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Bac/Lieux- formes de pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Lieux- formes de pouvoir
Message de osyre posté le 13-04-2014 à 20:45:38 (S | E | F)

A l'approche de mon oral d'anglais (Bac) mercredi prochain, je vous soumets mes différents textes portant chacun sur une des 3 notions que nous avons vues.
Il ne devrait pas y avoir trop de fautes, je pense cependant que certaines tournures de phrases sont maladroites ou que des fautes concernant les temps sont présentes.
Merci de votre aide !

Lieux et formes de pouvoir
University enable people to get a high qualified job such as doctor, engineeer, teacher... Therefore, they are very useful for the development of our society. Today, more and more young people decide to go to the University, Is high Education going to be limited to rich people ? In this talk, I will try to explain you first what university is used for, then we will study how money can be powerful in this domain. To finish, we will approach different kinds of universities, according to the country in which they are.

First, University is available after the secondary education certificate got. This is the place where people study in order to get in the future a high qualified job. Every university has a great amount of money to spend on researches. A huge number of the technologies that we know currently come from universities. Facebook is an example. Mark Zukenberg developed Facebook at Havard.

Then, they spend money to teach people. In order to teach students medecine for example , universities have to get a lot of machines which cost a lot. The government often finances this money. But people have also to pay to study.

In order to teach students, universities deploy high technology, high qualified teachers... It costs a lot. The crise of 2008 deteriorated the England economy. So the government had not money enough to keep paying the universities as much as they did. Therefore, they decided to raise the tuitons fees, which were an amount of money that students have to pay in order to get education in the university.

We studied in class a text about this raise. The issue is being hotly debated in the Youth Parliament. Two students expressed their opinion on this topic. One says that the raise will limit university to rich people. The other one thinks that this amount of money is only a temporary investment, which will be used to improve our education.

The problem is that a lot of people can't pay anymore and that means that even they have big faculties at school, they won't be able to study at the university. For example we studied a picture which deals with a demonstration in London.
We can see a slogan 'Because My Daddy Can't Pay » which represents this issue. As a result, the country will loose a lot of people in high qualified sectors. However, if it happens in England, each country has its own education organisation.

Indeed, France for example gives people the possibility to go to the university without spending too much money. Perhaps the country makes people pay in another way but the fact is that everybody can access to university and dream of the job he/she wants. However, some studies like the Engineers ones cost more than the others. The reason is that they're often private schools. Therefore, the education quality in France should seem poorer than in the USA. That's why Harvard, Princeton in USA or Cambridge and Oxford in United Kingdom are more famous. But starting our life without a great amount of money to repay must be better.

As a conclusion, university is an essentiel element. It enables the country to progress and to make people well qualified. The raise of tuitons fees in England makes students anxious about their future. However, that's not the case everywhere. In the future, some private universities may be created in France. Is France going to take the same way that England?

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2014 21:29


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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