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Oral/Myths and heroes

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Oral/Myths and heroes
Message de jbc posté le 21-05-2014 à 14:04:42 (S | E | F)
je passerai bientôt comme beaucoup de membres de ce forum un oral de langue. Voici ma présentation sur la notion ''Myths and heroes''.
Si vous pouviez y jeter un coup d'oeil et m'indiquer mes fautes je vous en serais reconnaissant.

I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes.
First at all i would like to give a definition of this notion:
A myth can be defined by a story about gods or heroes. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements or a superhero.
Then, when you ask some people to give an example of a hero, they often answer a war hero a human rights defender or a superhero for the youngest. But they don’t really think about a living person.
Does it means that we don’t have heroes in our time. No but there’re diferents, they actually represent a new kind of heroes, the modern-day heroes.
So one would question in which points are they different from the heroes of the past ,and why does people do not considere them as heroes?
I have chosen two documents to answer these questions.
First an article about steve jobs and his achievements.
Second an article about an Homeless who found 40000$

First at all, i have choose this document because it points out a key feature about Steve Jobs, he had an eventful life with ups and downs and twists and turns. Indeed, In his article the narrator refers to the fact that in 1980 SJ fall from grace when he had been dismiss, however he came back In 1996 when Apple was in a bad shape and managed to turn Apple into the world biggest tech firm even bigger than Bill Gates’s Microsoft.
Moreover he is the archetype of the self made man, he founded apple with one of his friend in his garage, and also the archetype of the anti-hero, he did drugs, delocalize Apple’s production in China and some people said that he was a self-important person.
He is part hero, part antihero and that’s why people do not considere him as a true hero. But he start from scratch and made it to the top with his qualities and his flaws like any human being, he also have a great influence on our society and have inspiring a lot of people.
In the end he his a modern-day hero whether we like it or not.

Then, the second document i have chose deals with an homeless,Glen james, who have found 40000$ in a backpack, and in spite of being an homeless he turned it over to the cops without considering to keep the haul for a second and then he have been hailed as a hero.
i have chose this article because it raises an issue:
Does heroes always let their marks on History?
Not necessarily Glen james is an hero an daily life hero, like firefighter, but unfortunately if the daily life heroes doesn’t let their marks on History they fall into oblivion and that’s why people do not considere them as real heroes.

In conclusion, the modern day hero is closer to the reality than the heroes of the past which strive towards an ideal, and that’s why modern day heroes are rejected by the people. People are looking for a symbol who embody values and achieve feats because heroes define the limits of our aspirations, heroes symbolize the qualities we'd like to possess and the ambitions we'd like to satisfy and the era of communication had demystified many potential heroes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-05-2014 18:00

Réponse: Oral/Myths and heroes de jbc, postée le 22-05-2014 à 18:02:54 (S | E)
Any suggestions are welcome.

Réponse: Oral/Myths and heroes de gerondif, postée le 22-05-2014 à 19:09:58 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu ou rose
corrections en vert

I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes.
First at all i would like to give a definition of this notion:
A myth can be defined by a story about gods or heroes. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements or a superhero.
Then, when you ask some people to give an example of a hero, they often answer a war hero a human rights defender or a superhero for the youngest. But they don’t really think about a living person.
Does it means that we don’t have heroes in our time. No but there’re diferents, they actually represent a new kind of heroes, the modern-day heroes.
So one would question in which points (in what respects) are they different from the heroes of the past ,and why does people do not considere them as heroes?
I have chosen two documents to answer these questions.
First an article about steve jobs(majuscules) and his achievements.
Second an article about an Homeless who found 40000$

First at all, i have choose(participe passé) this document because it points out a key feature about Steve Jobs, he had an eventful life with ups and downs and twists and turns. Indeed, In his article the narrator refers to the fact that in 1980 SJ fall(prétérit) from grace when he had been dismiss(p passé), however he came back In 1996 when Apple was in a bad shape and managed to turn Apple into the world biggest tech firm even bigger than Bill Gates’s Microsoft.
Moreover he is the archetype of the self made man, he founded apple with one of his friend in his garage, and also the archetype of the anti-hero, he did drugs, delocalize(prétérit) Apple’s production in China and some people said that he was a self-important(ça existe?) person.
He is part hero, part antihero and that’s why people do not considere him as a true hero. But he start(prétérit) from scratch and made it to the top with his qualities and his flaws like any human being, he also have(prétérit) a great influence on our society and have inspiring(temps et conjugaison fausses) a lot of people.
In the end he his(revoyez l'orthographe du verbe être) a modern-day hero whether we like it or not.

Then, the second document i have chose(p passé) deals with an homeless,Glen james, who have(à supprimer) found 40000$ in a backpack, and in spite of being (ne va pas, passez par although) an homeless he turned it over to the cops without considering to keep (gérondif)the haul for a second and then he have been hailed as a hero.
i have chose(p passé) this article because it raises an issue:
Does heroes always let(vous confondez let et leave) their marks on History?
Not necessarily Glen james is an hero an daily life hero, like(mauvais choix de "comme" a firefighter, but unfortunately if the daily life heroes doesn’t let their marks on History they fall into oblivion and that’s why people do not considere them as real heroes.(vous l'avez déjà dit!)

In conclusion, the modern day hero is closer to the reality than the heroes of the past which strive towards an ideal, and that’s why modern day heroes are rejected by the people. People are looking for a symbol who embody(3ème personne) values and achieve (idem) feats because heroes define the limits of our aspirations, heroes symbolize the qualities we'd like to possess and the ambitions we'd like to satisfy and the era of communication had demystified many potential heroes.

Réponse: Oral/Myths and heroes de jbc, postée le 22-05-2014 à 21:24:06 (S | E)
Thank you gérondif for helping me. I hope this is better:

I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes.
First at all i would like to give a definition of this notion:
A myth can be defined by a story about gods or heroes. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements or a superhero.
Then, when you ask some people to give an example of a hero, they often answer a war hero a human rights defender or a superhero for the youngest. But they don’t really think about a living person.
Does it means that we don’t have heroes in our time. No but they’re different , they actually represent a new kind of hero, the modern-day heroes.
So one would question in what respects are they different from the heroes of the past ,and why people doesn’t considere them as heroes?
I have chosen two documents to answer these questions.
First an article about Steve Jobs(majuscules) and his achievements.
Second an article about a homeless who found 40000$

First at all, i have chosen this document because it points out a key feature about Steve Jobs, he had an eventful life with ups and downs and twists and turns. Indeed, In his article the narrator refers to the fact that in 1980 Steve Jobs felt from grace when he had been dismissed, however he came back In 1996 when Apple was in a bad shape and managed to turn Apple into the world biggest tech firm even bigger than Bill Gates’s Microsoft.
Moreover he is the archetype of the self made man, he founded apple with one of his friend in his garage, and also the archetype of the anti-hero, he did drugs, delocalized Apple’s production in China and some people said that he was a self-important person (I founded this here: Lien internet
, but should I say a pretentious person?)
He is part hero, part antihero and that’s why people do not considere him as a true hero. But he started from scratch and made it to the top with his qualities and his flaws like any human being, he also has a great influence on our society and has inspired a lot of people.
In the end he is a modern-day hero whether we like it or not.

Then, the second document i have chosen deals with an homeless,Glen james, who founded 40000$ in a backpack, and although he was a homeless he turned it over to the cops without considering keeping the haul for a second and then he have been hailed as a hero.
i have chosen this article because it raises an issue:
Do heroes always left their marks on History?
Not necessarily Glen james is an hero an daily life hero, as well as a firefighter, but unfortunately if the daily life heroes don’t left their marks on History they fall into oblivion.

In conclusion, the modern day hero is closer to the reality than the heroes of the past strive towards an ideal, and that’s why modern day heroes are rejected by people. People are looking for a symbol who embodies values and achieves feats because heroes define the limits of our aspirations, heroes symbolize the qualities we'd like to possess and the ambitions we'd like to satisfy and the era of communication had demystified many potential heroes.

Réponse: Oral/Myths and heroes de gerondif, postée le 23-05-2014 à 00:32:12 (S | E)
I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes.
First at all i would like to give a definition of this notion:
A myth can be defined by a story about gods or heroes. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his achievements or a superhero.
Then, when you ask some people to give an example of a hero, they often answer a war hero a human rights defender or a superhero for the youngest. But they don’t really think about a living person.
Does it means that we don’t have heroes in our time. No but they’re different , they actually represent a new kind of hero, the modern-day heroes.
So one would question in what respects are they different from the heroes of the past ,and why people doesn’t considere them as heroes?
I have chosen two documents to answer these questions.
First an article about Steve Jobs(majuscules) and his achievements.
Second an article about a homeless person who found 40000$

First at all, I have chosen this document because it points out a key feature about Steve Jobs, he had an eventful life with ups and downs and twists and turns. Indeed, In his article the narrator refers to the fact that in 1980 Steve Jobs felt from grace when he had been dismissed, however he came back In 1996 when Apple was in a bad shape and managed to turn Apple into the world biggest tech firm even bigger than Bill Gates’s Microsoft.
Moreover he is the archetype of the self made man, he founded apple with one of his friends in his garage, and also the archetype of the anti-hero, he did (quel sens? faire des drogues?)drugs, delocalized Apple’s production in China and some people said that he was a self-important (conceited) person (I founded this here: Lien internet
, but should I say a pretentious person?)
He is part hero, part antihero and that’s why people do not considere him as a true hero. But he started from scratch and made it to the top with his qualities and his flaws like any human being, he also has a great influence on our society and has inspired a lot of people.
In the end he is a modern-day hero whether we like it or not.

Then, the second document i have chosen deals with an homeless person,Glen james, who founded 40000$ in a backpack, and although he was * homeless(adjectif) he turned it over to the cops without considering keeping the haul for a second and then he have been (prétérit)hailed as a hero.

I(MAJUSCULE TOUJOURS) have chosen this article because it raises an issue:
Do heroes always left their marks on History?
Not necessarily Glen james is an hero,a daily life hero, like (correct, je croyais que Glen était pompier mais il est sdf, alors like convient)a firefighter, but unfortunately if the daily life heroes don’t left their marks on History they fall into oblivion.

In conclusion, the modern day hero is closer to the reality than the heroes of the past who strive towards an ideal, and that’s why modern day heroes are rejected by people. People are looking for a symbol who embodies values and achieves feats because heroes define the limits of our aspirations, heroes symbolize the qualities we'd like to possess and the ambitions we'd like to satisfy and the era of communication had demystified many potential heroes.


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