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Oral/Myths and heroes

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Oral/Myths and heroes
Message de vincent1 posté le 15-05-2015 à 21:37:12 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir !
Excusez-moi de vous déranger mais mon piètre niveau en anglais m'amène à demander de l'aide. Je passe l'oral lundi. J'ai fait des sujets les plus originaux possibles pour surprendre l'examinateur. Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mes sujets car je suis vraiment nul en grammaire et en orthographe.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First of all I would like to give a quick definition of that notion.

A myth is a popular story which tries to guide the society toward certain values, or some ideal. Usually, it is composed of fact and action, often led by a Hero. A hero is a courageous person who is ready to sacrifice himself to rescue other people’s, like King Arthur or Jesus. But there are also anti hero, the man the characteristics and banal destiny. And that is what plays Monty Python to make us laugh.

How Monty Python desecrates this notion of Myth and Heroes?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a 1975 British comedy film. It’s based on the legend of the king Arthur searching the holy grail.

The fact is that King Arthur loses his intelligence, bravery, determination and becomes an anti-hero. The character makes the humorous scenes in their absurdity. We discover a King Arthur frightened by the sound "Ni", which refuses to fight against a trunk man, who is frightened by a bloodthirsty rabbit, who has no horse and resteint to use coconuts to simulate the noise clogs.

We feel the criticism of the myth of King Arthur with Chapman who will announce later, "King Arthur had to be a man like you and me whose time embellished exploits.

My second document is a scene of this movie. The scene takes place at the end of the movie when the protagonists found the Holy Grail. A hero is supposed to be afraid of nothing but in fact, King Arthur is afraid of a cute rabbit. Clearly, Monty Python mock myth of King Arthur through an anti hero frighten a rabbit. On other way we can say that the rabbit is a critic of Easter for the Christian.

Monty Python, through The Holy Hand-Grenade of Antioch and the quest for the Holy Grail, shows another critical that they will deepen in the next film: that the Christian religion, Jesus myths

Monty Python's Life of Brian, is a 1979 British comedy film. It tells the story of Brian Cohen, a young Jewish man who is born on the same day as, and next door to, Jesus Christ and is subsequently mistaken for the Messiah.
It’s an hilarious movie named "greatest comedy film of all time" by several magazines and television networks.
But this film is a critique of the Christian religion with Brian that represents the Jesus’ anti-hero. Indeed, Brian becomes a terrorist and crucified for having acted against the Roman occupation. Or rather, Jesus's life as Monty Python imagine, without the time to embellish it.

My fourth document is a scene of this movie. The scene takes place in the middle of the movie when Brian and her mother go to the lapidation of a man who don’t deserve to die. Lapidation is a horrible act and normally a hero is supposed to fight against. But Monty Python makes the Anti hero takes part in. Monty Python makes fun of the anti hero : the real Jesus. On other way, the funny fact that all the contributors in the lapidations are women who are obliged to wear fake beard to take part in the lapidation, is a critic of the machismo of the muslim religion.

Themes of religious satire were controversial at the time of its release, drawing accusations of blasphemy and protests from some religious groups.
So we have seen the criticism of myths by Monty Python with their heroes becoming anti-hero. Monty Python desecrates the myth of Jesus and King Arthur for our fun.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-05-2015 22:52

Réponse: Oral/Myths and heroes de gerondif, postée le 17-05-2015 à 00:25:27 (S | E)
le roi n'est pas "restraint"(mal orthographié chez vous et donc resté tel quel dans votre texte) mais contraint d'utiliser des noix de coco.
and resteint to use coconuts. Attention aux trahisons des traducteurs automatiques parfois.


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