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Exercice 40/Let's not stop

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Exercice 40/Let's not stop
Message de here4u posté le 04-05-2015 à 22:55:16 (S | E | F)
Here is the following exercise: number 40. The individual corrections of N° 39 have all been sent (but one! . I'll post the collective correction tomorrow night and would be grateful if you didn't post your solutions for this one before Thanks for that!
Cet exercice est un ++ (enfin, c'est ainsi que je le sens! )Correction collective le Jeudi 14 mai.

1) Complete the sentences using the elements given, and adding each time a subject and a verb.
a) Between January and September, + subject + verb
b) In 1912, on Titanic + S + V
c) I’d gladly stay here if + S + V
d) She was very angry, yet, + S + V
e) I’d like to know when + S + V

2) Translate into English :
f) Elle lui téléphone tous les jours, mais ils ne se voient pas aussi souvent qu’ils le voudraient. C'est ça les relations à distance ...
g) On leur a conseillé de louer une voiture, mais comme ils ne sont pas habitués à conduire à gauche, ils préfèrent voyager en train. Ce sera plus rapide et plus sûr !
h) ‘Vous ne mettrez pas plus d’un quart d’heure à apprendre à vous servir de ce téléphone …’ ‘C’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire et je ne suis vraiment pas doué pour les technologies nouvelles.’
i) Je me demande quel âge a son mari … Il doit être bien plus jeune que nous … Tu plaisantes ! Il terminait le lycée lorsque j’étais encore au collège !
j) Elle regrette d’avoir acheté ce dictionnaire : la moitié des expressions nouvelles n’y sont pas … Un dictionnaire ne sert plus à rien, de nos jours : il vaut mieux se connecter aux sites importants sur Internet.

3) Translate into French :
“The city was his; the inhabitants had told him it was his; he had but to run down and they would take him to their hearts and show him wonders he had never seen.
On the summit of that hill he paused. He remembered the people he had seen in that city, whose eyes held no love for him. And he thought of their feet so swift and brutal, and the dark gray clothes they wore, and how when they passed they didn’t see him, or, if they saw him, they smirked.”

James Baldwin, Go Tell it on the Mountain, 1952.

Go for it !

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2015 23:07

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de here4u, postée le 05-05-2015 à 21:50:37 (S | E)
Je ne regarde pas ... Na ! Et je vais commencer à poster ma correction 39 !
Version plus 'facile', classique que la précédente ! Comme vous le savez, j'aime la variété !

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de maxwell, postée le 06-05-2015 à 18:38:30 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thanks a lot for this new exercise I really enjoyed .
I won't make any changes now. Please, have a look and correct my try whenever you wish !
a) Between January and September, I usually take most of my holidays, whereas I scarcely ever take a holiday between October and December.
b) In 1912, on Titanic, more than two thousand passengers were cruising peacefully towards North America when the ship suddenly collided with an iceberg and began sinking.
c) I'd gladly stay here if you asked me to. You know you can rely on me. I'll never let you down.
d) She was very angry, yet, she managed to get ahold of herself and give the best performance of her life, which was finally rewarded with a silver medal at the 1994 Olympic Winter Games in Lillehammer.
e) I’d like to know when the World Figure Skating Championship takes place in Paris : It's been twenty-six years since the best skaters in the world competed in this city.

f) She telephones him every day, but they don't see each other as often as they'd like to. Those are called long-distance relationships.
g) They were advised to hire a car, but since they are not used to driving on the left, they prefer to travel by train. It will be faster and safer !
h) "It won't take more than a quarter of an hour before you know how to use this telephone..." "It's easier said than done and I'm hopeless at new technologies."
i) "I wonder how old her husband is... He must be much younger than us..." "Are you kidding ? He finished high school when I was still in middle school !"
j) She wishes she hadn't bought this dictionary : half of the new terms aren't included... Nowadays, a paper dictionary no longer helps. Connecting to the main websites is better.

La ville lui était acquise ; les habitants lui avaient bien dit ça ; il n'avait qu'à dévaler la colline et ils le prendraient dans leur coeur et lui montreraient toutes les merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues.
Au sommet de cette colline, il fit une pause. Il se souvint des gens qu'il avait croisés dans cette ville, dont le regard n'inspirait aucune sympathie pour lui.
Et il se remémora leur démarche vive et brutale, les vêtements gris foncé qu'ils portaient, et comme ils l'ignoraient quand il passait, voire comme ils souriaient d'un air narquois lorsqu'ils l'apercevaient.

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de jo06, postée le 07-05-2015 à 10:24:04 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
Thank you for this exercise.
This is my work and it's ok for me.

I) Complete the sentences.
a) Between January and September,I tend my garden during the two seasons.
b) In 1912,on Titanic lifeboats were insufficient for everyone on board.
c) I'd gladly stay here if I had not to catch the last bus in a few minutes.
d) She was very angry,yet,she wouldn't come to the party this evening.
e) I'd like to know when you could come to settle my tv.

II) Translate into English.
f) She calls him up every day but they don't see each other as often as they want to.These are distance relations...
g) They have been advised to rent a car,but as they don't get used to driving on the left,they prefer to travel by train.It should be faster and safer.
h) "You won't spend more than a quarter of an hour to learn using this phone...""That's easier said than done and I am not really gifted at new technologies".
i) I am wondering how old her husband is...He should be younger than us...You are kidding!He was finishing A level when I was still in the secondary school!
J) She wishes she hadn't bought this dictionary:half of the new expressions are not inside...A dictionary is useless nowadays.To log on important websites is better.

III) Translate into French
"La ville était la sienne;les habitants le lui avaient dit;il n'avait qu'à descendre et ils le prendraient dans leurs coeurs et lui montreraient les merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues.
Il s'était arrêté en haut de cette colline.Il se souvenait des gens qu'il avait vus dans cette ville,dont les yeux ne lui montraient aucune affection.Et il pensait à leurs pieds si prompts et brutaux et aux vétements gris foncés qu'ils portaient,et comment quand ils le croisaient,ils ne le voyaient pas,ou s'ils le voyaient,ils souriaient d'un air narquois."

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de alpiem, postée le 07-05-2015 à 19:06:19 (S | E)
Hello again with pleasure and aiming at making zero mistakes!!

a) Between January and September my sister is used to going to her summer house every week-end .
b) In 1912, on Titanic, the passengers were about to spend the worst moments ever of their short lives.
c) I'd gladly stay here if it were not for this rain continuously dripping onto my head from the gutter!
d) She was very angry, yet, she refrained from blowing her top!
e) I'd like to know when you'll arrive, and when you arrive be so kindly as to phone me,thanks a lot!!

2)Translate into English:
f) She phones him every day but they do not see each other as often as they would like to.These are the long-distance relationships!
g) They have been advised to rent a car but since they have not got used to driving on the left side of the road,they prefer to travel by train.It will be faster and safer.
h) "Hardly a quarter of an hour will it take to you to learn how to use a telephone".____" Easier said than done, and I am definitely not gifted for the new technologies!"
i) I wonder how old her husband is..____ He might be way younger than we are..____ You're kidding! He was just finishing the sixth form when I was still in middle school!
j) She wishes she had not bought this dictionary: half of the new expressions are lacking....____Nowadays a dictionnary is not that useful anylonger. You'd better connect on important sites with internet.

I'm OK for correction too, thanks

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de tereda, postée le 08-05-2015 à 13:20:25 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u, this is my definitive try.

1) Complete the sentences using the elements given, and adding each time a subject and a verb.
a) Between January and September 2016, our new cottage should be built.
b) In 1912, on Titanic, almost 1500 people died, after the ship struck an iceberg.
c) I’d gladly stay here if I had time for it, but I can't.
d) She was very angry, yet, He reversed his decision to go to the café, but this day, nothing could stop her.
e) I’d like to know when you want to spend a few days to Arcachon, I need to prepare some things.

2) Translate into English :
f. She phones him every day, but they don't see themselves as often as they would like. Distance relations are like that !
g. We advised them to rent a car, but they are not used at the left-hand-drive, so they prefer to travel by train ; that will be faster and more secure.
h. You only need a quarter of an hour to know how using this telephone....
that's easier said than done, and I am not really gifted for the new technologies.
i. I wonder how old her husband is? He must be much younger than us.... You make fun ! He ended the high school when I was still at the middle school !
j. She regrets having bought this dictionary : half of new expressions are not inside... A dictionary is not useful, today, we'd better to connect on Internet and find very interesting sites.

3) Translate into French :
Cette ville était la sienne, les habitants le lui avaient dit , il n'avait juste qu'à descendre, ils l'accueilleraient dans leurs cœurs et lui montreraient des merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues avant.
Au sommet de cette colline il fit une pause ; Il se rappelait des gens qu'il avait vus dans cette ville, ceux dont le regard ne montrait aucune amitié pour lui. Il pensait à leur façon de marcher, rapide et brutale, aux vêtements gris sombres qu'ils portaient, et quand ils passaient, soit, ils ne le voyaient même pas, soit ils le voyaient, et ils souriaient, narquois.
Va le dire sur la montagne. James Baldwin

thanks to you

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de mamou3, postée le 08-05-2015 à 18:11:11 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, Hello everybody !
Thank you for this new exercise !

1. Complete the sentences
a. Between January and September he had grown eight centimeters.
b. In 1912, on the Titanic, around 1500 people lost their lives during the sinking.
c. I'd gladly stay here if I had more of time.
d. She was very angry, yet, she took him in her arms when he came back.
e. I'd like to know when you stop playing with your computer.

2. Into English
f. She phones him every day, but they don't see each other so often as they would want it. That's it the long-distance relationship.
g. They have been advised to rent a car but as they aren't used to drive to the left side, they prefer travelling by train. It will be faster and safer.
h. You won't need more a quarter of an hour learning to use this telephone. It's easier said than done and I'm really not gifted for the new technologies.
i. I wonder how old her husband is. He must be much younger than us. You are joking ! He was finishing the secondary school when I was still at the college.
j. She regrets having bought this dictionary, half of the new expressions aren't in it. A dictionary is no longer necessary nowadays, it's better to be connected to important sites on the Internet.

3. en français
La ville était sienne, les habitants lui avaient dit que c'était la sienne, il avait juste à descendre en courant et ils le prendraient dans leurs coeurs et lui montreraient les merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues. Il marqua une pause au sommet de la colline. Il se rappela les gens qu'il avait vus dans cette ville dont les yeux ne contenaient aucun amour pour lui. Et il pensa à leurs pieds lestes et brutaux et les vêtements gris foncé qu'ils portaient et comment quand ils passaient devant lui sans le voir ou, si ils le voyaient, ils affichaient un sourire suffisant.

Thank you again ! For the correction it's when you want...

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de here4u, postée le 08-05-2015 à 22:27:11 (S | E)
Hello !

Mamou, Jo, Tereda are ready to be corrected... Many thanks to you, 'guys' !!!
I'l start gently tomorrow... Rotten weather here!

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de icare29, postée le 09-05-2015 à 18:46:12 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Here is my work

1) Complete the sentences
a) Between January and September , after a short port of call in Canary Islands , we were sailing our 30-foot sailboat towards east costs of America. It was such a wonderful yachting...
b) In 1912, on Titanic the passengers weren't expecting that the boat collided with an iceberg and sank in the sea , Unfortunately many of them were drowned in this terrible catastrophe
c) I'd gladly stay here if I weren't so busy , but I have an important meeting and I must be at the airport by 6 .45 at the latest , Sorry to disappoint you .Maybe next time I can
d) She was very angry, yet, she thought he wouldn't have told her these rude words if he hadn't been completely drunk . As he is her only brother she is ready to forgive him.
e) I'd like to know when your school work will be finished , I need it because I am in a hurry and I must correct it very quickly. The result are expected to be given to the headmaster before this evening .

2) Translate into English :
f) She phones him everyday but they don't see each other so often as they would like to do so . That is it remote relations
g) They have been advised to rent a car but as they aren't used to driving on the left side , they prefer to travel by train .It will be more faster and safer
h) you won't take more than an quarter of an hour to learn using this telephone . It's easier to say than to do it and I am not endowed with the new technologies .
i) I wonder how old her husband is ? He may be much more younger than us .You're joking ! he finished high school when I was still in middle school
j) She wishes she had bought this dictionary .Half of new expressions can't be found inside it .Nowadays dictionary isn't useful . You'd better connect on well-known web sites

3) Translate into French :.
La cité était sienne ; les habitants le lui avait bien dit ;Il n'avait qu'à descendre en courant et ils lui donneraient leur coeur et lui montreraient les merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues
Au sommet de la colline il fit une pause .Il se rappela les personnes qu'il avait vues dans cette cité mais dont les yeux n'exprimaient aucun amour pour lui .Et il pensa aux pieds si rapides et brutaux ,aux vêtements gris- foncé qu' ils portaient , et comment ,quand ils passaient , ils n'avaient aucun regard pour lui et s'ils le voyaient ils souriaient avec un air narquois
James Baldwin, Go Tell it on the Mountain, 1952.

Thanks a lot for this new good exercise
I have done my best . It's OK for me

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de taiji43, postée le 09-05-2015 à 19:47:47 (S | E)
From TORREMOLINOS I send my translation on the smartphone

f.She calls him every day.However they don't meet each other as often as they would like to.That's it in remote relationship.

.They were advised to hire a car.However as they are not used to 9 on the left,they would better travel by train that should be Quicker and safer

You won't need more than a quarter of an hour to learn using properly a mobile .That's easier said than done. I am not really gifted at new technologies .

I am Wondering how old her husband is.He must be much younger than us.You are kidding. HE was finishing high school when I was still at Middle school.

She wishes she had bought à dictionary. Halft of the new expressions are not Included in it. Nowadays a dictionary is no longer useful You'would better connect to the most appropriate websites

From spain,here is the second part.on the smartpone
It is not easy for write texte.

In 1912 on the Titanic'the panic was spreading when the boat colladed with a
huge iceberg and began sinking.There was a surge towards the lifeboats. Unfortunately the passengers of the lowest deck were trapped into The boat and drowned .

2.Between January and September,she was expecting a baby. After these nine months, she gave birth to twins,a boy and a girl.

3.Y would be glady here, if your hotel offers a free wifi connection.As Y told you ,I would like to send a couple of e_mails to my favorite website :Anglais facile.
She was very angry,yet she was thinking that this man during the meeting had been very impolite to here. however she had to be more peaceful in order to caml down the situation.

5.Y'd like to know when you beging
studying your new video readings.

Thank you Here 4u. Here is the end of my 40th test. You can correct it.

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de here4u, postée le 09-05-2015 à 21:12:44 (S | E)
Hello all of you !
Lucky Taiji ! Thanks for thinking of all of us even from Spain !

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de mamylistele, postée le 09-05-2015 à 22:42:21 (S | E)
Here is my try

1) Complete
a-Between January and September, she couldn’t travel because she was pregnant.
b- In 1912, on Titanic you could be a third class passenger and still have flushing toilets.
c-I’d gladly stay here if I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow morning!
d-She was very angry, yet, she made it her duty to help him with his homework.
e-I’d like to know when he comes back home.

3) Translate into French
C’était sa ville ; les habitants le lui avaient dit ; il n’avait qu’à descendre en courant et ils le prendraient contre leur cœur et lui montreraient des merveilles qu’il n’avait jamais vues.
Au sommet de cette colline il s’arrêta. Il repensa aux gens qu’il avait rencontrés dans cette ville, dont les yeux ne reflétaient aucun amour pour lui. Il repensa à leurs pas si rapides et précipités et les habits gris foncé qu’ils portaient, et à la façon de passer à côté de lui sans le voir, ou, s’ils le voyaient, à la façon dont ils souriaient d’un air suffisant.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2015 23:23

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de komiks, postée le 10-05-2015 à 18:16:23 (S | E)
Hello here4u,
Here's my work ! Thank you very much

1) Complete the sentences using the elements given, and adding each time a subject and a verb.

a) Between January and September, my brother was abroad, as part of his university course.
b) In 1912, on Titanic people were having a good time and enjoying their cruise when the liner unfortunately bumped into an iceberg and sank, leading to hundreds of deaths.
c) I’d gladly stay here if I hadn’t to be in Paris on tomorrow morning for one of the most important meeting of the year…
d) She was very angry, yet, John managed to make her forgive him whereas everybody else who had tried to bring her to her senses had failed.
e) I’d like to know when I am able to go there again, because my whole family lives there but unfortunately, because of my work, I’ve no choice but stay here…

2) Translate into English :
f) She phones him everyday, but they don’t see each other as often as they would like to. That’s what we call long-distance relationship…
g) They were told to rent a car, but as they’re not used to driving on the left, they prefer travelling by train. It’ll be faster and safer !
h) ‘It won’t take you more than a quarter of an hour to learn how to use this phone…’ ‘It’s easier said than done, and I’m really not gifted for new technologies.’
i) I wonder how old her husband is… He must be much younger than us… Are you kidding ? He was finishing highschool when I was still in middle shcool !
j)She regrets having bought this dictionary: half of the new expressions are not in it… A dictionary isn’t used for anything nowadays : it’s better to log on the important websites on the Internet

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de here4u, postée le 12-05-2015 à 11:55:21 (S | E)
merci, valeureux travailleurs !
Je commencerai l'envoi des corrections individuelles demain ...Le 41 est prêt et sera en ligne jeudi matin ... (tout ceci si mon ordinateur suit ! ) Profitez du beau temps quand il est là !

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de joe39, postée le 12-05-2015 à 12:46:46 (S | E)
Dear here4u
Here is my work I did with great pleasure.

1) Complete the sentences using the elements given, and adding each time a subject and a verb.
a) Between January and September, what’s in? there are seven months between.
b) In 1912, on Titanic, thought/considered the safest ship of the time, 1,522 passengers and crew, out of 2,200 embarked, died after the ship collided with an iceberg.
c) I’d gladly stay here if I had time.
d) She was very angry, yet, she managed to hold her voice steady, while carrying on her speech.
e) I’d like to know when you’ll be ready to go out, darling.

2) Translate into English :
f) Elle lui téléphone tous les jours, mais ils ne se voient pas aussi souvent qu’ils le voudraient. C'est ça les relations à distance ...
She phones him every day yet, they don’t see each other as often as they would like.
Such are remote/long-distance relationships.
g) On leur a conseillé de louer une voiture, mais comme ils ne sont pas habitués à conduire à gauche, ils préfèrent voyager en train. Ce sera plus rapide et plus sûr !
They were advised to rent a car, but as they are not used to driving on the left, they prefer to travel by train. It will be faster and safer!
h) ‘Vous ne mettrez pas plus d’un quart d’heure à apprendre à vous servir de ce téléphone …’ ‘C’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire et je ne suis vraiment pas doué pour les technologies nouvelles.’
It will take you no more than 15 minutes to learn how to use this phone….That’s easier said than done; indeed I’m not gifted for the new technologies.
i) Je me demande quel âge a son mari … Il doit être bien plus jeune que nous … Tu plaisantes ! Il terminait le lycée lorsque j’étais encore au collège !
I wonder how old her husband is..He must be much younger than we are..You’re kidding ! He finished high schol when I was still in secondary school !
j) Elle regrette d’avoir acheté ce dictionnaire : la moitié des expressions nouvelles n’y sont pas … Un dictionnaire ne sert plus à rien, de nos jours : il vaut mieux se connecter aux sites importants sur Internet.
She regrets buying/having bought this dictionary: half of new expression are missing....Nowadays a dictionary has become useless: better log in with important sites on the Internet.

3) Translate into French :
“The city was his; the inhabitants had told him it was his; he had but to run down and they would take him to their hearts and show him wonders he had never seen.
On the summit of that hill he paused. He remembered the people he had seen in that city, whose eyes held no love for him. And he thought of their feet so swift and brutal, and the dark gray clothes they wore, and how when they passed they didn’t see him, or, if they saw him, they smirked.”

La ville était la sienne; les habitants le lui avaient dit ; il devait seulement couriur vers le bas et ils l’auraient accueilli dans leurs cœurs et lui auraient montré des merveilles qu’il avait jamais vues. Sur le sommet de cette colline il fit une pause. Il se souvenait de gens qu’il avait vus dans cette ville, dont les yeux n’exprimaient aucun sympathie pour lui et il pensait á leur pieds de façon ainsi rapide et brutale et les vêtements gris foncé qu’ils portaient, et comme ils passaient devant lui sans le remarquer ou, comme s’ils le voyaient, il souriaient d’un air suffisant.

I went for it and I’m waiting for your valuable correction.
Thanks a lot dear friend and have a nice week.
Yours friendly

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de notrepere, postée le 13-05-2015 à 04:30:00 (S | E)

2) Translate into English :
f) She calls him every day, but they don't see one another as often as they'd like. Such are long-distance relationships...
g) They were advised to rent a car, but as they are not accustomed to driving on the left, they prefer to travel by train. It will be faster and safer!
h) It will take you no more than 15 minutes to learn how to use this phone... That's easier said than done; I'm not too adept with new technology.
i) I wonder how old her husband is...? He must be a lot younger than us ... You must be kidding! He finished high school when I was still in college!
j) She regrets buying this dictionary: half of the new expressions are missing... Nowadays, a dictionary is useless. It's better to use online resources.

3) Translate into French :
La ville était la sienne, les habitants lui avaient dit que c'était la sienne, il n'avait qu'à descendre en courant et ils le prendraient dans leurs cœurs et lui montreraient les merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues. Au sommet de cette colline là, il mit une pause. Il se rappela les gens qu'il avait vus dans cette ville là dont les yeux ne contenaient aucun amour pour lui. Et il pensa à leurs pieds si lestes et si brutaux et les vêtements gris foncé qu'ils portaient et comment quand ils passaient devant lui sans le voir ou, s'ils le voyaient, ils affichaient un sourire d'un air suffisant.

Bon, c'est mon dernier mot...pour le meilleur ou pour le pire.

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de here4u, postée le 13-05-2015 à 09:18:42 (S | E)
I hope so, dear NP!

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de lakata, postée le 13-05-2015 à 16:34:24 (S | E)

Hello dear Here4u!

Here's my short try, as I'm running out of time...

2) Translate into English:

f) Elle lui téléphone tous les jours mais ils ne se voient pas aussi souvent qu'ils le voudraient. C'est ça les relations à distance.
She calls him every day but they don't meet as often as they'd like. (I don't know how to translatethe end. )

g) On leur a conseillé de louer une voiture, mais comme ils ne sont pas habitués à conduire à gauche, ils préfèrent voyager en train. Ce sera plus rapide et plus sûr.
They have been recommended to hire a car, but as they are not used to driving on the left, they would rather go by train. It will be both faster and safer.

h) "Vous ne mettrez pas plus d'un quart d'heure à apprendre à vous servir de ce téléphone..."" C'est plus facile à dire qu'à faire et je ne suis vraiment pas doué pour les technologies nouvelles."
"How to use this telephone shouldn't take you more than a quarter of an hour..." " It's easier said than done and I am definitely not good at new technologies !"

i) Je me demande quel âge a son mari...Il doit être bien plus jeune que nous...Tu plaisantes ! Il terminait le lycée alors que j'étais encore au collège !
I wonder how old her husband is. He must be much older than us...You must be joking! He was to leave the college whereas I was still in high school!

j) Elle regrette d'avoir acheté ce dictionnaire : la moitié des expressions nouvelles n'y sont pas. Un dictionnaire ne sert plus à rien, de nos jours : il vaut mieux se connecter aux sites importants sur Internet.
She wishes she hadn't bought that dictionary with half of the new expressions missing. Nowadays, a dictionary is useless : it's better to connect to some well-known websites.

Et ceci est mon dernier mot, I'm afraid!

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de siren12, postée le 14-05-2015 à 02:42:31 (S | E)
Hello here4u

Thanks a lot for this new exercise. I hope it's not too late.
You'll find my try below

1) Complete the sentences
1.Between January and September, we will be doing a training in Madrid.
2.Many people passed away on 1912, when the Titanic had sunk consequently its collision with an iceberg.
3.I'd gladly stay here if your mother agree with.
4.She was very angry yet, two months after being fired for a non valid reason.
5.I'd like to know when she is coming back from her meeting.

2) Translate into English
-She calls him everyday, but they can't see each other as often as they would like to do. That are far away relationships.
-They were advised to rent a car, but as they were not used to driving on the left side, they'll choose traveling by train. It will be faster and safer.
-You would spend less a quarter to get used to handling this phone. It's easier said than done and I'm not very at ease with new technologies.
-I'm wondering how old her husband is... He should be far younger than us. You're kidding! He ended high school while I was yet in middle school!
-She wishes she didn't bought this dictionary: half of news expressions are not noticed on. Nowadays, a dictionary is no longer useful. It's better to log on the important websites.

3) Translate into French
C'était bien sa ville. Les habitants lui avaient dit.
Mais il devait comprendre pourquoi, ils le chériraient davantage, et lui feraient découvrir des merveilles insoupçonnables.
Sur le sommet de la colline, il s'arrêta. Il se rappela les personnes qu'il avait croisées au regard hostile. Il pensait à leur marche rapide et brutale, aux vêtements gris foncé qu'ils portaient, et à la façon dont ils passaient près de lui, sans le voir ou alors en le narguant.

James Baldwin, Go tell it on the Mountain, 1952

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de cecile22, postée le 14-05-2015 à 20:47:12 (S | E)
Hello !
Sorry to send my answers so late !

a)Between January and September the temperature rises.
b) In 1912, on Titanic, a lot of people died.
c) I'd gladly stay here if I could.
d) She was very angry, yet, she smiled.
e) I'd like to know when he will arrive.

f) She phones him every day but they do not see each other as often as they would like.
That's what long-distance relationships are ...
g) They have been advised to rent a car, but as they are not used to driving on the left they prefer travelling by train. It will be faster and safer !
h) « You will not spend more than a quarter of an hour to learn to use this phone... »
« It is easier said than done and I am not very good with new technologies »
i) I wonder how old her husband is... He must be far younger than us... You are joking !
He was in the last year of secondary school when I was still in the first years !
j) She wish she had not bought this dictionary : half of the new phrases are missing... Nowadays a dictionary is absolutely useless : it is preferable to connect to the main sites on the internet.

La ville était à lui; les habitants lui avaient dit qu'elle était à lui ; il n'avait qu'à y descendre en courant, ils le prendraient dans leurs cœurs et lui montreraient des merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues.
C'est au sommet de cette colline qu'il s'arrêta. Il se souvint des gens qu'il avait vus dans cette ville-là, des gens dans les yeux desquels il n'avait vu aucun amour pour lui. Et il pensa à leurs pieds, si rapides et si brutaux, ainsi qu'aux vêtements gris sombre qu'ils portaient, et comment lorsqu'ils passaient devant lui, ils ne le voyaient pas ou, s'ils le voyaient, lui adressaient un sourire en coin.

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de , postée le 14-05-2015 à 22:29:42 (S | E)
Hello Here4u ! There is not much time left ...

1) Complete the sentences using the elements given, and adding each time a subject and a verb.
a) Between January and September, he played golf everyday.
b) In 1912, on Titanic the captain got drunk.
c) I’d gladly stay here if the weather were to improve.
d) She was very angry, yet, she kept smiling.
e) I’d like to know when the train is leaving.

2) Translate into English :
f) Elle lui téléphone tous les jours, mais ils ne se voient pas aussi souvent qu’ils le voudraient. C'est ça les relations à distance ...
She phones him every day but they don't see each other as often as they liked to. It's like that with long distance relationships.

g) On leur a conseillé de louer une voiture, mais comme ils ne sont pas habitués à conduire à gauche, ils préfèrent voyager en train. Ce sera plus rapide et plus sûr !
They were adviced to rent a car but as they are not accustomed to driving on the left, they prefer to travel by train. It will be quicker and safer.

h) ‘Vous ne mettrez pas plus d’un quart d’heure à apprendre à vous servir de ce téléphone …’ ‘C’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire et je ne suis vraiment pas doué pour les technologies nouvelles.’
You've got fewer than fifteen minutes to learn how to use this phone. It's easier to say than to do! I'm not comfortable with new technologies.

i) Je me demande quel âge a son mari … Il doit être bien plus jeune que nous … Tu plaisantes ! Il terminait le lycée lorsque j’étais encore au collège !
-I was wondering how old her husband is. He has to be younger than we are.- You must be joking! He finished high school when I was in the middle school!

j) Elle regrette d’avoir acheté ce dictionnaire : la moitié des expressions nouvelles n’y sont pas … Un dictionnaire ne sert plus à rien, de nos jours : il vaut mieux se connecter aux sites importants sur Internet.
She regrets having bought this dictionary. Half the new expressions aren't there. A dictionary is useless in these times. It's better to connect to important sites on the Internet.

3) Translate into French :
“The city was his; the inhabitants had told him it was his; he had but to run down and they would take him to their hearts and show him wonders he had never seen.
On the summit of that hill he paused. He remembered the people he had seen in that city, whose eyes held no love for him. And he thought of their feet so swift and brutal, and the dark gray clothes they wore, and how when they passed they didn’t see him, or, if they saw him, they smirked.”

La ville était à lui ; les habitants lui avaient dit qu'elle était pour lui ; il n'avait qu'à descendre et ils lui ouvriraient leur coeur, lui montreraient les merveilles qu'il n'avait jamais vues. Il fit halte au sommet de la colline. Puis il se souvint des gens qu'il avait vus dans cette ville et qui n'avaient eu pour lui la moindre étincelle d'amour dans le regard.
Et il pensa à leurs pieds vifs et brutaux, à leurs vêtements gris sombres, à leur attidude quand ils passaient sans même le voir, ou s'ils le voyaient, à leur sourire moqueur.

Thank you so much !

Réponse : Exercice 40/Let's not stop de here4u, postée le 14-05-2015 à 23:58:59 (S | E)
Hello !
Here's the correction! Merci à tous de votre excellent travail et de vos recherches du mot juste. Le suivant n°41 vous attend depuis ce matin ... Courage ! Il n'est pas facile !

1) Complete the sentences using the elements given adding each time, a subject and a verb.

a) Between January and September, + subject + verb
OK = present simple ; ou present perfect ou prétérit si vous ajoutez une date.
Between January and September, he usually spends half his time in town, and the other half in the country.

b) In 1912, on Titanic + S + V
OK = prétérit
In 1912, on Titanic hundreds of people perished being told the liner was unsinkable!

c) I’d gladly stay here if + S + V
OK = prétérit (modal); I'd = I would = conditionnel => un prétérit est nécessaire.
I’d gladly stay here if you told me why you need me so badly…

d) She was very angry, yet, + S + V
OK tous temps en fonction du contexte
She was very angry, yet, she decided to forgive his treason.

e) I’d like to know when + S + V Thank you Alpiem for the example !
I'd like to know when you'll arrive,('when' = indirect interrogative pronoun => the future must be used) and when you arrive ('when' = subordinate conjunction => no future), please, be kind enough to phone me, thanks a lot!!
OK = futur ou conditionnel car interrogative indirecte

2) Translate into English:
f) Elle lui téléphone tous les jours, mais ils ne se voient pas aussi souvent qu’ils le voudraient.

She calls him every day, but they can’t see each other as often as they’d like to! Such are long-distance relationships!

- ils ne se voient pas = pronom réciproques : il la voit, elle le voit != each other/one another.(Ne pas mélanger avec les pronoms réfléchis : il se regarde, elle se regarde ! )
- a long-distance relationship

g) On leur a conseillé de louer une voiture, mais comme ils ne sont pas habitués à conduire à gauche, ils préfèrent voyager en train. Ce sera plus rapide et plus sûr !

They have been/were advised to rent a car, but as they’re not used to driving on the left, they’d rather travel by train. It will be quicker and safer.

- conseiller = to advise ; des conseils = advice (indénombrable => 'your advice is good'= tes conseils sont bons!; pour le singulier => a piece of …)
- Il fallait, ici, un passif ; ‘on’ est la plupart du temps exprimé par un passif, beaucoup plus utilisé en anglais …
- Avoir l’habitude de : to be used to + V + ing

h) ‘Vous ne mettrez pas plus d’un quart d’heure à apprendre à vous servir de ce téléphone …’ ‘C’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire et je ne suis vraiment pas doué pour les technologies nouvelles.’

It won’t take you more than a quarter of an hour to learn how to use this telephone. It’s more easily said than done and I’m really not gifted at New Technology.

- apprendre à = to learn how to do something.
- ‘it’s more easily said than done’ / ‘it’s easier said than done.’
- to be good at/ to be bad at

i) Je me demande quel âge a son mari … Il doit être bien plus jeune que nous … Tu plaisantes ! Il terminait le lycée lorsque j’étais encore au collège !

I wonder how old her husband is. He must be much younger than we are. You’re kidding! He was finishing his A’ levels/high school when I was still/ working for my O’levels/ in middle school/Junior High.

- phrase qui commence par ‘I wonder’ => je me demande => introduit une interrogative indirecte. (ordre des mots = sujet + verbe ; pas de point d’interrogation en fin de phrase.) Interrogative directe = ‘How old is her husband ?’
- bien plus jeune = much + comparatif adjectif court => much younger
- /than us , bien sûr très fréquent et courant
- You’re joking ! / You must be joking !/ You’re kidding!
- il terminait = il était en train de terminer => ‘he was finishing…

Lien internet

Lien internet

Voici les systèmes scolaires comparés. Attention que ‘college’ fait référence à l’après Bac, une forme d’université.

j) Elle regrette d’avoir acheté ce dictionnaire : la moitié des expressions nouvelles n’y sont pas … Un dictionnaire ne sert plus à rien, de nos jours : il vaut mieux se connecter aux sites importants sur Internet.

She wishes she hadn’t bought this dictionary: Half of the most recent expressions are not in it… A dictionary is useless nowadays: It’s better to connect to important sites on the Internet.

- ‘She regrets buying …’/’She’s sorry she’s bought…’
Si vous utilisez la forme ‘She wishes…’ (ce qu’il est préférable de faire pour les élèves et étudiants), faites très attention à ne pas dire le contraire de ce que vous voulez, en omettant la négation : pour plus de facilité de construction de la structure, penser : I wish = ‘if only’ … et la négation vous viendra naturellement !
- être inutile = to be useless ; ‘to be no use’ est plus familier (sauf avec ‘its no use buying …)
- Internet = THE Internet./ online ressources = excellent!

3) Translate into French :
John, adolescent noir, et fils de pasteur vivant à Harlem est sur une butte dans Central Park. Cet extrait est la tentation de courir vers ‘Broadway’, la richesse, la facilité et la ‘perversion’ selon le pasteur, son père, ou de rester à Harlem au service de ‘son peuple’, dans la noirceur, la pauvreté et la soumission. Véritable dilemme pour le jeune garçon ...

“The city was his; the inhabitants had told him it was his; he had but to run down and they would take him to their hearts and show him wonders he had never seen.
On the summit of that hill he paused. He remembered the people he had seen in that city, whose eyes held no love for him. And he thought of their feet so swift and brutal, and the dark gray clothes they wore, and how when they passed they didn’t see him, or, if they saw him, they smirked.”
James Baldwin, Go Tell it on the Mountain, 1952.

La ville lui appartenait. Les habitants de la ville lui avaient dit qu’elle lui appartenait.(1) Il n’avait qu’à descendre la colline en courant (2) et ils le prendraient dans leur cœur et lui montreraient des merveilles qu’il n’avait jamais vues.
Au sommet de la colline, il fit une pause. Il se souvint des gens qu’il avait vus dans cette ville, des gens(3) dont les yeux n’exprimaient aucun amour envers lui. Il pensait à leurs pas, si rapides et brutaux, aux vêtements sombres qu’ils portaient et comment, lorsqu’il les croisait, ils l’ignoraient(4), ou s’ils le voyaient, ils avaient un sourire narquois.

(1) 'la ville était à lui' = OK!
(2) = structure résultative : 'descendre' est le résultat de l'action exprimé par 'down'; 'run' est le moyen d'atteindre ce résultat.
(3) Répétition de 'gens', d'abord parce que c'est le mot important, ensuite et surtout, parce que c'est l'antécédent de 'dont'.
(4) = sens fort 'd'ignorer' = ne pas voir, ne pas tenir compte de.

Hello ariane ! Merci de ton travail enchantée de te revoir! Je pense t'envoyer ta correction demain ... OK ?!
Encore merci et bravo à vous tous !


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