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Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire

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Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire
Message de happyboy3311 posté le 08-11-2014 à 18:51:18 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
Je dois écrire un texte pour un oral de 2 minutes sur Fred Astaire et Ginger Rogers.
Pouvez-vous m'aider à trouvez mes fautes pour que je puisse les corriger s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

So, today I do want to talk about a captivating dancer, singer and actor, Fred Astaire. Besides you may know him or his name.
However, there is no point telling the entire life of Fred Astaire but it is worth studying his partnership with the pretty Ginger Rogers.
First of all, Fred had met Ginger on a movie in 1929 and had a short love story with her. Moreover it is use saying that Ginger succeeded in becoming a star over the night thanks to this movie and danced for the first time with Fred Astaire in Flying Down to Rio in 1933. Let me add that they were in the public eye and they had stolen the limelight from the main actors with their amazing talent. However, behind the camera, the relationship became bad and they can’t stand talking to each other and they wanted to avoid staying alone together. Nevertheless, when they danced, they were the perfect couple, with many feelings, eyes in the eyes, cheek to cheek. Despite of their bad relationship they felt like dancing together and were always trying to get along with each other, no avail. Thus the producers thought that they had better to stop playing in movies together owing to their discord on the stage and Fred and Ginger began to dance with many different partners. Nonetheless, the critics couldn’t help thinking that the best partner of Fred Astaire was obviously Ginger Rogers and the public was looking forward to seeing them together again. Let me add that the expectations were rewarded since Fred and Ginger came back together in The Barclays of Broadway. Furthermore it is use highlighting that this movie gave a boost to their career and they began the best part of their life in solo. Later, Ginger and Fred have met again for the last time with a better relationship. Fred died in 1987 and Ginger in 1995.
To put it in a nutshell, if Fred Astaire hadn’t made the movie in 1929 we wouldn’t have seen one of the best couple of dancers in the world.
Later, after the death of Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers said that she was deeply appreciative of Fred Astaire because of his talent; however, we should add that Fred is most famous but Ginger did everything Fred did but in high heels.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-11-2014 20:46

Réponse: Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire de happyboy3311, postée le 09-11-2014 à 11:22:05 (S | E)
Est-ce que l'anglais du texte en général semble correct s'il vous plaît ?

Réponse: Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire de here4u, postée le 09-11-2014 à 12:32:36 (S | E)

Dans le cadre d'un oral, on ne 'talk pas about' qui fait conversationnel ... Pensez plutôt à 'présenter' le ou les personnages !

So, today I do want to talk about a captivating dancer, singer and actor, Fred Astaire. (Besides) Yyou may know him or his name.(of course we do ! )
However, there is no point telling the entire life of Fred Astaire but it is worth studying his partnership with (the) pretty Ginger Rogers.
First of all, Fred had met Ginger on a movie in 1929 and had a short love story with her. Moreover it is use saying that Ginger succeeded in becoming a star over the night(in a single word) thanks to this movie(which one ?) and danced for the first time with Fred Astaire in Flying Down to Rio in 1933. Let me add that they were in the public eye and they had stolen the limelight from the main actors with their amazing talent. However, behind the camera, the relationship became bad and they can’(temps!)t stand talking to each other and they wanted to avoid staying alone together. Nevertheless, when they danced, they were the perfect couple, with many feelings, eyes in the eyes, cheek to cheek. Despite of their bad relationship they felt like dancing together and were always trying to get along with each other,XX no avail(unsuccessfully). Thus the producers thought that they had better to stop playing in movies together owing to their discord on the stage and Fred and Ginger began to dance with many different partners. Nonetheless, the critics couldn’t help thinking that the best partner of Fred Astaire was obviously Ginger Rogers and the public was looking forward to seeing them together again. Let me add that their expectations were rewarded since Fred and Ginger came back together in The Barclays of Broadway. Furthermore it is use highlighting that this movie gave a boost to their career and they began the best part of their life in solo(not very clear). Later, Ginger and Fred have met again for the last time with a better relationship. Fred died in 1987 and XX XXX Ginger in 1995.
To put it in a nutshell, if Fred Astaire hadn’t made the movie(which one ?) in 1929 we wouldn’t have seen one of the best couple of dancers in the world.
Later, after the death of Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers said that she was deeply appreciative of Fred Astaire because of his talent; however, we should add that Fred is most famous but Ginger did everything Fred did but in high heels.(I hardly understand ... many wouldn't ... try to clarify ...)
Good luck !

Réponse: Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire de happyboy3311, postée le 09-11-2014 à 21:18:58 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !
Pourquoi ne puis-je utiliser les "it is use saying" ?
Vous avez tout à fait raison, j'avais oublié de préciser ce premier film ^^
Pensez-vous que le verbe "degraded" puisse remplacer "became bad" ?

Merci encore pour votre précédente réponse

Réponse: Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire de violet91, postée le 10-11-2014 à 11:59:09 (S | E)
Hello happyboy ,
Aurais-tu un problème avec la forme passive ? ( on raconte ) et la distinction entre comparatif et superlatif ? And the simple past ! Both have been dead for years ... You must be tired out for sure !
Leur relation tourna mal , pas vrai ? Ils ne se supportaient plus .., se disputaient ....facile pour toi à 'tourner 'en anglais ...Les pronoms de la réciprocité ?
What is the title of the film , by the way ?
Have a nice and fruitful week !

Réponse: Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire de here4u, postée le 10-11-2014 à 12:10:32 (S | E)
Hello !
Pourquoi ne puis-je pas utiliser les "it is use saying" ?
Err, Well ! simply because it's not English!
There's an expression :'It's no use + ing' = ça ne sert à rien de ... but it means the exact opposite of what you want to say !


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