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Oral /Gap year

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /Gap year
Message de buibui posté le 20-09-2014 à 12:31:59 (S | E | F)
j'aurais voulu que quelqu'un peut-être plus fort que moi en anglais (pas très compliqué..) puisse me corriger pour un oral que j'ai mardi.. qu'il puisse corriger ma grammaire, mon orthographe et peut-être aussi mes erreurs.. Merci beaucoup d'avance !

if I had the opportunity to take a gap year before going to university, I think I would go to England, london. All just because my uncle lives in the bottom and can help me find a job to pay for my studies. I often go since I’m young, so I know the city and I love it. More I could learn the language that will help me throughout my life. After working nine months the bottom, I think I would leave the United States with friends for a road trip. I always dreamed of going to the United States because this country has always fascinated me, whether the people there and the wonderful landscape for example the Grand Canyon. I would go for three months to make the most with my friends before going to university. I could use my knowledge assimilated in England and why not later remain in the United States and my education. I would be bilingual which is very important to me and I could meet lots of new people, new friends, many contacts and can be finally find what I want to do later.

Merci beaucoup et bonne journée

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-09-2014 12:47

Réponse: Oral /Gap year de here4u, postée le 20-09-2014 à 16:44:17 (S | E)
hello !

if I had the opportunity to take(mouais ...) a gap year before going to university, I think I would go to England, london., (All) just because my uncle lives in the bottom (oh dear ? Where is he living?)and can help me find a job to pay for my studies. I often go since I’m young(temps), so I know the city and I love it. Morexxxx, I could learn the language that will help me throughout(all along) my life. After working nine months the bottom(again?), I think I would leave (for?)the United States with friends for a road trip. I always dreamed(yes .../dreamt) of going to the United States because this country has always fascinated me, whetherboth ? the people there and the wonderful landscapeS for example the Grand Canyon. I would go for three months to make the most with my friends before going to university. I could use my knowledge assimilated(boffff) in England and why not later remain in the United States and my(a verb is missing !) education. I would be bilingual which is very important to me and I could meet lots of new people, new friends, many contacts and can be (temps et voc?)finally find what I want to do later.

Très inégal ...Allez ! Courage pour la correction !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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