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Aide/Chien des Baskerville

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/Chien des Baskerville
Message de cocolimousin posté le 06-11-2015 à 18:35:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à vous tous
j'ai un sujet d'écriture à produire pour lundi et j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour m'aider avec la correction de ce que j'ai produit.
Voici l'énoncé: Watson sends a brief note to Sherlock Holmes in which he describes the moor and tells him about the suspicions he begins to have about Stapleton. Imagine and write it. Use the text if necessary.

I send you one good morning from the moor. I wanted to write you for tone to show what resembles the landscape of the moor which I am next. Indeed, I waited with impatience for the moor. And when I could see this landscape in the distance. I was surprised. I passed in a landscape in my head to reality. I passed of a rather nice landscape to a landscape which seems impassable who digests what is on its passage. I saw things rather extraordinary in the moor. I saw trees bowed in front of this obscure landscape and the sun did not succeed in piercing this obscure clarity. I also heard of strange noise which made me quiver. You are going to say me, how I could go there? Thanks to Stapelton. One of the neighbours of Baskerville. He knows ways to enter there. But I have reservations nevertheless. I know not so I must trust in him. He tries to make believe me in wrong things. But at least, we agree on a thing.

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses..

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2015 18:36

Réponse: Aide/Chien des Baskerville de here4u, postée le 06-11-2015 à 19:53:13 (S | E)

I send you one good morning(This is French translated...) from the moor. I wanted to write XX you for tone to show (describe ?))what resembles the landscape of the moor which I am next(refaire la construction avec "What ... like". Indeed, I waited with impatience(construire avec 'look forward') for the moor. A, and when I could see this landscape in the distance., I was surprised. I passed in a landscape in my head to reality. très maladroit. I passed of a rather nice landscape to a landscape which seems impassable who digests what is on its passage. I saw things rather extraordinaryordre des mots!) in the moor. I saw trees bowed in front of this obscure landscape and the sun did not succeed in piercing this obscure clarity.(the moor isn't the jungle!) I also heard of strange noise which made me quiver. You are going to say me, how I could go there? Thanks to Stapelton. One of the neighbours of Baskerville. He knows ways to enter there. But I have reservations nevertheless. I know not so I must trust (in) him. He tries (temps?)to make believe me(ordre des mots) in wrong things. But at least, we agree on a thing.
.... which is what ???
Bon courage...


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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