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Correction /first thanksgiving

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Correction /first thanksgiving
Message de elisetteclerget posté le 26-10-2015 à 17:05:51 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
J'ai écrit un texte afin de décrire 2 tableaux représentant : "The First Thanksgiving"
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait y jeter un coup d'oeil afin de corriger mes erreurs ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide précieuse

First, let me present you the 2 painters :
On one hand, Jean Leon Gerome Ferries was an American painter from the XIXth century. He was known for painting scenes from the American history and “The first Thanksgiving” here dates back to 1915.
On the other hand, Jennie Augusta Brownscombe, also coming from the United States, lived during the XXth century and used to paint the colonial American history.
As it stands in the titles, these 2 paintings deal with the first thanksgiving.
With these two paintings, the authors wanted to show us the scene of the first Thanksgiving and it's hidden face.
To start my analyze, I will show you the idea of community between the Indians and the Puritans that emerges from the paintings. Then, I will reveal you that this is just a myth and you will see that the first Thanksgiving is not so joyful as it seems. To finish, we will try to see who are the heroes in these scenes.
In the 1st painting, our attention is drawn to the Indians who are seated in the foreground, whereas in the Brownscombe's painting, the centre of interest is the priest and the Puritans around the table.
As you can see in “The First Thanksgiving” the Indians are seated in the foreground of the picture while the Pilgrims are sharing their food with them. Therefor, the Natives are highlighted and the fact that Europeans share their food underlines the idea of peace and community. We find this idea of community again on the top left-hand corner, with the 2 women : a Native American and a European chatting together. Moreover, one of the Indians is smoking a pipe in the bottom left-hand corner and we can infer taht this is a huge symbol of peace.
The concept of togetherness is very present in Ferris's scene, unlike in Brownscombe's one. In the first painting, the Indians are seated in the foreground whereas in the second one, they are sitting in the background, they are watching the scene, they are witnesses of the scene while in the first painting they participate to the scene. The Indians here, in the second painting seem to be invited at the feast that are having the Puritans.
What is the same in the two paintings is that the settlers are making a buffet and having a feast. Americans Indians as Europeans are all celebrating the good harvest and commermorating. In the second painting, the Europeans are giving thanks to god, the priest who is standing is thankful to god because they could survive the hard winter. It is harmonious and seems like a nice unity story !
Since American indians are wearing headresses and feathers in both scenes, they look there best and in a good health.
The painters are, in a first phase, representing the myth that American Indians and Europeans were united and that the settlers gently welcomed and invited the Native to celebrate Thanksgiving.
To crown it all, Gerome Ferries painted the Puritan wife in the middle in white as an angel.
But now, what message lies behind these paintings ? What was the reality ?
The most interesting in this painting are the positions of the people. They are split into 2 groups.
You can observe the setllers at the right and the Indians at the left. If you associate right and left to east and west, you can easily understand that the settlers are pushing the Indians west, that's to say, they are marginalyzing them.
There is something more interesting : see ! The Indians are sitting rather than the Europeans are standing. The Native are at the same height than the child, which mean they are considered like children. The Pilgrims thought that they needed to be educated, they were innocent and didn't have any civilazation and it was their mission to civilize them and to dominate them.
Something else is drawing my attention, not yours ? The Indians are at the same height than the child and the dog which represents that the Indians are in between animal and child, they have the same status.
Behind the image of an interracial harmony is one of the most terrifying bloodshed of the American history. Contrary to popular mythology the Pilgrims were no friends to the local Indians. In reality, they were waging a war of extermination against the Native, and claiming ownership of their land. Native Americans suffered while settlers prospered. These true stories of thanksgiving are what whites didn't want to tell.
To conclude, these two paintings are illustrating the same myth : there was a pacific and cordial contact between the Native and the Europeans. But in reality, there was a hard war and injustice coming from the Europeans.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-10-2015 19:19

Réponse: Correction /first thanksgiving de bluestar, postée le 27-10-2015 à 16:00:41 (S | E)

On one hand, Jean Leon Gerome Ferries Ferris was an American painter from of the XIXth century. He was known for painting scenes from the American history and “The first Thanksgiving” here dates back to 1915.
On the other hand,(superflu) Jennie Augusta Brownscombe, also coming from of the United States, lived during the XXth century and used to paint the colonial American history.
As it stands states in the titles, these 2 paintings deal with the first thanksgiving.
With these two paintings, the authors wanted to show us the scene of the first Thanksgiving and it's (aucune apostrophe) hidden face.
To start my analyze (il faut le nom pas le verbe), I will show you the idea of community between the Indians and the Puritans that emerges from the paintings. Then, I will reveal you that this is just a myth and you will see that the first Thanksgiving is not so joyful as it seems. To finish, we will try to see who are the heroes in these scenes.
In the 1st painting, our attention is drawn to the Indians who are seated in the foreground, whereas in the Brownscombe's painting, the centre of interest is the priest and the Puritans around the table.
As you can see in “The First Thanksgiving” the Indians are seated in the foreground of the picture while the Pilgrims are sharing their food with them. Therefore, the Natives are highlighted and the fact that Europeans share their food underlines the idea of peace and community. We find this idea of community again on the top left-hand corner, with the 2 women : a Native American and a European chatting together. Moreover, one of the Indians is smoking a pipe in the bottom left-hand corner and we can infer taht this is a huge symbol of peace.
The concept of togetherness is very present in Ferris's scene, unlike in Brownscombe's one. In the first painting, the Indians are seated in the foreground. (nouvelle phrase) whereas Iin the second one, they are sitting in the background, they are watching the scene, they are witnesses of the scene while in the first painting they participate to the scene. The Indians here, in the second painting seem to be invited at the feast that are having the Puritans(ordre des mots).
What is the same in the two paintings is that the settlers are making a buffet and having a feast. Americans Indians as and Europeans are all celebrating the good harvest and commermorating.(orth.?)

Réponse: Correction /first thanksgiving de bluestar, postée le 27-10-2015 à 16:09:11 (S | E)
In the second painting, the Europeans are giving thanks to god (majuscule), the priest who is standing is thankful to god (maj.) because they could survive(a reformuler) the hard winter. It is harmonious and seems like a nice unity story ! (story of unity..serait mieux)
Since American indians are wearing headresses and feathers in both scenes, they look there best and in a good health.
The painters are, in a first phase, representing the myth that American Indians and Europeans were united and that the settlers gently welcomed and invited the Natives to celebrate Thanksgiving.
To crown it all, Gerome Ferries painted the Puritan wife in the middle in white as an angel.
But now, what message lies behind these paintings ? What was the reality ?
The most interesting (nom?) in this painting are the positions of the people. They are split into 2 groups.
You can observe the setllers at the right and the Indians at the left. If you associate right and left to east and west, you can easily understand that the settlers are pushing the Indians west, that's to say, they are marginalyzing them.
There is something more interesting : see ! The Indians are sitting rather than the and Europeans are standing. The Natives are at the same height than the child, which means they are considered like children. The Pilgrims thought that they needed to be educated, they were innocent and didn't have any civilazation and it was their mission to civilize them and to dominate them.
Something else is drawing my attention, not yours ? The Indians are at the same height than the child and the dog which represents(un autre verbe ici) that the Indians are in between animal and child, they have the same status.
Behind the image of an interracial harmony is one of the most terrifying bloodshed of the American history. Contrary to popular mythology the Pilgrims were no friends to the local Indians. In reality, they were waging a war of extermination against the Native, and claiming ownership of their land. Native Americans suffered while settlers prospered. These true stories of thanksgiving are what the whites didn't want to tell.
To conclude, these two paintings are illustrating the same myth : there was a pacific and cordial contact between the Native and the Europeans. But in reality, there was a hard war and injustice coming from the Europeans. (maladroit..."there was great hostility.." etc)


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