. That’s why, in the sixties, people wanted to be free to do whatever they wanted. They didn’t want to follow what they were expected to follow. At that time, people wished they could have another life. Traditions were relegated to the past. It ended in a rebellion and in a counter culture.
Cinema was very influenced by the new era of the sixties. Within a few years, we could see a go ahead and new 7th art. a go ahead means a permission to proceed.. and 7th art isn't a term used by English speakers. How about just 'more progressive new cinema'?

1)First films which illustrates the changing noun needed here for women
Women wanted to refuse the censorship. Norma Bengell was the first woman who was in the nude in cinema. But she may have been sorry of that. Film critics were very tough with her and she suffered from it.
One of the most important feminine figure from 1950 to 1960 was also Brigitte Bardot. She was worldwide famous. She embodied the emancipation of women and sexual liberty. She became a sex-symbol. She played in many films such as “Et dieu créa la femme” which shows her naked. Even if, most of the people at that time didn’t like this type of films, it shows the huge improvement in cinema.

2)First films which shows the homosexual issue issue of homosexuality?
At that time, homosexuals were despised. Until 1863 if there were a proof for sodomy between two males they would have been condemned for hanging. “Fortunately” in 1863 this sentence changed to become 10 years of imprisonment. Oscar Wilde was one of the most famous man who came to jail because of this law.
One of the first real movies about the homosexuality was “victim” directed by Basil Dearden.
It explains the story of a homosexual called Melville Farr (played by Dirk Bogarde who was also in love with a man). Farr is said to be hard-working, serious and heterosexual. He has a family and he works as a lawyer.
Farr is approached by "Boy" Barrett (Peter McEnery), with whom Farr shared a romantic but asexual relationship.
He begs the lawyer to help him because policemen look for him.
Unless Melvill Far would have done what he could but his position don’t did not allow him to hide his friend. .. The meaning of the sentence was not clear to me.
Finally, Barett committed suicide.
This was really different from what the public were used to seeing. Undoubtedly, the movie must have accelerated the rights for the homosexuals. Finally, in 1967 sentences for homosexual were abolished in England. Homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967
Although laws changed for homosexuals we don’t have to must/should not forget that still nowadays 8 countries use the death penalty to condemn homosexuality.

3)New type of films
Western spaghettis( adjective goes before the noun!) appeared in the early sixties and were very different from what was previous westerns before. Before this period westerns were was really divided into two parts: nice versus bad people. Western spaghettis made more “mixed heroes”.
For example, in “The Good, the Bad and the ugly” heroes are gangsters. They rip offto Rip off means arnaquer, just say 'rob' towns to have money.

4)Horror films
Annabelle Laurent is a psychoanalyst and she wrote a thesis to know understand? why people love horror films. It seems that many people watch this kind of films to break social norms, which condemned violence.
That’s why in the sixties a lot of horror films appeared such as Hitchcock’s films. Those films changed the genre forever. For the first time, Horror anchors in realistic this an adjective, you need a noun and loses his its fantastic aspect. For the first time, monsters are insane humans who need to kill for their pleasure.
Psycho for example, instead of showing filthy monsters (as horror films used to show before) prefers to shows a schizophrenic character.
Peeping town Tom was less known but probably as innovator is a noun needs an adjective as Hitchcock’s movie. We could see in this film a stalker who wants to kill women.


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