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Correction /The Great War

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /The Great War
Message de etoile12 posté le 13-03-2015 à 00:28:02 (S | E | F)
Voilà, après avoir vraiment passé du temps à seulement comprendre les termes du sujet, je poste aujourd'hui avec beaucoup de retard sur ce sujet, avec pour thème Mythes et Héros :
A) You have to organize an exhibition in your school to commemorate the heroes of the great war.
B) You participate in an essay competition organized in your school.
Write a 300-word essay to present the profile of the Great War heroe of your choice
Honnêtement j'ai écrit sans réellement me confondre totalement au sujet mais je pense que la partie b est ce qui correspondrait le plus à mon devoir.
Je vous remercie infiniment de la correction que vous pourriez apporter ainsi que l'affirmation-?- que l'exercice reste bien dans les termes du sujet.

The Great war or First World War was the battle with chiefly centered in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 finished on 11 november 1918. It’s maybe the first war where there is so much death in this time with around 10 millions decease. During this war many of exceptional person ditinguishes with medals and decorations.

It exists a lot Medals and Decoration like Victoria Cross, Legion d’Honneur, Military Cross, Croix de guerre, Distinguished Service Cross or Iron Cross. This reward was usually in retourn for bravery, courage, acts of heroism like the Victoria Cross who was giving for « most conspicious bravery, a daring or preeminent act of valour, self sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy ». Unfortunately some of them no canned benefit because (for the Victoria Cross) in 633 members of the armed were awarded, 187 had been killed during their act of heroism.

I take the exemple of Woodrow Wilson who was the 28th and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 to his pacifist position during this war. Yet and paradoxically he expanded the policy of segregation to the African American although if they switched allegiance to his party and said : “segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.”. It’s after the end of the Great War that he began his campaign for the peace in the word (always with this idea for the black people). He died three years as an invalid in 1924.

Finaly I think everyday have a thing to all people who participate in this war to they courage and not keep in memory the name of the important person because everybody have they thought appropriate to him and maybe everybody in this war was a heroe with ou without one big award

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-03-2015 07:37


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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