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Correction /Ellis Island

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Ellis Island
Message de charlineb56 posté le 25-10-2015 à 16:08:44 (S | E | F)
Bonjour, pourriez-vous corriger ma lettre s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.

Dear Mom,
I have to tell you my amazing expérience ! The crossed Poland to New-York was not the most pleasure. We traveled in poor conditions, we were huddled each other, it was freezing cold, the food was not really appetizing and we slept in bunk beds uncomfortable. After many days of crossed, we are arrive at Ellis Island, the smiles on their lips and relieved to be arrived safely. At this moment, I was excited to know what life was saving me for the future. Firstly, moving to Ellis Island was very fast, I deposited my bags in the baggage room and I passed a medical examination and to finish I walk past an inspector asked me 29 questions. He found my name too foreign and told me that now I would call Aden, it was a very unpleasant immigration officer. The kind of person who treats you like cattle and speaks with authority, to show you that it dominates you. I eventually get my baggage, and I was there ! I was in New York, I had succeeded ! I found myself alone, left to myself, I did not know or go or what to do.I walk, baggage in hand, eyes wide open for a day. I watch the Americans, their cars, their great buildings, and I've been thinking about you and Dad. I ended up getting lost in a small alley in Brooklyn, I walked into a bar and here I am now engaged to plunge.
Is now two short weeks I work at plunges into this bar, I hosted just above in an old maid's room, but screwy for me. I miss you. As soon as possible I would send you money for you to join me, I promise !

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-10-2015 20:22
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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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