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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de manona35 posté le 01-04-2015 à 22:53:05 (S | E | F)
je réalise pour le lycée une argumentation sur : devons-nous ou pas interdire les technologies au lycée.J'ai fait ci-dessus la partie "contre l'interdiction".
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plait m'aider dans la correction de ma syntaxe?
Je vous remercie par avance

New technologies are responsible about some discovery and causes Sciences to advance, now we can healed many diseases and we hope that maybe we can find the solutions for other like : sida or cancer.
What's more, we can do things more fast, instead make experience, we search and find immediately in internet and it's the same achievment for exemple in biology we can watch a dissection in internet with all details (name of organs...).
Furtheimore, new technologies are an exellent educative purpose, at school we can do our homework on the touchpad or computer and present a better work, for exemple when we have an expose we used and created one or few slidesshow.
Moroever, when a student have a correspondant, if he has a mobile he can speak with him easily and quikly.
Finally, for some years our high school set up a digital class, students each have touchscreen and they are more adventages, firstly we haven't books because they are dowload in touchpad so the bag are less heavy, then we can access more easily to ressources and allowing to do more productions. Thus interactive way of students allow to work together, increase participation and communication specally in engligh and spanish. In this class the student can set the pace for exemple to watch vidéos. In this way, tool let an improvement and more vigilant in work.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2015 22:58


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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