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Exercice 23 / Encore différent

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Exercice 23 / Encore différent
Message de here4u posté le 28-11-2014 à 18:55:08 (S | E | F)
Hello dear friends !

Here is number 23 ... Nothing really new ... Apart from a very small exercise 4, the only difference is that I tried to make long, sentences, with a little context, instead of purely small grammatical ones ... but the difficulties are there ...
Then, you'll have another 'poorly written essay' to correct !(It's even worse than the preceding one ... !) and an abacus with 6 words of the same theme ...
Have fun ! That's what we're here for ... I hope you'll learn a little and won't waste your time ! Thanks for playing and learning with me ...

It's a + exercise. The correction will be posted on December 9th, and changes will be possible till the 6th late at night. E N J O Y !

1)Translate into English :

a) Je n'arrive toujours pas à boire le thé ' à la française'. J'ai besoin de pré-chauffer ma théière, de mettre une cuillère de thé par personne plus une pour la théière, de verser l'eau frémissante sur les feuilles, de mettre un nuage de lait dans ma tasse, de laisser reposer quelques secondes et de verser lentement le thé brûlant ! Une réelle cérémonie ... et un vrai régal purement britannique!
Qui serait assez fou pour affirmer que le thé est aussi bon à Paris que dans le Kent? (Ne vous plaignez pas … je vous ai épargné le tea-cosy fait à la maison et tricoté à la main ! Les scones, et les muffins, je les ai gardés pour moi !

b) Les livres deviennent de plus en plus chers. Plus ils augmentent, moins les gens en achètent.C'est triste, mais je ne peux me résoudre à lire un roman sur ma tablette ou mon ordinateur ...
Ce livre vaut vraiment la peine d'être lu, c'est le meilleur que j'aie eu entre les mains depuis bien longtemps : un livre complètement inattendu ! Je te conseille de l'emprunter à la bibliothèque : il est cher (deux fois plus qu’un livre ordinaire …) mais tu n'auras pas besoin de l'attendre car très peu de lecteurs sont intéressés pas ce genre de lecture ...

2)How many mistakes did he make? ( … if you can count them) Correct them and/or suggest improvements.

In the last airport I have visited that Summer, I given a free 'visit', I will even say 'VIP visit': a beautiful blue eyes and fair hair young man lookt for me during all my two hours transfer. He took me at a visit of airport : I was siting at the back of a silent and magic electric car and Steven pointed to all interesting place; he was real guide and he has even showed to me the forbid places of airport. In the end, he has droven me to my plane, and I have board right away.
Why I was given this treatment? Well...
I do deserve it! I had a very painless strained anckles an a pair of crutchs as souvenir!

3) ABACUS again! Please, for their own good, keep your dogs away!
Reminder: Pearls ( letters) can't jump... They just slide! They refer to one theme only ... You hide your well-deserved , and long sought-for answers!


|----------C ------V------G------A------H------------------------|






Place the letters ot the 9-letter word on the dashes, one letter per dash, to spell a 7-letter word and a 3-letter word. Each letter from the 9 letter-word will be used only once ! Good luck !


- N - U - G -

- R - I -

- W -

Once again, I've made a mistake ... Sorry maxwell and others

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2014 19:04

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de maxwell, postée le 29-11-2014 à 17:50:54 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
In the 4th exercise, didn't you mean : "to spell a 7-letter word, a 5-letter word and a 3-letter word" ?
I don't seem to be on track with my "indulge" and "nun" : there are three letters left (D, A, O) which are very hard to match with "L" and "C".

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 29-11-2014 à 21:35:49 (S | E)
I' ve just written a message to Maxwell to apologize to him and ask him for forgiveness ... . I've made a mistake again ... I'm awfully sorry ... and think I should leave for a long vacation ...
Sorry for the headaches I gave those who rushed on my new exercise ...

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de lucile83, postée le 29-11-2014 à 22:08:39 (S | E)
I have just found the 3 words in number 4
and I have just saved the exercise in a file
Good night

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 30-11-2014 à 00:48:06 (S | E)
Bravo! Very well done ... So has ariane, but I'm feeling so sorry and guilty for poor Maxwell ...

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de notrepere, postée le 30-11-2014 à 05:36:16 (S | E)

Luckily, my dog vomited up all of the abacus pearls---it was quite a mess but he was saved. Unfortunately, I will never be able to look at an abacus in quite the same way again.

1)Translate into English:

a) I can only drink tea the "English way" which consists in(1) pre-heating my teapot, putting a spoonful of tea per person plus one for the teapot(2), pouring simmering water on the leaves, putting a splash of milk in my cup, letting it steep for a few seconds and slowly pouring the boiling-hot tea! A real ceremony(3)...and a truly and uniquely British delight.(Rule Britannia, but bring me a tea bag, will you? Boston Tea Party.) Who would be so crazy to suggest that the tea in Paris is as good as it is in Kent? (Surely not I)
(Don't complain...I've spared you the homemade, hand-knitted teapot cover! The scones and muffins I've kept for myself!)(Well, now that you've mentioned it, you haven't really spared us after all, have you? )

(1) I prefer a single sentence, it's much more efficient, just like a tea bag. At least I didn't use any split infinitives this time (did I?).
(2) Because a teapot enjoys a cup of tea too! Why not add milk?
(3) Sounds more like a pain in the neck. Tea bag, tea bag.

b) Books are becoming more and more expensive. The more they rise, the less people buy them. It's sad, but I can't bring myself to read a novel on my tablet or computer... This book is really worth the read; it's the best one I've had in my hands in a really long time: a quite unexpected find! I advise you to borrow it from the library because it is expensive (twice as expensive as a normal book) and you won't need to wait for it since very few readers are interested in this type of reading. (What, pray tell, is it?)

2)How many mistakes did he make? ( … if you can count them) Correct them and/or suggest improvements.

In the final(1) airport I /have/(2) visited that summer(3), I was given a free 'guided tour', I would even say a 'VIP tour': a beautiful blue-eyed, /and/(2) fair-haired young man looked after /for/ me during /all/ my entire two-hour layover (stopover ). He took me /at a visit/ on a guided-tour of the airport:(6) I was sitting in the back of a silent, /and/ magic, electric car and Steven pointed to all of the interesting places; he was a real guide and he /has/(2) even showed /to/ me the forbidden places of the airport. At the end(5), he /has/(2) drove me to my plane, and I /have/(2) boarded right away.
Why was I given this treatment? Well...
I deserved it! I had /a/ very painful strained ankles and a pair of crutches as souvenirs!

(1) Did you visit more than one airport that summer?
(2) inutile
(3) The names of seasons are never capitalized
(4) Visit is not the right word
(5) In the end has a different meaning that doesn't work in the context
(6) Pas d'espace avant toute la ponctuation en anglais

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de maxwell, postée le 30-11-2014 à 09:57:04 (S | E)
You're forgiven dear Here4u . Everybody does mistakes, don't they ? The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.
It's much easier that way... I mean, only for the last exercise...

1)a) I still can't manage to drink tea the French way. I need to preheat my teapot, put a teaspoon of tea per person plus one for the teapot, pour simmering water on the leaves, put a drop (or : a dash) of milk in my cup, leave it still (or : let stand) (or : let sit) a few seconds and slowly pour the scalding tea ! A real ceremony ... and a true purely British delight !
Who would be fool enough to affirm that tea is as good in Paris as in Kent ?

1)b) Books are getting more and more expensive. The more their prices increase, the less people buy them. It's sad but I can't bring myself to read a novel on my tablet or my computer...
This book is really worth reading, it's the best book I've had in my hands in a long time : a completely unexpected book ! I advise you to borrow it from the library : it's expensive (twice as expensive as an ordinary book ...) but you won't have to wait for it since very few readers are interested in this kind of reading...

2) In the last airport I (1)visited that Summer, I (2) was given a free 'visit', I will even say a (3) 'VIP visit': a beautiful blue-eyed (4) and fair-haired (5) young man had been looking (6) after (7) me continuously (8) during my two hour (9) transfer. He took me (10) to visit (11) the airport : I was sitting (12) at the back of a silent and magic electric car and Steven pointed at (13) every (14) interesting place; he was a (15) real guide and he (16) even showed (17) me the forbidden (18) places of the (19) airport. At (20) the end, he drove (21) me to my plane, and I boarded (22) right away.
Why was I (23) given this treatment? Well...
I did (24) deserve it! I had (25) very painful (26) strained anckles and (27) a pair of crutches (28) as a (29) souvenir!

I'd say 29 mistakes, but there might be a few other ones.


|----------C ---V--------G----A----H--|





Lamb, Chick, Veal, Goose, Rabbit, Sheep


And a bonus one I couldn't resist
curtail, Place, pub

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de mamou3, postée le 02-12-2014 à 06:19:49 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, Hello everybody !
Thank you for this exercise !


a)I still cannot drink 'French tea', I need to preheat my teapot, put a spoonful of tea per person plus one for the teapot, pour simmering water on the leaves, put a cloud of milk in my cup, let rest a few seconds and slowly pour the boiling tea ! A real ceremony...and a real purely British treat !
Who would be crazy enough to affirm that tea is as good as in Paris in Kent !
(Don't complain...I spared you the tea cozy home-made and hand-knitted).
The scones and muffins I kept them for me !

b) Books are becoming more and more expensive. The more they raise, the less people buy them. It's sad but I cannot make up my mind to read a novel on my tablet or on my computer...
This book is really worth to be read, it's the best I have had in my hands for a long time : a totally unexpected book !
I advise you to borow it from the library : it's expensive (twice as much as an ordinary book...)but you won't need to wait for it because very few readers are interested in that kind of reading.

2. Mistakes

In the last airport I visited last summer, I was given a free visit, I would even say 'VIP' visit: a beautiful blue eyed and fair-haired young man looked after me during all my two hours transfer.
He took me for a visit of airport : I was sitting in the back of a silent magic electric car and Steven pointed to all of the interesting places; he was a real guide and he has even showed to me the forbidden places of airport.
At the end, he has driven me to my plane and I've boarded right away.
Why was I given this threatment ! Well...
I deserved it ! I had a very painful strained ankle and a pair of crutches as a souvenir.


Lamb- Chick - Veal - Goose - Rabbit - Sheep

Have a nice day !

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de tereda, postée le 02-12-2014 à 10:45:33 (S | E)
Hello here4u, and all my colleagues,
always pleased to share with you my "homework",

A. I still don't manage to drink my tea "à la française", ( I still can't drink tea in French style), I need to preheat my teapot, put in a spoonful of tea per person plus one for the teapot, pour the simmering water on the leaves, then I put just a drop of milk in my cup ; after that, I let settle a few seconds and I slowly pour the tea boiling out !
A real ceremony.... And a real purely British delight !
Who would be crazy enough to pretend that tea is as good at Paris than in Kent ? Don't complain.... I spared you the tea-cosy made at home and hand-knitted ! The scones and muffins, I kept them for me!

B. THE books are more and more expensive (or cost more and more expensive). The more they increase, and less people buy them. that's sad, but I can't make up my mind to read a novel on my tablet or my computer.... This book worth it to be read, it's the best I have had in my hands for a long time, a completely unexpected book ! I advise you to borrow it at the library, because few readers are interested by this sort of reading.
2. In the airport I (visited) last Summer, I was given a free 'visit', I would even say 'a VIP visit': a beautiful blue eyed and fair haired young man has looked after me during all my two hours transfer. He took me at a visit of the airport I was sitting at the back of a silent and magic electric car and Steven pointed to me all interesting place; he was a real guide and he has even showed me the forbidden places of airport. At the end, he drove me to my plane, and I have boarded right away. Why I was given this treatment? Well...
I do deserve it! I had a very painful sprained ankle and a pair of crutches as souvenir!


4. I found some words, but - for the moment - not of 7 letters, maybe i'll return if I find...

thank you here4u to make our brain active !!
Have a good time !

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de koreen2012, postée le 03-12-2014 à 05:06:37 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
A new challenge!!!! With a new abacus Thank you !!!!

a)I can't still drink the French style tea. I need to preheat my teapot, put a spoonful of tea per person plus another one for the teapot, add the bubbling water on the tea leaves, put a drop of milk in my cup, stand for a few seconds and slowly pour the boiling tea! A real ceremony ....and a truly and purely British delight !
Who would be crazy enough to confirm that tea is as good in Paris as in Kent? Don't complain....I have spared you the tea-cosy made at home and hand-knitted! I keep the scones and muffins for me!

b)Books are becoming more and more expensive. The more their prices raise, the less people buy them. This is sad, but I can't decide myself to read a novel on my tablet or internet....
This book is really worth being read, it is the best I have had in my hands since a long time, a completely unexpected book! I recommend you to borrow it from a library: it is high-priced (twice as expensive as an ordinary book....) but you won't need to wait for it because few readers are interested in this kind of reading....

2)How many mistakes did he make? ( ? if you can count them) Correct them and/or suggest improvements.

In the latest airport I visited that summer, I was given a free ' guided tour', I will even say a 'VIP guided tour': a beautiful blue-eyed and fair-haired young man looked after me during all my two hours transfer. He took me to visit the airport : I was sitting in the back of a silent and magic electric car and Steven pointed to all the interesting places; he was a real guide and he has even showed the forbidden places of the airport to me. At the end, he drove me to my plane, and I boarded right away.
Why I was given this treatment? Well...
I did deserve it! I had a very painful strained ankle and a pair of crutches as souvenir!
About 27

theme : farm animals --> lamb, chick, veal, goose, sheep, rabbit


Thank you very much for this exercise
See you !!!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-12-2014 09:23
Bug police réparé.

Modifié par koreen2012 le 03-12-2014 10:28
Thank you Lucile pour avoir réparé ce bug

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de alpiem, postée le 03-12-2014 à 11:27:50 (S | E)
Hello,teacher,it' nice again to be with you for nb 23; here is my prep:

a)I still can't succeed in how to drink tea "a la française". I need to warm up my teapot, then put a spoonful of leaves for each person, one more for the teapot, then pour the simmering water down onto the leaves, put a dash of milk in my teacup, let it brew for a few seconds and then pour slowly the boiling tea ! A pure performance !. . and a pure British splendour !
Who could be so insane as to maintain that tea is as good in Paris as in Kent? ( you needn't complain since I spared you the home-made and hand-knitten tea-cosy ! The scones and the muffins I have kept for myself!

b)Books are getting more and more expensive. The more expensive they get the fewer people buy them.It's sad but I cannot bring myself to read a novel on my tablet or on my computer screen.......
This book is really worth reading , It's the best I have had in my hands for long: a completely inexpected book!
I strongly advise you to borrow it from the public library : it is expensive( two times as much as an ordinary book...)
but you won't need to wait for it because few readers are interested by this type of reading.........

In the last airport I 'visited' that summer I gave a free 'visit'( I will even say "VIP visit") :a beautiful "blue-eyed and fair-haired" young man looked after " me during all my two hours transfer.He took me" to an airport visit ":
I was "sitting "at the back of a silent and magic electric car and STEVEN pointed to "every" interesting place; he was" a" real guide and he even showed me the "forbiden" places of the airport. In the end he drove me to my plane and I"boarded" it right away.Why had I been given such a treatment ? well....
I did deserve it! I had a very" painful" strained anckle and a pair of crutches as souvenir.

Modifié par alpiem le 03-12-2014 11:31

Modifié par alpiem le 04-12-2014 11:03

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 03-12-2014 à 17:58:57 (S | E)
Well, well! I've had an idea ...thanks to one of you... I've decided I'd follow notrepere and wouldn't spare you the sight of wonderful tea-cosies... I'll (try to) post one a day... and you'll choose:
-1) the nicest one...
-2) the 'quaintest one' (everyone is free to interpret quaint as they want!
Here is N°1:Tea-cosy Sheep!

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de notrepere, postée le 04-12-2014 à 04:52:25 (S | E)
Hello here4u, I think you've been feeding that sheep too many scones!
Modifié par notrepere le 04-12-2014 19:22
Frankly, I prefer the fat sheep. That strawberry does not look at all appetizing.

Modifié par notrepere le 05-12-2014 04:43
A snail? You're torturing me! Stop! Stop!

Modifié par notrepere le 06-12-2014 04:06
Ugh, I give up. Please, whatever you do, don't post a tea-cosy poodle.

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 04-12-2014 à 11:04:03 (S | E)
ha ha! Hello notrepere! You don't like my sheep!
Of course, a tea-bag in a mug looks much less plump
Well well! Let me see ... today's tea-cosy will be :

  N°2 : tea-cosy  strawberry !
(Is it mouth-watering enough for you, NP? )

Let's admire how imaginative some British people can be!

Have a wonderful day ... (though the sun doesn't seem to have risen over Paris ! )

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de icare29, postée le 04-12-2014 à 15:31:34 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , here is my work

a) Je n'arrive toujours pas à boire le thé ' à la française'. J'ai besoin de pré-chauffer ma théière, de mettre une cuillère de thé par personne plus une pour la théière, de verser l'eau frémissante sur les feuilles, de mettre un nuage de lait dans ma tasse, de laisser reposer quelques secondes et de verser lentement le thé brûlant ! Une réelle cérémonie ... et un vrai régal purement britannique!
Qui serait assez fou pour affirmer que le thé est aussi bon à Paris que dans le Kent? (Ne vous plaignez pas ? je vous ai épargné le tea-cosy fait à la maison et tricoté à la main ! Les scones, et les muffins, je les ai gardés pour moi !
I will never manage to drink tea 'in a French manner '. I need to preheat my teapot , put a teaspoon per person with in addition on another one for the teapot, let rest for some seconds and slowly pour the boiling tea! A real ceremony ,,,and a true and purely British delight
Who would be crazy enough to pretend that tea is as good in Paris than in the Kent , Don't complain ,I have avoided you the home-made and knitted by hands tea-cosy ! Scones and mufflins , I have kept all them for myself .

b) Les livres deviennent de plus en plus chers. Plus ils augmentent, moins les gens en achètent.C'est triste, mais je ne peux me résoudre à lire un roman sur ma tablette ou mon ordinateur ...
Ce livre vaut vraiment la peine d'être lu, c'est le meilleur que j'aie eu entre les mains depuis bien longtemps : un livre complètement inattendu ! Je te conseille de l'emprunter à la bibliothèque : il est cher (deux fois plus qu'un livre ordinaire ?) mais tu n'auras pas besoin de l'attendre car très peu de lecteurs sont intéressés pas ce genre de lecture ?
Books become more and more expensive .The more they are rising , the less customers are being able to buy them , That's very sad, but I can't resolve myself to read a novel either on a tablet or a laptop .
That book is really worth reading, it's the best book I have had in my hands for ages : a completely unexpected book ! I advise you to borrow it from the library ,It is very expensive (twice as expensive as a ordinary book ), but you won't have to wait for it because very few readers are interested in this kind of reading

In the latest airport I visited that Summer, I was given a free 'visit', I would even say 'VIP visit': a beautiful blue- eyed and fair -haired young man looked after me during all my two- hour transfer. He took me for a visit at the airport . I was siting at the back of a silent and magic electric car and Steven pointed at each interesting place ; he was a real guide and he even showed me the forbidden places of airport. At the end, he drove me to my plane, and I boarded right away.
Why was I given this treatment? Well...
I did deserve it! I had a very painful strained ankles and a pair of crutches as souvenir!

Thank you very much for this new exercise

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 04-12-2014 à 19:48:17 (S | E)

Après une dure journée,  petit mot de Lucile me disant que ma fraise n'était pas sur le Forum .... Grrrrr! Elle vous a manqué, non! 
Pour la peine, voici, en avance, le tea cosy de demain ...

N°3: Tea-cosy Snail!

Hope it works ... finally!

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 05-12-2014 à 21:56:42 (S | E)
Stop my tea-cosy exhibition ? You must be kidding ! I have so many more !
What about this one?
       N° 4 : Tea-cosy rooster (NP 's going to criticize again ... I tried ...but couldn't find a tea-cosy eagle! )
(You still have plenty of time to post your work...)

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de tereda, postée le 06-12-2014 à 11:47:22 (S | E)
and these two pretty owls, aren't they cute ?

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 06-12-2014 à 12:28:40 (S | E)
Splendid ! ( I have an owl too ... It'll come another day ! ) I'm on my pad just now ... no authorized smileys ...
Don't worry Joe, I'll post and hide your try as soon as my computer gives me a break ( keeps bullying me ARGHHHHHHH..... )

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 06-12-2014 à 13:45:21 (S | E)
Joe 39 posted :
1)Translate into English :
A ? I am not always able to drink ?French? tea. I need to preheat my teapot, put into a spoonful of tea per person plus one for the pot, pour boiling water on the leaves, put a bit/blob of milk into my cup, let rest some second and then slowly pour the boiling tea into the cups ! It's a real ceremony ?.and a true British delicacy.
Who would be so crazy to say that tea is as good in Paris as it's in Kent? Don't cry?.I spared you the home made and hand knitted tea cosy! But the scones and the muffins, I kept them for me !

B ? The books are getting more and more expensives: the more their price increase, the less people buy them. That's sad but I can't give in/resolve/to make up my mind to read a novel on my tablet or on my computer?.This book is really worth reading, it's the best I've had/got in my hands since a long time: a fully/entirely unexpected book! You'd better borrow it from the library, because it's expensive (it would cost you twice than a normal book), but you won't need to wait for it to be available/, because very few readers would be interested/are being interested in such a kind of reading.

Correct the mistakes. With your permission I would like to remake the whole text than correct it.
In the last airport I visited in this summer, I was given a free ?visit?; I would even say ?a VIP visit?: a handsome blue-eyed, fair-haired young man looked after me during my two hours' waiting there. He took me to visit the airport. I was put sitting on the back seat of a silent and magic electric car and Steven drove through all interesting places of the airport, showing me even those where no visitors were admitted to enter. He was a real guide. At the trip's end, he drove me to my plane, on which I was boarded right away.
Why was I given such a service? Well? I did deserve well! I was suffering from a very painful strained ankles and I have got/and they gave me/and I was dragging myself on a pair Lien Internet, cliquez ici crutches as a Lien Internet, cliquez ici

3 ? Abacus - : Lamb, chick veal, goose, rabbit, sheep.Lien Internet, cliquez ici
4) Three from nine: indulge, drain, own.

As usual the exercise you proposed was a real enjoyment and made my mind work usefully.
I remain, thanking and wishing you a nice weekend.
Your friendly

Hello Joe, I'm not sure all those '?' are wanted... Tell me what you want them replaced by and I'll Edit !

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de lucile83, postée le 06-12-2014 à 15:38:14 (S | E)

Here I am Hope I'll have some time to proofread my try
Thank you for that exercise

1)Translate into English :

a) I still can’t drink tea ‘à la française’ (a la francaise… depends on the keyboard…). I need to warm up my tea-pot, add a spoonful of tea per person plus one for the pot, pour simmering water upon the leaves, add a cloud of milk in my cup, let it rest for a few seconds and pour the boiling hot tea slowly into the cups! A true ceremony…and a purely British real treat !
Who would be foolish enough to assert that tea is as nice in Paris as it is in Kent? Don’t complain…I have spared you the home-made and hand-knitted tea-cosy! I have kept the scones (Devon scones of course!) and muffins just for me.

b) Books get more and more expensive. The more expensive they are, the fewer of them people buy. It is pitiful, but I can’t resolve to read a novel on my tablet or on my computer…
This book is really worth reading, it is the best one I have ever had in my hands for a long time: an absolutely unexpected book! You should borrow it from the library: it is expensive ( twice as much as an ordinary book…) but you won’t have to wait for it for very few readers are interested in that kind of reading…

2)How many mistakes did he make?... Around 30!

In the latest airport I visited that summer, I was given a free 'visit', I should even say a 'VIP visit': a beautiful blue-eyed and fair-haired young man looked after me during my two-hour long transfer. He took me around a visit of the airport : I was sitting at the back of a silent and magic electric car and Steven pointed to all the interesting places; he was a real guide and he even showed me the prohibited places of the airport. In the end, he drove me to my plane, and I boarded right away.
Why was I given this treatment? Well...
I did deserve it! I had a very painful strained ankle and a pair of crutches as a souvenir!

3) xxxxx not keen on that,sorry.


Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de ariane6, postée le 07-12-2014 à 12:06:01 (S | E)
Hello Here4u !

a) Je n'arrive toujours pas à boire le thé ' à la française'. J'ai besoin de pré-chauffer ma théière, de mettre une cuillère de thé par personne plus une pour la théière, de verser l'eau frémissante sur les feuilles, de mettre un nuage de lait dans ma tasse, de laisser reposer quelques secondes et de verser lentement le thé brûlant ! Une réelle cérémonie ... et un vrai régal purement britannique!
Qui serait assez fou pour affirmer que le thé est aussi bon à Paris que dans le Kent ? (Ne vous plaignez pas … je vous ai épargné le tea-cosy fait à la maison et tricoté à la main !) Les scones, et les muffins, je les ai gardés pour moi !

a) I still can't drink French style tea. I need to pre-heat my teapot, put in a spoonful of tea for each person, and another one for the pot, pour boiling water onto the leaves, let it brew for a few seconds, put a drop of milk into my cup, and then slowly pour in the hot tea! A real ceremony...a truly British treat!
Who would be mad enough to suggest that tea in Paris is as good as in Kent? (Don't complain. I've spared you the homemade, hand-knitted tea cosy!) The scones and the muffins? I'm saving those for myself!!!
b) Les livres deviennent de plus en plus chers. Plus ils augmentent, moins les gens en achètent. C'est triste, mais je ne peux me résoudre à lire un roman sur ma tablette ou mon ordinateur ...
Ce livre vaut vraiment la peine d'être lu, c'est le meilleur que j'aie eu entre les mains depuis bien longtemps : un livre complètement inattendu !
Je te conseille de l'emprunter à la bibliothèque : il est cher (deux fois plus qu’un livre ordinaire …) mais tu n'auras pas besoin de l'attendre car très peu de lecteurs sont intéressés pas ce genre de lecture ...
b) Books are becoming more and more expensive. The more they go up, the less people buy them.
It's sad, but I can't bring myself to read a novel on my tablet or on my computer...
This book is really worth reading. It's the best I've had in my hands for a very long time: a completely unexpected book!
I recommend you borrow it from the library. It's expensive (twice the price of a normal book…) but you won't have to wait for it, because very few readers are interested in this kind of literature...

2)How many mistakes did he make ?
At the last airport I visited that summer, I was given a free guided-tour, I would even say a'VIP tour'. A beautiful blue-eyed, fair-haired young man looked after me during my entire two-hour stopover. He took me on a guided-tour of the airport: I sat in the back of a silent ,magical, electric car while Steven pointed out all of the interesting places; he was a real guide and he even showed me the forbidden areas (no-go areas)of the airport. At the end, he drove me to my plane, and I boarded right away.
Why was I given this treatment? Well...
I did deserve it! I had spent the last night of my holiday at a non-stop disco dance and as a result I had very painful strained ankles and a pair of crutches as a souvenir!

Thank you very much !

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 07-12-2014 à 12:37:19 (S | E)
Errrr ! That seems to be a very unruly and not very enthusiastic class... aren't you the (grey?) sheep.... (I didn't say black sheep in the group ...) ariane?
I like people who ask questions... but your neighbour 'the duck' seems very talkative to me...
Hello !
As it's freezing cold here, I won't go out to the overcrowded shops and will go on correcting your (very good) work  I will post as soon as my computer looks in a good mood ... Exercice 24 is ready; and so is my 'correction' which is constantly improved by your suggestions ...
I'm happy, I've found a poodle tea-cosy, a cute one, NP ! I'm sure you'll like it ... But today is the ...'headless body'...) I would have like some sort of a head above, but well ...
N°5: Tea-cosy cardigan...(Tereda's owls are 4b and 4c!)
Have a wonderful Sunday ! 

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de lakata, postée le 07-12-2014 à 16:47:58 (S | E)
Hello dear Here4u!

1) Translate into English:

a) Je n'arrive toujours pas à boire le thé "à la française". J'ai besoin de préchauffer ma théière, d'y mettre une cuiller de thé par personne plus une pour la théière, de verser l'eau frémissante sur les feuilles, de mettre un nuage de lait dans ma tasse, de laisser reposer quelques secondes et de verser lentement le thé brûlant ! Une réelle céré un vrai régal purement britannique !
Qui serait assez fou pour affirmer que le thé est aussi bon à Paris que dans le Kent ? ( Ne vous plaignez vous ai épargné le tea-cosy fait à la maison et tricoté main ! Les scones et les muffins, je les ai gardés pour moi ! )

I still can't have my tea in the French way. First, my teapot needs preheating. Afterwards, I need to put one spoonful of tea per person in it, plus one for the teapot, then pour some simmering water onto the leaves and a little milk into my cup, brew for a few seconds and finally gently pour out the hot tea! A whole ritual and a wholly British real treat!
Who'd be crazy enough to claim that tea is as good in Paris as it is in Kent? ( No need to complain...I've spared you the home-made hand-knitted tea-cosy! As regards the scones and the muffins, I've kept them all for myself ( so delicious with some clotted cream...!))

b) Les livres deviennent de plus en plus chers. Plus ils augmentent, moins les gens en achètent. C'est triste, mais je ne peux me résoudre à lire un roman sur ma tablette ou mon ordinateur.
Ce livre vaut vraiment la peine d'être lu, c'est le meilleur que j'aie eu entre les mains depuis bien longtemps : un livre complètement inattendu ! Je te conseille de l'emprunter à la bibliothèque : il est cher ( deux fois plus qu'un livre ordinaire), mais tu n'auras pas besoin de l'attendre car très peu de lecteurs sont intéressés par ce genre de lecture.

Books become more and more expensive. The more their prices go up, the fewer are sold. It's a pity, but I can't make myself read a novel on my Tablet PC or my computer.
This book is really worth reading, it's the best one I've had in my hands for a very long time : a totally unexpected book! You should borrow it from the library as it's expensive - twice as much as an ordinary one. But you won't have to wait for it since very few readers are interested in this kind of reading.

I am sincerely sorry, here4u, but I don't have enough time to finish your exercise, only the time to play the fool a little, dressed up as a tea-cosy whose knitting took me the whole week, and smiling stupidly.

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 07-12-2014 à 20:43:15 (S | E)
Hello !
Don't worry, Lakata (and Lucile) ! You still have 2 more days to add ... whatever you fancy ! The other corrections are finished and posted ... take your time ...
Lakata ! What a wonderful hat you have !
Being serious ... I understand that some are staunch fans of translations : I'd like to know whether they prefer my stupid little texts or independent sentences targetting the usual traps ... (but you've already tasted/tested many ...
Tell me ...
I know that some of you like 'word games' and another abacus has gone out of my twisted mind
Have a good evening !

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de tereda, postée le 08-12-2014 à 17:07:47 (S | E)
For my part, I like the different ways of exercises you give us, sometimes your "stupid" little texts which make us less stupid after....... and sometimes independent sentences.
It a pleasure for me to try to do the best possible including ABACUS, and other games. So let's go !! and thanks a lot to you for your time, your enthusiasm, and the help you give us, dear Here4u.

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 08-12-2014 à 18:49:09 (S | E)
Hello ! Thanks for the feedback ...Now, as I know that some have problems with a mouse here is :

Tea-cosy N° 6 : Mice at work !
Lakata's is 4b !
Have an enjoyable evening !

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de lakata, postée le 09-12-2014 à 09:17:28 (S | E)
Dear here4u!
My cat and I thank you very much for all this work and for these lovely mice he's expecting to have at tea-time after catnapping...

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 09-12-2014 à 09:39:39 (S | E)
Hello !
It's so cute ... = N° 6b
N°7  an elephant tea-cosy ; very sophisticated, isn't it?

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de here4u, postée le 09-12-2014 à 21:17:18 (S | E)
Hello !

Here are my suggestions ... (Don't 'Beurk' too much at me ... and remember, I'm supposed to be the naughty 'teacher' who'll tell you what to write to get the points in the exams... (or to have got(ten) them if you had sat for the exams ...)
I'm, alas, used to hearing and reading badly Spoken English...(and suffering); some don't care, I do 'a little'... Pardon me for loving English !

)Translate into English :
a) Je n'arrive toujours pas à boire le thé ' à la française'. J'ai besoin de pré-chauffer ma théière, de mettre une cuillère de thé par personne plus une pour la théière, de verser l'eau frémissante sur les feuilles, de mettre un nuage de lait dans ma tasse, de laisser reposer quelques secondes et de verser lentement le thé brûlant ! Une réelle cérémonie ... et un vrai régal purement britannique!
Qui serait assez fou pour affirmer que le thé est aussi bon à Paris que dans le Kent? (Ne vous plaignez pas … je vous ai épargné le tea-cosy fait à la maison et tricoté à la main ! Les scones, et les muffins, je les ai gardés pour moi !

I still can’t bring myself to drink tea ‘the French way’. I still need to / warm up/pre-heat my tea-pot with boiling water, then to 'put one spoonful of tea per person plus one for the pot', then pour simmering water onto the leaves, then put a touch (drop/dash/)of milk into my cup, let the tea stand a few seconds and pour the scalding/burning tea delicately! It’s a real ceremony… and a purely and uniquely British treat!
Who would be stupid enough to assert/ claim that the tea is as delicious in Paris as in Kent? (Do not complain … I’ve spared you the home-made and hand-knit tea-cosy! The scones and muffins? I kept for myself ! ) (!(to knit, knit, knit =(OK, NP …. Beurk !) irregular but knitted in American English and slowly arriving everywhere …and accepted painfully an reluctantly… but ‘knitten’ = NO) Lien internet

- Here, for diverse reasons, several of you didn’t see that what I was describing was the ‘official British way of making tea’. It was and it’s ‘funny’(or stupid, if you prefer) to realize how everytime I drink tea alone, not using the protocole, I feel somewhat guilty for‘not following the rules’
- I like 'warm up' better than 'pre-heat' (which sounds too modern to me for such an ancestral gesture …)
- You had a great variety of choices for the drop/touch/dash/blob(a splash seems a bit messy to me, though it was given in wordreference…)of milk ! xxxxx : You forgot the milk! You can’t have real British tea without milk !
Some of you mentioned the clotted cream and the Devon scones… Ah, ah, ah…I will always remember my latest ‘cream-tea’(a million calories …) in the Cotswolds … Unforgettably delicious !
- I agreed with NP that ‘tea’ should be determined( =>the tea …), in the last paragraph … I wasn’t speaking about tea in general but about that extraordinary one… but I agree that not all of you had to have the same references…

Don’t forget that you’ll have to vote (thank you for the effort, and your opinion!Let's say by the weekend... ) to determine the nicest, the quaintest, and I will add the ‘ugliest’(I haven’t finished posting yet … ) tea cosies …

b) Les livres deviennent de plus en plus chers. Plus ils augmentent, moins les gens en achètent. C'est triste, mais je ne peux me résoudre à lire un roman sur ma tablette ou mon ordinateur ...
Ce livre vaut vraiment la peine d'être lu, c'est le meilleur que j'aie eu entre les mains depuis bien longtemps : un livre complètement inattendu ! Je te conseille de l'emprunter à la bibliothèque : il est cher (deux fois plus qu’un livre ordinaire …) mais tu n'auras pas besoin de l'attendre car très peu de lecteurs sont intéressés pas ce genre de lecture ...

Books are becoming more and more expensive. The more their prices increase, the***(read below) fewer people buy them/!The fewer of them people buy/The more their prices go up, the fewer are sold)! It’s a sad reality … Yet, I can’t bring myself to read/satisfy myself with reading a novel on my tablet or my computer …
This book is really worth reading / the read!; it’s the best one I’ve had in my hands for quite a long time. A totally unexpected find! (Thanks !NP )I advise you to borrow it from the library ; It’s expensive (twice as much as an ordinary book…) but you won’t have to wait for it as very few readers are interested in that sort of literature…

- Battling for English grammar for years, I COULDN’T accept ‘the less people’ … I know that most of you wanted to apply ‘few’ to books but the simple juxtaposition almost gave me a heart attack … Les 2L (Lakata et Lucile ) ont trouvé des solutions astucieuses et ‘jolies’, grammaticalement irréprochables ! The fewer of them people buy/The more their prices go up, the fewer are sold)
- Mind the confusion between ‘for’ = length of time, duration and ‘since’ = 'starting point or precise moment' .
- ‘to be interested IN something'

2)How many mistakes did he make? ( … if you can count them) Correct them and/or suggest improvements.

In the last)LATEST/FINAL airport I (have) visited that (S)summer, I WAS given a free 'visit', I (will) WOULD even say A 'VIP tour': a (beautiful) HANDSOME (‘Men can’t be ‘beautiful!’They’re ‘handsome’ or ‘good-looking’, at best !) blue -eyeD and fair-hairED young man looked (t for) AFTER me during (all my two hours ) MY ENTIRE TWO-HOUR transfer/stopover. He took me( at) FOR a visit of THE airport : I was siTting at/IN the back of a silent and magicAL electric car and Steven pointed (to) OUT (all)EVERY interesting place; he was A real guide and he has even showed (to) me the forbidden/unauthorized places of THE airport.
(In)AT the end, he ( has droven) DROVE me to my plane, and I (have) boarded IT right away.
Why(I was) WAS I given (this)THAT PARTICULAR treatment? Well...
I (do) DID deserve it! I had a very (painless strained anckles) A VERY PAINFUL DOUBLE-SPRAINED ANKLE anD a pair of crutchEs as souvenirS!

- I was given' = passive form = on m'a donné
- Blue-eyed and fair-haired = compound adjectives expressing physical characteristics.
- To look for = chercher; to look after = veiller sur
- a two-hour transfer/ stopover (no -s at hour ... it's considered like an adjective.
- Magic = the noun ; the adjective = magical (in BrE)
- Each time we have : 'the' airport refers to a special one, not any airport
- why I was given...' would be an indirect interrogative clause. Here, we have a direct clause ( see the '?') and a passive form: 'I was given ...'
- 'I DID deserve it' est une forme emphatique qui insiste sur le fait que je le méritais vraiment.
- Pain = douleur ; less = suffixe privatif ; ful = painful = douloureux
- I knew 'a sprained ankle', but apparently, my 'strained anckle'didn't shock you much ! Good !

3) ABACUS again! Please, for their own good, keep your dogs away!
Reminder: Pearls ( letters) can't jump... They just slide! They refer to one theme only ... You hide your well-deserved , and long sought-for answers!


|----------C ------V------G------A------H------------------------|





theme : farm animals --> lamb, chick, veal, goose, sheep, rabbit

Place the letters ot the 9-letter word on the dashes, one letter per dash, to spell a 7-letter word and a 3-letter word. Each letter from the 9 letter-word will be used only once ! Good luck !


- N - U - G -

- R - I -

- W -


Thanks a lot to all of you for your work, your good will, and good humour !
Please, forgive me for any 'typo', mistake or problem with the colours (especially in the corrections of the bad student's mistakes ...). Just indicate them to me, please ...

Réponse: Exercice 23 / Encore différent de lucile83, postée le 10-12-2014 à 08:57:35 (S | E)
Thank you for that exercise!


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