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Exercice 10/mixte

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Exercice 10/mixte
Message de here4u posté le 14-07-2014 à 00:37:09 (S | E | F)
Hello all of you again !

The individual suggestions for EX 9 are posted now and the collective one is ready to be, as promised !
I kept asking you what sort of exercises you wanted to have … Some of you answered ‘Translations’, others asked for ‘Rewritings’ … Consequently, you’ll have 5 sentences of each task ! Let's say (I tried to make this one less 'hazardous' than N°9! but well ... )
Well, correction for July 27th-28th. Good luck !
Here they are !

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was
2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should
3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
(look forward) (such)
4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time
5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
(unless)(passive in the second part !)
6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …

Reading my sentences over (again ...)I've just realised that they were not funny at all, even quite pessimistic ... not holiday-like ! Too bad ! I promise to make an effort next time !

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-07-2014 07:45

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de maxwell, postée le 14-07-2014 à 12:59:29 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u
As for me, I much prefer the translations : I find them more difficult, and less automatic, even though it's always a pleasure to participate !

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you didn't think you can do anything you want !
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to have apologized !
2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.
3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
(look forward) (such)
I'm sure she's looking forward to seeing such a pleasant guest as you are!
4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want...
5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
(unless)(passive in the second part !)
Don't speak unless you're asked to, all the more so as your answers have to be accounted for !
6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The faster you'll drive, the more chances you'll take for nothing ! It's up to you...
7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called to examine the hard-breathing baby.
8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
He shouldn't be asked for so many sacrifices ... He's not ready for it yet !
9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been given a key ? Don't let yourself be denied access to your own house !
10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
There should have been a traffic light at this crossroads, and therefore, many accidents could have been avoided...

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de kazan, postée le 14-07-2014 à 19:04:28 (S | E)
I'm ready for my "fix" of English

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you thought you could do anything you wanted.

2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to apologize.

2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.

3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
I'm sure she's looking for wind to seeing you again. You're such a pleasant guest! (look forward) (such)

4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want.

Mmm, as I thought, there was something fishy here! About time + preterite.

5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
You mustn't speak unless they ask you to, besides, your answers have to be accounted for. (unless)(passive in the second part !)

6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The faster you'll drive, the greater the risk you'll run for nothing. You decide...

7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called to check up on the toddler who has trouble breathing.

8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
He shouldn't be asked so much sacrifice... He's not mature enough!

9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Were you left a key? Don't let yourself denied access to your own house!

10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
There should have been a traffic signal at this crossroads, and thus many car accidents could have been avoided...

Modifié par kazan le 14-07-2014 19:05

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de ronald1955, postée le 14-07-2014 à 23:17:23 (S | E)

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you didn't think you can do anything you want !
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to have apologized !
2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.
3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
(look forward) (
She's looking forward to seeing you again. You're such a pleasant guest!
4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time you let your kids go out whenever they want...
5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
(unless)(passive in the second part !)
Don't speak unless you're asked to, all the more so as your answers have to be accounted for !
6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The faster you'll drive, the more chances you'll take for nothing ! It's up to you...
7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called to check up the hard-breathing baby.
8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
He shouldn't be asked for so many sacrifices ... He's not mature enough !
9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been given a key ? Don't let yourself be denied access to your own house !
10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
There should have been a traffic light at this crossroads, and therefore, many accidents could have been avoided...

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-07-2014 07:50

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de komiks, postée le 15-07-2014 à 12:34:59 (S | E)
Hello here4u,
Here's my try. Thanks for everything
We've been spoilt this time : 11 sentences to translate (yes, there are two number two )
See you

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you didn’t think you can do anything you want!

2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to apologize!

3) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.

4) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
I’m sure she looks forward to seeing you again! You’re such a pleasant guest!

5) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want…

6) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
Unless they ask you to, don’t speak. Besides, your answers have to be accounted for…

7) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The faster you’ll drive, the more risks of having an accident for nothing you’ll run ! It’s up to you…

8) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called to examine the baby, who has difficulties in breathing.

9) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
We shouldn’t ask him to do so many sacrifices… He’s not mature enough !
He shouldn’t be asked to do so many sacrifices… He’s not mature enough !

10) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been given a key ? Don’t let him forbid you to go to your own house !

11) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
There should have been a traffic light at this crossroads, and thus, a lot of accidents could have been avoided…

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de jo06, postée le 15-07-2014 à 22:14:28 (S | E)
Ce n'est vraiment pas aussi simple que ça!
This is my try.
1) I'd rather you didn't think you can do anything you want!
2) It was rude from Robert to not apologize!
3) You should have your dog examinaded by the vet after the accident.
4) I'm sure she is looking forward to seing you again! you are a such pleasant guest!
5) It's about time you allowed your kids to go out whenhever they want...
6) Unless they ask you to don't speak! Besides your answers must be accounted for...
7) The faster you will drive,the more risks you run for nothing! Up to you...
8) The doctor has just been called to examine the baby who has difficulty breathing.
9) We shouldn't ask him so much sacrifices.... He isn't mature enough. (or not quiete mature.)
10) Has anyone left you a key? Don't let him to refuse you acces to your own house!
11) There must had been a traffic lights on this crossroads and thus lot of accidents could have been avoided...

Modifié par jo06 le 18-07-2014 14:19
3*) You should have the vet to examine your dog after the accident.

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 16-07-2014 à 19:34:17 (S | E)
Wow ! You've already done it ...
I'm quite busy with my American friend and the rest ...(doing lessons inspired by your errors ! !) Mistakes and errors are so useful ...
I'm sure you did well ... Some of you were trying to find 'Rewritings 10'. Sorry ! I shoudn't change your habits like that ... but I don't really like routines (although they may be quite reassuring !)
Enjoy the sun while it's here, if you have some ! Take care !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 16-07-2014 à 20:03:53 (S | E)
I've just read your very good productions ...Please .... I beg you ! (would you go and read the lesson (105599) I've just made for you ...(I mean, about the passive ...) it's 'made to order', or rather ... 'to necessity ' and 'you're ripping my guts out again' (a very famous quote !)

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de jo06, postée le 17-07-2014 à 11:54:31 (S | E)
Aprés avoir testé votre dernière leçon sur le passif,je tente une correction sur la phrase 10
en espérant ne pas écrire une horreur.
Has a key been given to you? Don't let him refuse the acces to your own house!

Modifié par jo06 le 17-07-2014 17:14

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de lakata, postée le 17-07-2014 à 22:13:13 (S | E)
Hello everybody, hello here4u!

Thank you for this new exercise!
Here's my essay, and this time, I do hope you won't risk any heart attack...

1) I wouldn't like you to think you can do anything you want!
I'd rather you didn't think you can do anything you want!

2) Robert didn't apologize! He was rude!
It was rude of Robert not to apologize!

2 bis) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.

3) I'm sure she'll be glad to see you again. You're so pleasant as a guest!
I'm sure she looks forward to seeing you again. You're such a pleasant guest!

4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want.
It's about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want!

5) Speak only when they ask you to! Besides, you must account for your answers...
Don't speak unless you're asked to, especially as your answers must be accounted for...

6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien! À toi de décider...
The faster you'll go/drive/ride, the more risks you'll run. It's your decision / It's up to you.

7) Le médecin vient d'être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called in order to examine the baby who has trouble breathing.

8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices...Il n'est pas assez mûr !
He shouldn't been be asked for so many sacrifices...He's not mature enough!

9) Vous a-t-on laissé une clef ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l'accès à votre propre maison !
Has a key been left for you? Don't let him keep you out of your own house!

10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d'accidents auraient pu être évités.
There should have been traffic lights at this crossroads, and so, numerous accidents could have been averted.

P.S. As far as I'm concerned, I like rewritings, but I love translations...

Modifié par lakata le 26-07-2014 16:38

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 18-07-2014 à 20:12:57 (S | E)
Looks as if I were giving a headache to some of you ... (Take care of the passive, especially when the verb has 2 complements ... and the expression 'faire faire ...'

Hello Lakata !
Wanted to reassure you ! No heart attack this time ... very good work ! Almost perfect ...
A good weekend to you all !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de lakata, postée le 18-07-2014 à 21:12:05 (S | E)
Phew!!! Thanks to you, dear here4u, I feel now -almost- relieved...
Enjoy your weekend!

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de mamou3, postée le 18-07-2014 à 22:02:55 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Here is my work

1. I'd rather you didn't think you can do anything you want.
2.1. It was rude of Robert not to apologize.
2.2. You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.
3. I'm sure she looks forward to seeing you again. You're such a pleasant guest.
4. It's about time you allowed your kinds to go out whenever they want.
5. Don't speak unless being asked to. Besides, your answers must be accounted for.
6. The faster you'll drive, the more risks you'll take for nothing ! It's up to you.
7. The doctor has been called for to examine the baby who has pain in breathing.
8. He shouldn't be asked so many sacrifices. He isn't mature enough !
9. Have you been left a key ? Don't let him forbid you the access to your own home.
10. There should have been traffic lights at this crossroads and so, a lot of accidents could have been avoided.

Thank you very much for this exercise, have a nice weekend !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de ariane6, postée le 19-07-2014 à 23:45:21 (S | E)
Hello here4u!
Thank you for sharing your valuable time!

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want
I’d rather you didn't think you can do as you please.
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to apologize.
2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.
3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest!
I'm sure she's looking forward to seeing you again. You're such a pleasant guest!
4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It's about time your kids were allowed to go out whenever they want to.
5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
Don't speak unless asked to. You'll be held accountable for your answers.
6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The quicker you drive, the more risks you take for nothing. It's up to you!
7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called to examine the baby with breathing problems.
8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
He shouldn't be asked to make so many sacrifices... He isn't mature enough.
9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been left a key? Don't let him stop you from entering your own home!
10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
Traffic lights should have been put at this crossroads, that way, many accidents would have been avoided...

Looking forward to working with you again soon!

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de koreen2012, postée le 20-07-2014 à 12:17:01 (S | E)
Hello here4u!!!! Thank you for this interesting exercise
here is my try

1) I wouldn't like you to think you can do anything you want !
I'd rather you didn't think you can do anything you want!

2) Robert didn't apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to apologize

2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.

3) I'm sure she'll be glad to see you again ! You're so pleasant as a guest !
(look forward) (such)
I'm sure she's looking forward to seeing you again! You're such a pleasant guest!

4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want !
It's about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want!

5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
(unless)(passive in the second part !)
Don't speak unless they ask you to. Besides your answers must be accounted for....

6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider...
The faster you will drive,the more risks you will take / run for nothing! It's up to you to decide/ you must decide for yourself...

7) Le médecin vient d'être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called to examine the baby who has difficulty in breathing.
--> The doctor has just been sent for examining the baby who has difficulty in breathing.

8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices... Il n'est pas assez mûr !
He shoudn't be asked for so many sacrifices...He isn't mature enough!

9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l'accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been given a key ? Don't let him prohibit you the access to your own house!

10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d'accidents auraient pu être évités....
There should have been a traffic light in this crossroads ,and so, many accidents could have been avoided ....

See you soon !!!!

Modifié par koreen2012 le 20-07-2014 13:19

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 20-07-2014 à 18:50:52 (S | E)
Vous me faites trop rire !

Non seulement, j'avais fait une très grosse faute dans l'énoncé (et mon cerveau l'avait lue et relue plusieurs fois plus vite que mes yeux ... sans la corriger! Vraiment désolée ...)[si cela se reproduisait, merci de me prévenir] mais je viens de m'apercevoir que je vous ai donné 11 phrases ... Pardon, Lakata ... de ne plus savoir compter ... et vous, très disciplinés, vous me mettez 2 phrases N° 2, ou une 2 bis, ou vous allez jusqu'à 11, le tout sans protester ... Vous êtes TROP !
Merci de votre bon travail ... Je vais commencer à regarder les premiers arrivés !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de lakata, postée le 20-07-2014 à 21:23:18 (S | E)
Onze phrases au lieu de dix ? La belle affaire ! De toute façon, tout augmente...alors...
Et l'essentiel est que nous en ayons eu pour notre argent, pas vrai ?
Allez...on se au lit à 10h ! Euh...où avais-je la tête ? à 11h, bien sûr !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de lucile83, postée le 20-07-2014 à 21:24:48 (S | E)
Une faute dans l'énoncé? je n'ai rien vu, mais j'ai lu en diagonale aussi, donc...
Par contre komiks avait vu les deux numéros 2, moi aussi par conséquent, et certainement tout le monde, mais cela ne gênant en rien l'exercice je n'ai pas rectifié
On est tous gentils quand même!!

et lakata a pu rebondir avec son humour habituel! what else?

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 20-07-2014 à 23:04:04 (S | E)
Le pire étant que j'avais fait une faute grossière (dans l'énoncé ... et que moi, je ne l'avais pas lu qu'en diagonale !(sigh!) (Lakata ... j'ai quand même failli l'avoir ma crise cardiaque ! par ma faute, cette fois ! )Grrrr ...
Euh ! J'ai dépassé la deadline de 4 minutes ... Bonne nuit à tous !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de alpiem, postée le 21-07-2014 à 14:06:01 (S | E)
Hello here4u,
glad to meet you again, here is my try

1/I'd rather you wouldn't think you can do anything you want !
2/It was rude of Robert not apologizing !
3/You should have your dog examined by the vet after the accident.
4/I'm sure she's looking forward to seeing you again ,you're so pleasant.
5/It's about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they j.
6/Unless you spoke when you are asked to, you must account for your answers.

7/The fastest you will drive, the more risks for nothing you will run.
8/The medic has just been called for to examin the baby who is suffocating.
9/He shouldn't be asked to make such sacrifices ,He's not mature enough !
10/Have you been given any key?Dont let them prevent you from entering your own house !
11/There should have been a traffic light at this crossroads so that many an accident would have been prevented.

Modifié par alpiem le 22-07-2014 15:50

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de ronald1955, postée le 21-07-2014 à 17:46:39 (S | E)
P.S. As far as I'm concerned, I love rewritings, but I like translations...
A large,huge Thank for the realisation,creation of this very nice test !!

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de joe39, postée le 21-07-2014 à 20:30:49 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u!

A little bit breathless but here is my try:

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you couldn’t think you are allowed to do whatever you want!
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was very rude of Robert not having apologized!
2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should get your dog checked by the vet after the accident.
3) I'm sure she'll be glad to see you again ! You're so pleasant as a guest !
(look forward) (such)
She’ll surely be looking forward to seeing you again! You are such a pleasant guest!
4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time your kids be allowed to go out whenever they want…
It’s about time your kids would be allowed to go out whenever they want..
5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
(unless)(passive in the second part !)
Don’t speak unless you are asked to! Moreover your answers are to be accounted for.
6) The faster you will drive, the more risks you will run for nothing! It’s up to you to decide..
7) The doctor will be called out for the painfully breathing baby to be checked up.
8) He shouldn’t be asked to deal with such a lot of sacrifices… he is not enough mature yet.
9) Has he left you a key? Don’t let him to prevent you from entering your own home.
10) This crossroads should have been provided with a traffic lights, so that many accidents would have been prevented from happening.
Had this crossroads been provided with a traffic lights, many accidents would have been avoided.

Great and involving job indeed! Thank you!
Looking forward to fighting the next match, I wish you a pleasant evening.

Modifié par joe39 le 27-07-2014 22:32

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 22-07-2014 à 15:23:35 (S | E)
Thanks Joe !
hello, all of you ! The more I look at your work, the more I tell myself that this exercise was too easy for you ! You're very good ...

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de tereda, postée le 22-07-2014 à 18:53:12 (S | E)
I tried to make do my best....

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you don't think you can do anything you want !
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude to see that Robert didn't apologize !
2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should bring your dog to the vet to be examined (after the accident)
3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
(look forward) (such)
I'm sure she will looking forward to seeing you again, you are such a pleasant guest.
4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time You allowed your kids to go out whenever they want …
5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
(unless)(passive in the second part !)
unless it was asked something to you, wait to speak ! and you must account for your answers.
6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
More you'll drive fast, and more you take risks for nothing, it's up to you !
7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer. We called the doctor to examine the baby who has difficulties to breathe .
8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr ! We shouldn't ask him such sacrifices, he is not enough mature !
9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison ! did they let you a key ? Don't allow they prohibit the access of your own house !
10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités … there should have been a traffic light at this crossroads, so many accidents could have been avoided.


Modifié par lucile83 le 22-07-2014 21:37

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 22-07-2014 à 19:43:29 (S | E)
welcome here, tereda !
Very happy to make you 'suffer' a little with my ( not so) terrible exercises!
Do not hesitate to ask questions ( here or in mps) if you feel like it!
Take care !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 24-07-2014 à 08:29:11 (S | E)
Les corrections individuelles sont bien avancées ... Si tout va bien, je commencerai les envois ce soir !
Si vous avez des modifications de dernière minute, postez-les en messages séparés ...
Bonne journée!

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de lucile83, postée le 24-07-2014 à 11:46:59 (S | E)

Here is my try, thanks for this exercise
Have a nice sunny day

1) I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you didn't think you can do anything you want!

2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to apologise!

2) Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have the vet examine your dog after the accident.

3) I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
She must look forward to seeing you again! You are such a pleasant guest!

4) You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want.

5) Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers ...
Don't speak unless you are asked to! Besides, your answers have to be accounted for...

6) Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The faster you'll drive, the more risks you'll run for nothing! Up to you...

7) Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
They have just called for the doctor to have him examine the baby who has trouble breathing.
The doctor has just been called for in order to/so that he can examine the baby who has trouble breathing.

8) On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
He shouldn't be asked for so many sacrifices...He is not mature enough!

9) Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been left a key? Don't allow him to prevent you from entering your own house!

10) Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation à ce carrefour, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
There should have been traffic lights at this crossroads, and thus, a lot of accidents could have been avoided.

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 26-07-2014 à 07:30:32 (S | E)
. Hello! Les envois individuels sont bien avancés... au rythme des vacances, quand même ....
Vous avez tous bien travaillé et déjoué mes pièges ...
et Exercice 11 on its way and 'correction' as planned !

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de here4u, postée le 27-07-2014 à 21:29:29 (S | E)
Hello !

As promised, here's the collective 'correction' or rather explanation of EX10 ! I hope it will help !

1)I wouldn’t like you to think you can do anything you want !
I’d rather you didn’t think you can do anything you want ! = Je préfèrerais que …
‘you didn’t think’ = prétérit modal à la forme négative. Employé derrière I’d rather + 2e personne (sujet du verbe qui suit) ce prétérit indique le mode irréel ; Ce qui suit n’existe pas : tu ne PEUX PAS faire tout ce que tu veux !
2) Robert didn’t apologize ! He was rude !
It was rude of Robert not to apologize/ have apologized.
To be rude = être impoli ; Il est impoli de la part de Robert de ne pas s’être excusé ; expression à retenir = it’s rude of someone to do/not to do something.
J’ai aussi proposé la solution ‘puriste’ en sachant qu’elle n’est que peu entendue …
2)Your dog should be examined by the vet after the accident.
You should have your dog examined ( by the vet) after the accident.
Revoir l’expression ‘faire faire quelque chose à quelqu’un’ (au sens passif)lorsqu’il n’y a pas de contrainte = to have something done => to have his dog examined
3)I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you again ! You’re so pleasant as a guest !
She must be looking forward to seeing such a pleasant guest again !
‘I’m sure’nécessite le modal de quasi certitude 'must'.
'to look forward to + ing' = attendre avec impatience.
Formes exclamatives : 'so + adjectif : he’s so happy . Such + adjectif + nom => such a happy man'.
4)You should allow your kids to go out whenever they want …
It’s about time you allowed your kids to go out whenever they want.
‘it’s time, it’s about time + preterit modal indiquant un irréel.
To allow somebody to do something = permettre à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose.
5)Speak only when they ask you to ! Besides, you must account for your answers. (Ne parle que lorsqu’on te le demande!)
Don’t speak unless you’re asked to/ they ask you to. Besides, your answers must be accounted for.
Unless = à moins que; la forme passive est de loin la plus employée.
Dans la 2è partie, un passif s’imposait aussi, avec rejet de la particule accolée au verbe.
6)Plus tu rouleras vite, plus tu courras de risques pour rien ! A toi de décider …
The faster you’ll drive, the more risks you’ll run for nothing … It’s up to you !
Plus … plus = progression parallèle = the more … the more …. (revoir la leçon si nécessaire) L’adjectif court ‘fast’ fait son comparatif en ‘fast+er’. C’est à vous de décider = 'It’s up to you !
7)Le médecin vient d’être appelé pour examiner le bébé qui a du mal à respirer.
The doctor has just been called for to examine the baby who has trouble breathing.
= on a appelé le médecin => passif; appeler le Doc = to call for a doctor. Au passif, la particule est forcément accolée au verbe dont elle dépend. ('for' est ‘tourné’ vers 'called' et ‘to’ vers ‘examine’ !
8)On ne devrait pas lui demander tant de sacrifices … Il n’est pas assez mûr !
‘On’ => passif ; ‘lui’devient le sujet : he shouldn’t be asked/required
He shouldn’t be asked for so many sacrifices ! He’s not mature enough !
Demander = to ask for something ;
Assez = Enough : Attention à la place de ‘enough’ : Adjectif + enough (mature enough); enough + Nom. = enough tea)
9)Vous a -t-on laissé une clé ? Ne le laissez pas vous interdire l’accès à votre propre maison !
Have you been left/given a key ? Don’t let yourself be denied access to your own house.
ON : => passif à la forme interrogative au present perfect.
To let somebody do something = laisser quelqu’un faire quelque chose.To deny = nier = refuser => to be denied = forme passive
10)Il aurait dû y avoir un feu de signalisation ici, et ainsi, beaucoup d’accidents auraient pu être évités …
There should have been traffic lights at this crossroads, and thus, many accidents could have been avoided.
Il y a = there IS/ARE = VERBE ETRE; il doit y avoir = there should be ; il aurait dû y avoir = there should have been.
Des feux de signalisation = 0 traffic lights (green, amber, red) ; a crossroads = plusieurs routes se croisent.
Auraient pu être = could have been + participe passé.

Well, well ....
It’s true that it wasn’t very easy … (there were at least 2 traps in each sentence …) and you all did very well ! Congratulations and thank you for taking up my challenges …
Oh yes ! A few other explanations … Correcting this exercise, I’ve realised that there are more and more non French-speaking Learners. Good ! That’s why I gave you still another form of my tricks … As you asked me for translations, I yielded for this time ...
Please, if you’re puzzled by the sentences (in French or by what you have to do in the ones in English ...), do not hesitate to ask for explanations in mps …
Thanks again for your effort and motivation ... You're a real pleasure to me ...

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de mamou3, postée le 28-07-2014 à 07:32:04 (S | E)
Thanks a lot Here4u for your exercise and your so interesting and complete correction!

Réponse: Exercice 10/mixte de lucile83, postée le 28-07-2014 à 07:33:33 (S | E)
Thanks to you!


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