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Correction /syntaxe

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /syntaxe
Message de lyceen5555 posté le 23-02-2014 à 15:01:28 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous corriger la syntaxe et les fautes d'orthographe de ces 4 questions s'il vous plaît?
Merci beaucoup!

Danny's family was poor. That's why Danny decided to emigrate to america. He will emigrate to earn money and help his family back in Britain. Firstly, he will take a boat for boston. That's why, on the morning tide, he will shin up a rope. Then, he will
hide on deck in one of the boats.

Question 4:
La question qu'on se pose :How does maisie react ? Why ?
At the beginning, she was excited but when she realized she was not included on danny's plans Maisie was very sad.

Question 1:
I can imagine that Danny's parent left Poland because he couldn't find a job. And maybe because they were poor, that's why They left Poland to earn money and fulfil a dream: to become rich and help their family back in Poland.I can imagine also they decided to emigrate because Poland was a very poor country with no opportunies

Question 2
annny'swas living in very hard conditions : the father has lost his job so he was poor. We can guess there were no opportunities of job in Britain.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-02-2014 15:06

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lucile83, postée le 24-02-2014 à 00:08:47 (S | E)

Les fautes sont en bleu...
Danny's family was poor. That's why Danny decided to emigrate to america. He will emigrate to earn money and help his family ...manque des mots back in Britain. Firstly, he will take a boat for boston. That's why, on the morning tide, he will shin up a rope. Then, he will hide on deck in one of the boats.

Question 4:
At the beginning, she was excited but when she realized( realised) she was not included on danny's plans, Maisie was very sad.

Question 1:
I can imagine that Danny's parent left Poland because he couldn't find a job. And maybe because they were poor, that's why They left Poland to earn money and fulfil a dream: to become rich and help their family once back in Poland.I can imagine also they decided to emigrate because Poland was a very poor country with no without any opportunies.

Question 2
annny's was living in very hard conditions : the father has lost his job so he was poor. We can guess there were no opportunities of job in Britain.

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lyceen5555, postée le 24-02-2014 à 02:08:53 (S | E)

Danny's family was poor. That's why Danny decided to emigrate to America. He will emigrate to earn money and help his family ...manque des mots  ( ici je ne vois pas) back in Britain. Firstly, he will take a boat to Boston. That's why, on the morning tide, he will shin up a rope. Then, he will hide on deck in the  boat. ( j'ai un peu modifié ici)

Question 4: 
At the beginning, she was excited but when she realized( realised) she was not included on Danny's plans, Maisie was very sad. ( comment dire " est devenu subitement triste" ?)

Question 1:
I can imagine that Danny's parents left Poland because they couldn't find a job. And maybe because they were poor, that's why they left Poland to earn money and fulfil a dream: to become rich and help their family once back in Poland.I can imagine also they decided to emigrate because Poland was a very poor country  without any opportunies.

Question 2
Dannny's was living in very hard conditions : his father had lost his job so he was poor. We can guess there were no opportunities of jobs in Britain.

J'ai modifié et mis en orange.

Modifié par lyceen5555 le 24-02-2014 02:09

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lucile83, postée le 24-02-2014 à 07:45:48 (S | E)

Danny's family was poor. That's why Danny decided to emigrate to America. He will emigrate to earn money and help his family staying in Britain. Firstly, he will take a boat to Boston. That's why, on the morning tide, he will shin up a rope. Then, he will hide on deck in the boat.

Question 4:
At the beginning, she was excited but when she realised she was not included on Danny's plans, Maisie got/felt very sad.

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lyceen5555, postée le 24-02-2014 à 13:34:21 (S | E)
Rien à signaler d'autre ?

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lucile83, postée le 24-02-2014 à 18:40:06 (S | E)
Non, le reste est ok sinon je l'aurais noté
See you.

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lyceen5555, postée le 26-02-2014 à 21:43:37 (S | E)

J'ai une autre question qui concerne le discours indirect.
"Did you do the homework"
ça donne quoi ?
Shannon asked me if I did the homework.
C'est juste ou pas?? Je ne comprends pas trés bien les changements à faire...

Un autre cas:
Do you speak Latin ?
My teacher asked me id spoke Latin. C'est juste ?
et si j'avais dit My teacher asked if i could speak latin. ça se dit ?


Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lucile83, postée le 26-02-2014 à 22:01:21 (S | E)

Did you do the homework?
Shannon asked me if I had done the homework.

Do you speak Latin?
My teacher asked me if I spoke Latin.
My teacher asked me if I could speak Latin.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-02-2014 09:56
oops, j'avais lu trop vite. Merci nath891.
Question directe au prétérit >> phrase indirecte au pluperfect
Question directe au présent >> phrase indirecte au prétérit

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de nath891, postée le 27-02-2014 à 09:33:59 (S | E)

Pour la phrase "did you do the homework", je pense que le style indirect serait plutôt
she asked me if I had done the homework. (changement du prétérit en pluperfect)

bonne journée!

Réponse: Correction /syntaxe de lyceen5555, postée le 27-02-2014 à 18:05:33 (S | E)

Je n'ai pas très bien compris les changements...

Dans" Did you do your homework ?"

Mais do (en orange), c'est bien au présent ?

Et pour la q3, Est ce qu'il ne serait pas plus approprié de remplacer par " tout d'abord" ?

Pour la question 4,
j'aimerais rajouter et Elle s'inquiète aussi pour son frère parce qu'il a un gros voyage.

J'essaye mais je ne suis pas sûr ==>she is frightened for his brother because ( comment dire a un long voyage ?)

Merci beaucoup!!!!
Modifié par lyceen5555 le 27-02-2014 18:10

Modifié par lyceen5555 le 27-02-2014 18:19


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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