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Description/Ellis Island

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Description/Ellis Island
Message de battle95 posté le 01-12-2014 à 20:10:31 (S | E | F)
Salut, Bonjour,
j'ai une petite rédaction à faire pour demain.
Je dois faire la lettre d'une personne qui est partie immigrée émigrer à New York (et qui vient d'arriver il n' a pas longtemps).
Comme je ne suis pas fort en anglais et que quelquefois je me suis aidé de traducteur en ligne pour quelques groupes de mots, j'aimerais savoir si vous pouvez repérer les fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci bien

Dear family,
I'm now in New York city.
The boat trip was very long and crossed in difficult conditions because we were many travelers.
When i disembarked, there was full of people like me.
The security and doctors of the United States Health Service began to examine me, they looked if i had a physical and mental abnormalities.
I had none of that , so i moved on to the registration clerk and they asked me for some informations.

After all it, i finally arrived in New York City !
There are a lot of persons, i was surprised ! 98
My priority was to find a roof, the city hall managed me to an association who can could helped me.
Effectivly i was able to have a bed and a hot meal for evening with other immigrants.
I have the possibility of staying here until that my situation will be better.
Tomorrow, i Will search for a job with my new friends,
I miss you, bye.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-12-2014 20:53

Réponse: Description/Ellis Island de laure95, postée le 03-12-2014 à 11:13:06 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois reprendre:
Dear family,
I'm now in New York city.
The boat trip was very long and crossed in difficult conditions because we were many travelers.
When i disembarked, there was (people est au pluriel) full of people like me.
The security and doctors of the United States Health Service began to examine me, they looked if i had a (A + singulier) physical and mental abnormalities.
I had none of that , so i moved on to the registration clerk and they asked me for some informations (mot invariable).

After all it (pas le bon mot), i finally arrived in New York City !
There are a lot of persons (people), i was surprised ! 98
My priority was to find a roof, the city hall managed me (pas à la bonne place) to (il manque un verbe)an association who can could helped (problème de forme verbale) me.
Effectivly i was able to have a bed and a hot meal for (the) evening with other immigrants.
I have the possibility of staying here until that my situation will be (pas la bonne forme verbale) better.
Tomorrow, i Will search for a job with my new friends,
I miss you, bye.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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