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Bac/ Idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/ Idée de progrès
Message de azerty25 posté le 09-05-2015 à 15:22:56 (S | E | F)
Salut tout le monde Bonjour,
je passe mon oral pour le Bac dans 2 semaines et j'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige sur la synthèse que j'ai faite s'il vous plait! Merci d'avance.

The Idea of Progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality of life through economic development, and the application of science and technology. I would approach for this notion, the prohibition. In 1920, the 18th ame,dment was passed in the united states mandated the prohibition of alcoholic beverages. What does prohition ? To prohibit something is to put it in the conditions of being forbidden by autority. A prohition can also be a law that orders the restrain of abolition. Prohibition also refers to the abolition of alcoholic beverage sales, manufactoring, and transportation. But many people in this time of prohition doesn't stop drinking and gansters made anormous money from supplying illegal liquor. So, does prohibition mean progress? In the first part, i talk about the reasons of prohibition. In the second part, I speack of the breack of the law. And in the last part, I mentioned accidents of prohibition.

The experiment of prohibition was introduced by the 18th amendment, wich became in January 1920. There were many reasons why prohibition was introduced. First, when the United States entered the war in 1917, the national mood turned against alcohol. The antisaloon league , who was an organisation of women, say to drinking alcoholwas damaging american's society. Then, the religion, because the consuption of alcohol went against god's will. And finally, the moral because many agreed that it was wrong for some americans to enjoy alcohol while the country's young men were at war. In February 1933, Congress passed the 21th amendment wich repeated prohibition. So, the prohition was created for good causes, and in the begining, the law start of an idea of progress.

However, the law fails because there weren't enought prohibition's agent to enforce the law only 1500 in 1920. The size of America's bundaries made it hard for these agents to control. The law salary paid to the agent made it easy to bribe them. Many Americans never gave their support to prohibition and were will to drink in speakeasies-bars, but served alcoholbehind the scene. Gangstersmade money from organised crime. Protection rackets, organised crime and gang were more commen during prohibition than when alcohol could be bought legally. So for this part prohibition does not progres because despite this men always manage to find, it even create crimes and gangs. Moreover it did not not prevent the consumption of alcohol. So it's not a progress.

Prohibition created an anormous public demand for illegal alcohol. Gang leaders battled for control of chicago's illegal drinking. The most infamous incident was the St Valentine's day massacre in 1929. It was been estimated that during prohibition 2000 million dollar worth of business was transfered from the industries and bars. This shows that the prohibition is not an idea of progress, since there has been more of a massacre around with the prohition.

So, in my opinion the prohibition doesn't mean progress because the laws doesn't function. This law has not managed to prohibit men to drink alcohol, and more that to create a lot of killing.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2015 17:47


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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