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Places and forms of power/aide

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Places and forms of power/aide
Message de faquin posté le 25-04-2015 à 13:21:46 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
serait-il possible que quelqu'un corrige ou annote ma synthèse pour l'oral de LV1 ?
Je vous remercie par avance,

In order to begin my presentation about form and location of power, it will be necessary to define what power means. In the Oxford dictionary, power refers to the ability to influence the behavior of others or the political or social authority exercised by a government, individuals or an institution.
Through the example of South Africa, we saw a racial power with the black who were under the sway of the white.
What are the different forms of power in South Africa ? During the former part, we will see « Apartheid », then we will finish with the latter part : « The Rainbow Nation ».

I - Apartheid
Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa, introduced in 1948 by the government which were composed of white. The black and the white were separated, so was the law.
For instance, the picture illustrating the notion is the book, is as black and white photographer taken in 1970. There’s a bench, and each side of the bench is made for the white or the black. Thus, we can say that racial segregation even used to settle in the life of every day and with basic actions. For instance, In buses, the best sits were reserved for the whites while the sits which were in the back of the bus were reserved to the black.
When Rosa Park, a black woman decided to sit on a white’s place, she was sentenced to jail.
Apartheid was a racial politic serving an unjust form of power.
Moreover, since some universities were forbidden for the black, we can truly consider that South Africa established an obscurantist regime in order to put the black in ignorance and non-education so they can’t protest against the regime.
And in order to firmly control the black, the government used to have a violent politic : as an Anti-Apartheid poster made in 1978 shows it, authorities were violent and made slaughters to control the contestations. It’s a proof of a racial politic, a politic full of hate.
South Africa tried to get rid of the black.

So, we can assume that freedom of expression is a fundamental and basic human right; since it can enable people not to be under the sway of something anymore. The two authors Maya Angelou and Nadine Gordimer are strong strong symbols of this freedom and of people who were brave enough to fight for their cause, Nadine Gordimer fought against apartheid and Maya Angelou against Segregation in the USA. Their life are presented in two articles published in the Economist. That’s why children of our generation can’t understand who humans could create this system, and so did the blacks, as a cartoon published by proves it : there’s a little black girl asking what Apartheid is to an old white woman, but she can never understand, although this woman gives her a definition from the dictionary.

Nelson Mandela was one of the black people who understood the nature of the reality and he fought for his country and won for it.

II - The Rainbow Nation
When the black used to be under the sway of the white, they must have wanted to make a revolution in order to recover their freedom. Ah photograph taken in South Africa in 1961 presents black people throwing their passbooks, symbol of Apartheid and of the racial politic. All they needed was a leader to unify them and to lead the rebellion against the white, that what Nelson Mandela, aka « Madiba » understood.
He may have been one of the first people to understand that the reconciliation had to be made with tolerance and comprehension of both black and white. The film « Long Walk to Freedom » released in 2013, presents Madiba’s life and his years in jail.
He was a role model for may people and especially for a man like barack Obama who wrote the foreword of the well-documented book, Conversation with myself, written by Mandela himself.
He initiated the reconciliation between the black and the white with simple things and with popular events, like the rugby world cup in 1994. The film « Invictus » with Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman presents this fight and the symbol of the sport.
Later, he supported with Desmond Tutu, another symbol of the fight against Apartheid, the football world cup. There’s a photo of him holding the football cup, symbol of a united nation, the Rainbow Nation. Furthermore, the album « Tutu » by Miles Davis is at the program of the music option 2015.

As a conclusion, we can say that power can take many different forms. Those forms can help the people and some, more minority, are made to give all power to the government or to the chief of state.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2015 13:30


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