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Cycle/ water

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Cycle/ water
Message de amandinecai posté le 03-11-2015 à 12:00:20 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mon texte svp s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Describe the water cycle.
We can find water under different forms like liquid and gaseous and solid. The water cycle has always a conversion (=transformation) from liquid water to gazeous form, and the reverse conversion (=la transformation inverse) from gazeous form to liquid water.
It’s thanks to that cycle that the clean fresh water (=eau douce et propre) can be renewed (=peut etre renouvellée). It has a living importance. Indeed without fresh water, the most of animal species and plant species could not survive.
There are two kinds of liquid water : the fresh water and the salt water. We can usually find the first in lakes and rivers and groundwaters (=nappes souterraines). The icebergs and glaciers are huge pure fresh water reserves when melted (= une fois fondus). We can generally find the second in seas and oceans. Sometimes there is it (=il y en a) in some lakes too.
The temperature play an essential part in conversion of water. When temperature are hotter, the liquid water warms itself (=se rechauffe). Some water molecules are started to ascend (=commence à s’elever) in the air. This phenomenon is called « evaporation ». More temperature is hot, more this phenomenon is accentuated. So tiny droplets (=gouttelettes) keep rising (=monter) until temperature were colder. At that time tiny droplets gather to become raindrops or snowflake (=flocon de neige). So these drops being to heavy to stay in levitation (=en levitation) in the air, they falling down on the ground. It’s raining or snowing.
The evaporation système enables (=permet) to clean up (=assainir) the water, indeed the evaporation lonely ascends the water particles. For instance, the dust is excluded (=est exclu) of this mechanism. So the evaporation serves to separate the water of others polluated stuffs (= des matières polluées).
When the rain falls down, the water is streaming (ruisselle). It pours out (=s’ecoule) until a rivers or across the ground to watergrounds. The water carrys away new particles like minerals or dusts.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2015 12:48

Réponse: Cycle/ water de here4u, postée le 03-11-2015 à 12:29:08 (S | E)
Hello !

We can find water under different forms like(clumsy) liquid and gaseous and solid XXXX. The water cycle has always a conversion (=transformation)(I'm not sure I understand ...) from liquid water to XXX gazeous form, and the reverse conversion (=la transformation inverse) from XX gazeous form to XXX liquid water.
It’s thanks to that cycle that the clean fresh water (=eau douce et propre) can be renewed (=peut etre renouvellée). It has a living importance. Indeed without fresh water, the most of animal species and plant species could not survive.
There are two kinds of liquid water : the fresh water and the salt water. We can usually find the first XXX in lakes and rivers and groundwaters (=nappes souterraines). The icebergs and glaciers are huge pure fresh water reserves when melted (= une fois fondus). We can generally find the second in seas and oceans. Sometimes there is it (=il y en a) in some lakes too.
The temperature play an essential part in XXX conversion of water. When temperature are hotter, the liquid water warms itself une particule serait bienvenue ici ..;(=se rechauffe). Some water molecules are started to ascend (=commence à s’elever) in the air. This phenomenon is called « evaporation ». More temperature is hot, more this phenomenon is accentuated.(revoir la progression parallèle!) So (ponctuation?)tiny droplets (=gouttelettes) keep rising (=monter) until temperature were mélange des temps) colder. At that time tiny droplets gather temps? to become raindrops or snowflakeS (=flocon de neige). So these drops being to heavy to stay in levitation (=en levitation) in the air, they falling down on the ground. It’s raining or snowing.
The evaporation système enables (=permet) to clean up (=assainir) the water, indeed the evaporation lonely ascends the water particles. For instance, the dust is excluded (=est exclu) of this mechanism. So the evaporation serves to separate the water of others polluated stuffs (= des matières polluées).

De toute évidence, vous cherchez à traduire des phrases ou mots français très fixes au lieu de penser (même simplement) en anglais et d'exprimer votre pensée ... Le résultat est à peine compréhensible (les mots français sont inadmissibles dans ce genre de travail!) et pas du tout idiomatique ... Au travail.
When the rain falls down, the water is streaming (ruisselle). It pours out (=s’ecoule) until a rivers or across the ground to watergrounds. The water carrys away new particles like minerals or dusts.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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