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Aide/Gap year

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Aide/Gap year
Message de lolilol38 posté le 23-04-2015 à 11:09:06 (S | E | F)
J'ai préparé un oral d'anglais mais mon prof m'a dit que c'était la catastrophe. Pouvez vous m'aider à corriger mon texte please! Merci pour vos réponses.

Doc 1 :
We studied a drawing of a cow who is dreaming of being free. It illustrates the proverb «The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence ». Indeed, most of people tend to think that their lives would be better elsewhere. Nowadays, because of the consumer society people tend to be envious of their neightbour, their car, they wife…

Doc 2 : Being in flatsharing and thus not to be independent can be a hell Since we can blame our roommates not to be clean, smoke too much and do too much partying or eventually their families lack. As we have seen in a paper comic entitled Nina’s adventures. It is true that when we integrate a flat sharing we do not necessarily connaissont people in advance so many kinds of people of all ages and all characters may end up in the same flat. This explains why conflicts may occur.

Doc 3 : Some people do not support flat sharing and can not cope with the situation while for others it is synonymous with independence because there are advantages and disadvantages. When leaving his family to go to an apartment that allows you to meet new people in new cities and emancipation. Share the rent permit equally save money.
Gap year : The gap year is also an issue that affects the independence. Initially, a gap year is a period of time during which a student of any nationality takes a break from studying after they have finished school and before they start college or university. We have studied a recording and documents where intervene associations which organize gap year or speaks of the benefits of a gap year or journalist.
The gap year is more and more popular in the united kingdom unlike other countries it has long frightened parents.
The gap year to many pros. It not only prepares students to adulthood, teaches them to be independent, but it also makes them learn how to face responsibilities. It allows young people to educate them and to take maturity and giving them a sense of independence and a chance to see something of the real world before they go on to third level education. Not working only in class and therefore travelled places around the World. But also discover other families living in other countries. I could see in the website, a author says “Proficiency in a foreign language is an invaluable skill for young people in today’s interconnected world.” It’s one of the advantages to take a Gap Year.
Not to mention, at the professional level it improves their CV because gap years are often looked upon positively by employers.
Otherwise the gap year is not always benefical for teens.
Conclu : For me the gap year does not make me want, however a flatsharing is an experience that I would like to live in my life because it allows a change of air, live a experiance rewarding and become autonomous. These documents are all bound by the notion of independence.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-04-2015 14:46


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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