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Notion /espace et échange

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Notion /espace et échange
Message de onceuponatime posté le 16-05-2015 à 14:12:46 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !!
J'aimerais qu'on m'aide pour ma notion d'anglais : j'ai besoin d'une correction s'il vous plait
Merci pour votre correction !!!
Spaces and exchanges

I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. For beginning, a was giving a definition of the notion: a space is a wide place and exchange is giving and receives something. In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the travel to a foreign country. W why answer the question what the exchanges brings us in a gap year? My presentation was fall into three parts: First of all, I will concentrate on the gap year, then I will analyse a way for spent not many of money during the gap year with the Couch surfing before finally focus on the culture shock.

For beginning, I going o speak about a gap year. A gap year is a way for students to discover a new lifestyle, which is different of them. It’s a very good way to be educated, as good personally as professionally. They can learn new thinks and his can makes them get out of your routine. For make a gap year, the best time is between the high school and the college or before starting to work. During his gap year, you can make lots of thing like working for win money, learnt language or internships. The positive point is best marches at the school because we are most independent, we can speak bester the language of the country of we was going and we can have an employ most easily. But there are negative aspects to: Sometimes, the people who has take a gap year was difficulty to back to school and they have spent most of money for his gap year.

Be they can spent less money with the Couch Surfing. We are listening on reportage on BBC who speaks about Couch Surfing. These consist in travelling o a faraway place where you can stay in someone’s house for free of charge. You just post your details online for one member, the people request to stay at your home and they return the favour. This is very successful: this year, 10 000 people were us it every week.

I’m going to speak about the culture shock because when you used o Couch surfing, you have a Culture shock. The culture show is when someone going to a foreign country, for example for holiday and of he is lost because there are many differences with his country like the language. The culture shock is dividing in 4 stages: First of all, the people are very interesting by the country, they find that very beautiful and they are exciting. They are marvelled and they idealised the country. After that, a negative stage is coming: Lots of difficulty of adaptation is appeared. The traveller is lost in the country. The language barrier makes them to be alone and they are frustrated. The thirst stage is when we accustomed to this new culture. The stage final is when we’re accepted he difference into the two country; we’re arrived to live in the country. But after that, when we come back at home, we’re regret us travel. There are means to minimize this shock: the more tolerant and open-minded you will be, the easiest you adapted. And you mustn’t have prejudice.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2015 15:01

Réponse: Notion /espace et échange de laure95, postée le 18-05-2015 à 17:11:30 (S | E)
-For beginning, a was giving: TO BEGIN + pourquoi mettre BE au passé?
-exchange is giving and receives something: mettre RECEIVE à la même forme que GIVE.
-why answer the question: ?
- what the exchanges brings us in a gap year?: question directe ou indirecte (la construction n'est pas la même) + sujet au pluriel = verbe au pluriel.
-My presentation was fall: ce n'est pas un temps.
-a way for spent not many of money: TO SPEND. Many + mot au pluriel.

- For beginning,
- I going: il manque BE conjugué.
- different of them: FROM THEIRS.
-as good personally as professionally.

-new thinks: THINGS
- and his can makes them get out of your routine: HIS? CAN + INFINITIF et pas le bon possessif.
-For make: TO MAKE
- lots of thing: à mettre au pluriel.
- for win money,
- learnt: infinitif.
- The positive point is best marches: ?,
-bester: ce mot n'existe pas.
- the country of we was going : WHERE we ARE going to.
-an employ most easily: a JOB + MOST = superlatif pas comparatif.
-to: TOO.
-the people who has take a gap year was difficulty to back to school: problème de conjugaison de TAKE + difficulty est un nom pas un adjectif + back n'est pas un verbe.
-they can spent: CAN + INFINITIF
-We are listening: à mettre au passé.
- on reportage: mot français.
- on BBC who speaks about Couch Surfing: WHO a pour antécédent une personne.
-These consist: THIS consistS.
- for free of charge: TO BE free.
- people were us it every week: cette phrase ne veut rien dire.

- when you used: au présent.
- when someone going to a foreign country: pas de BE conjugué.
- interesting by the country: interested IN.
-they are exciting: EXCITED.
- they idealised the country: au présent.
-Lots of difficulty: au pluriel.
- is appeared: mettre APPEAR au présent.
- The thirst stage is when we accustomed to this new culture: ARE accustomed. THIRD.
- The stage final: pas le bon ordre des mots.
- we’re accepted: we ACCEPT.
- he difference into the two country: difference est un nom + mettre country au plurie.
-we’re arrived: mal dit.
- when we come back at home,
- we’re regret us travel US n'est pas un possessif + problème de conjugaison.
-the easiest you adapted: temps + mettre le comparatif.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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