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Oral /internship
Message de wsz posté le 17-11-2014 à 14:53:38 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde, j'ai un oral très important jeudi, j'aimerais bien le réussir; pour cela j'ai préparé un texte, qu'en pensez-vous ?
Merci d'avance pour le temps que vous prendrez pour me répondre.
PS : --- = séparation entre chaque diapo de mon power point.

Good Morning everyone !
My name is X and I am Master 2 Civil Enginering at X University. Today, I shall present my internship thanks to a Powerpoint which is entitled « Discovering the great diversity and richness of te job manager site ».
During my L3, I had to do a trianing period of three month at least. For my part, I found a company in X which accepts to take me. It’s X.
I divide this presentation into four parts which are : the company, the worksite, my activities on site, conclusion.
At first, I will introduce my company. Léon Gross is one of the most Civil engineering and it is composed of forty agencies for a turnover of six hundred seventy nine million € by years (€ 679 Million in 2013). It operates in two sectors which are both building and civil engineering both new and renovation work.
My agencies is X Provence, it is located in X and it composed of one thousand seven hundred eleven peoples (1711). My sector is new building work.
Secondly, it’s important to present briefly the context.
The mayor of X wants to build a new town hall for the city, it nominates SETOR to develop a project and X takes care of construction.
Before this last steps, X has to destroy a crumbling building, whose the picture is at the top of the left of this presentation.
The delays required is fourteen (14) months for a price of around four million three hundred thousand (4 milliard 300 milles).
The new town HALL is composed of three floors of (five hundred twenty five) 525 m² each. It reaches 13 m hight.
The walls will be shuttered and precast floors will be set up.
Moreover, I explain the site installation. As a matter of fact, at the top on the right side, there is the entrance of the work site. We can note in the background in the middle of photograph the new building. At the bottom on the left side the storage area which is under the control of the crane which is in the foreground in the middle.
Thirdly, I will define my activities on site, I was a manager site. Indeed, I had to :
- Follow up on the progress of work
- Updating the general planning and to complete it
- Ensure quality monitoring and safety
- Coordinating all the speakers
- Report of coordination meeting
In addition, as a site manager, here's an example of my daily work which confirms what I just said.
To put in a nutshell, on the roof we need to build a skylight which allows illuminate the center of the building on all floors.
 Skylight is a windows placed in a roof to admit daylight.
I have put at the bottom three pictures in order to describe the different steps, workmans have to place the lower face of the formwork on the decking. Then, they must to place carrefully armatures by following the plan and finally closes with the upper formwork.
This is where the problems begin for me, actually, at first sight there is a height difference between masonry and formwork because of an error in the design of the formwork.
What are the ways to solve this problem ?
I have only two solutions :
- Return to factory
- Correct with formework
I chose the second solution to avoid delaying the site.
To conclude, it is a profession requiring : Human relationships, Communication skills and Organization.
For my part, I think it’s succesful experience because the course was extended for two months
Thanks you very much for your attention !

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-11-2014 19:01


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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