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Correction /Diary

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Diary
Message de mehmetyildiz posté le 03-03-2015 à 21:01:11 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous s'il vous plait corriger mon expression écrite? le sujet est dcrire un journal intime de 5 jours; je l'ai fait mais j'ai besoin d'une correction!
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear diary,
To start with, I think that I completely failed my biology questionnaire, that I know that I would have more studied for my father is not going to be happy on this matter.
On the other hand I think that most of my companion completely succeeded my biology questionnaire especially Jean who studied throughout the week.
Any way I shall have time to catch up my questionnaire and to save my orientation!

Expensive newspaper
Today we plan our stay in Norway for the winter holidays my parents(relatives) want to take Pinky our dog but our airline company forbids pets I think that our stay will be cancel because of Pinky!
At the high school I met my former(old) professor of math who be in my previous good middle school(college) of the year for today here we are!

Expensive newspaper
Today nothing special I am going to tell you my day:
Today at 6.00 am ' also got up. Breakfast in the morning is not much appetite Because it did not doh. At 7.30 I went to school. Was funny and enjoyable lessons. I be on drugs home at 4.15. Too tired to eat and slept. Was 7 o' clock when I get up. I watched has little news. After-party the reading I went to my room for more work. I slept at 11 o' clock. Spent has good bun …

Today adds us path in the park we cycled and of the roller it was very funny I think that one will return another day, by going back(entering my) home I perceived that I had homework I took a little bit ready a 1 hour(am) + 20 time to revise my English lesson in 25.12.2012
Today I have just learnt that I pass in the sector(network) which I chose I think that I can realize my dream of going to Faculty of Medicine

Today a friend of my house had come to take me. We went to school together and boarded the bus. Geometry lesson. My teacher loved me very much. The course is pretty. The course was very pleased with me at the exit of the teacher, he said. I told him that my mother was delighted me pleased with my teacher talked about the evening.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-03-2015 21:16


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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