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CNN America/Correction

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CNN America/Correction
Message de happyboy3311 posté le 28-04-2014 à 19:35:09 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous
En anglais, nous devons rédiger un Small Talk en utilisant un maximum de points de grammaire et de mots de liaison.
J'ai rédigé le mien mais cependant, je me doute que certaines erreurs doivent subsister dans mon texte...
Pourriez vous m'aider à les trouver pour que je puisse ensuite les corriger s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses

Agathe: Good afternoon everyone, first of all let me introduce myself, I’m Agathe. Let me add that you’re on CNN and I’ve work there since 5 years (ago ?) and as far as I’m concerned I’m really glad to present you the breaking news everyday. Moreover, it is use saying that I’m always with these two awesome journalists.

Marie & Louise: That’s us!

Louise: Today, it is worth studying the actually events about supernatural. At first sight you may think that’s it’s not real, that everything must be a conspiracy from the government. Despite of the skepticism surrounding, I do believe in the presence of aliens, our newsmaker is newsworthy.

Marie: I do not agree! I don’t see it that way myself! In my point of view I do not think that supernatural exists because if it has existed we would already have discovered it, wouldn’t we?

Louise: Well, I can’t help thinking that you’ll have to change your mind, after you’ll see this report. Indeed, two scientists have discovered the mermaid’s presence in a deepest place in Greenland. In addition this report on the record has been found on the BBC website. I’m looking forward to adding that the pictures speak for themselves, report.

* * *
Agathe: At first sight in my opinion, we can notice that this report seems to be real. However I can’t stand thinking that weird creatures live among us… Consequently this is the reason why I would rather to believe that they don’t exist.

Louise: To me I’m afraid I can’t agree with that. Besides it’s obvious that we can’t avoid seeing fakes videos but it’s real. Now, it should be the time for our president’s speech about supernatural.

* * *
Marie: Today, I want American people to trust in its government. Furthermore there is no point panicking. On the contrary we do believe that we will succeed in meeting these creatures. Nevertheless I wish they hadn’t come but now the Americans have to be brave and trust in us in order to the meeting gets on well.

* * *
Agathe: Well, I’m sure that our viewers were looking forward to hearing this speech better and clearer than yesterday. Nonetheless let’s talk about what YOU think, some of you were met by our journalists two days ago. On top of that, I can’t help showing the result of our survey on the existence of the extraterrestrial, 57% do trust that aliens and weird creatures exist, 38% disagree entirely on that point and 5% have no idea about this subject. And now, let’s see the pictures.

* * *
Agathe : Hello, miss, can I ask you a question? What do you think about aliens?

Louise: What a load of rubbish! It’s a bitter pill to swallow! I would believe in aliens when pigs might fly! I have other fish to fry, bye.

Agathe: Well… What about mister?

Marie: Well… Would you mind repeating what you said?

Agathe: You were asked if aliens were real?

Marie: That’s absolutely true! I couldn’t agree more! That exactly what I think! That just how I see it myself!

Agathe: That’s amazing! Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

Marie: First of all, I was 5 and I was walking down my street going out to play with my friends, when suddenly I’ve seen a bright light from a dead-end. So I started running as fast as I could in order to know what was happening. Indeed, I used to be really curious and courageous. Despite of all my bravery I couldn’t catch the alien. If only I had run faster than I did! Since that moment, I started to believe in UFO and all the stuff. To me, they do exist, and everybody had better to get aware of that, because I do think they are close from us.

* * *
Louise: Before being off the air, I feel like showing a video by a CCTV camera about a strange phenomenon…

* * *
Louise: If only we had captured her… I regret she had left…
Thus our program is ending with an enigma. Thank you for watching and see you soon on CNN. It was, Louise, Agathe and Marie for CNN America.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2014 01:43


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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