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Bac/Idea of progress

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Bac/Idea of progress
Message de maximevld posté le 15-05-2015 à 12:36:34 (S | E | F)
je reviens vers vous concernant le thème Idea of progress cette fois, si il serait'il possible de corriger mes fautes et de me donner des conseils ce serait sympa s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance.

The idea of progress

I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful.

the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for who it’s dangerous. So let me ask the following question, “is progress always positive for humanity?”

In first time we will speak about the overconsumption of people and in a second part we talking about the attempt to opposition of the freeganism.
About this notion we worked (nom des documents).

We now live in a world where society consumes more and more, and people do not hesitate to waste and pollute the world, without anyone react.
The progress didn't stop to evolve in technology, for the living conditions and modernization of the world.
Progess is good because in technology he can help advance the field of medecine, and help people suffering from serious diseases or uncommon.
But the progress can equally put people on difficulty, why ?
Because the society of today pushes people to consumes, and a few times it becomes very serious in somes cases.
Especially for the shopaholics, shopaholics are people addicted by the shopping and able to put in very difficult financial situation because they overspending and they can have an overdraft.
And progress didn't help this people, on the contrary because now online shopping is available, so people can bought clothes or foods directly at home.
The today's generation respect less the world, and that's why the world ontinues to deteriorate over the years because peole pollute and waste a lot.
That bring us to the second part the attempt of react of the freeganism.

But on this day some people try to react and fisght against this bad lifestyle, this is the society of the freeganism, but what is the freeganism?
The freeganism is an alternative lifestyle that involves eating mainly what is free and plant, create support networks that facilitate this choice to expose food waste and pollution generated by waste, but also the problems transport (sustainable transportation), labor (reduction of working time) and housing (citizen requisition) in Western society.
Her goal is to stop the overconsumption of the society and push them to have a healthy lifestyle, but this is not an easy task because that's very hard to change the opinion of people.
So, it's a fierce fight, and everyday freeganism try to impliment new actions to defend their causes.
And it will be sucessfull because more and more people decided to join this cause for proteccted the world of today.

To conclude, I think progress is very good for the society because technology and the living conditions can evole and that's can help the people sick or in difficulty.
But progress have equally bad aspects because he can push the people in difficulty in overconsumption and overspending.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2015 12:37

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 18-05-2015 à 12:20:02 (S | E)
-in therms:orthographe.
- of sciences: à mettre au singulier.
- the idea of progress is still debate: mettre debate au participe passé.
-the idea of progress is still debate: même remarque.
-for who: whom
- In first time: first.
-we talking: il manque BE conjugué.
- We now live: we live TODAY.
- society consumes more and more: ce sont les gens qui consomment, pas la société.
-without anyone react: whereas nobody reacts.
-he can help advance the field of medecine: HE = pour un homme + mal dit après.
-or uncommon : à mettre après "serious".
- to consumes : TO + INFINITIF.
- addicted by the shopping: addicted TO.
- they overspending: ce n'est pas un temps.
- this people: THIS + SINGULIER.
- people can bought: CAN + infinitif
- foods: nom indénombrable donc pas au pluriel.
- The today's generation: pas de THE.
-respect: conjugaison.
- That bring: conjugaison.
-But on this day: ?
- and plant: à mettre au participe passé.
-create: conjugaison.
-the problems transport: the transport problems.
- Her goal: HER pour une femme.
- and push: conjugaison.
-everyday freeganism try: conjugaison.
- to impliment: orthographe.
- sucessfull: orthographe.
- for proteccted: TO PROTECT.
-that's can help: pas de 's
- the people sick: ordre des mots.
-But progress have: conjugaison.
-he can push: HE pour un homme

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de maximevld, postée le 18-05-2015 à 18:51:08 (S | E)
Merci de l'aide.


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