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Mise en quarantaine/Thème

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Mise en quarantaine/Thème
Message de violet91 posté le 15-02-2016 à 13:52:11 (S | E | F)

Hello dear all, workers and readers . Voici ' a piece of cake ' to translate , cette fois ... and ' the other way round ', that is to say : un gentil petit thème . D'un académicien français, tout de même .
J'ai été amenée il y a un certain temps à surveiller une épreuve d'examen de français qui débouchait sur la réflexion écrite : injustice et rejet . Imaginez ou narrez ( du vécu) une scène du même type dont vous pourrez parler ; vous raconterez l'épisode et vous réfléchirez aux réactions qui devraient être naturelles . L'autre sujet était un travail de ré-écriture : remplacer Elisabeth par 'je' et procéder à toutes les transformations .
J'aurais bien aimé redevenir élève ...

Elisabeth est la fille de Mme Mazalaigue , tenanciers( publicans/bar owners /managers)du café 'le Cristal' , boulevard Rochechouart . Un jour , elle apprend avec stupeur qu'elle est atteinte d'une maladie d'origine nerveuse, la pelade, qui fait perdre une partie de sa chevelure . Elisabeth ne souhaite pas se montrer en public, mais sa mère la force à retourner en classe.

--------------------- Mise en quarantaine .Thème . -----------------------
........... .....................................

La maîtresse avait été avisée entre-temps par un billet du docteur Brouchotte que la maladie de l'enfant n'était pas contagieuse . Son apparition dans la classe n'en provoqua pas moins un effet de stupeur . Des murmures méchants fusaient de tous les coins : ' Elle a la pelade ...La pelade !...'
Malgré l'attention du médecin, l'institutrice était pour la prudence . La tête partiellement déplumée, les joues pourpres, l'œil brillant de défi, Elisabeth se vit assigner une place de pestiférée au fond de la classe . Pendant toute la durée du cours, ses compagnes la dévisagèrent en chuchotant, en ricanant . Isolée dans le malheur, elle n'avait d'autre ressource que de leur tirer la langue en signe de mépris . Cela lui valut une punition qu'elle jugea imméritée . La récréation lui apporta un surcroît de dépit : ses meilleures amies la fuyaient . Même Claire et Madeleine affectaient d'ignorer sa présence et jouaient éperdument à chat perché avec les autres . Plus tard , elle crut les retrouver à la sortie de l'école , mais elles partirent sans l'attendre . Elle les aperçut , se dépêchant , courant dans la rue , de crainte qu'elle ne les rejoignît . Alors , elle pensa au sem-sem* qu'elle leur avait donné la semaine précédente . Tant d'ingratitude la révoltait . En rentrant au café, elle se jeta dans les bras de sa mère pour lui raconter son chagrin . Amélie avait des clients à servir et la repoussa en murmurant :
' Non Elisabeth ! Tu vois bien que je suis occupée ! '
Quand Elisabeth put enfin lui parler, ce fut pour s'entendre dire qu'elle avait tort de prêter attention aux moqueries de quelques petites sottes et qu'elle n'arriverait à rien dans la vie si elle ne montrait pas plus de courage dans l'adversité . [ ...]

* marque de chewing-gum .

.................Extrait de ' La grive ' 1956 dans (1953-1958)de Henri TROYAT Alioucha ( Moscow 1911/ Paris 2007).

........... ........... ... ............... . ...

Voilà de quoi vous distraire pour de petites heures . Bonnes vacances à ceux qui en ont . Bon travail léger au groupe à venir et aux newcomers , j'espère . See you and enjoy yourselves .
Correction prévue autour du 11 Mars

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-02-2016 06:55

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de mamou3, postée le 22-02-2016 à 08:09:15 (S | E)
Hello Dear Violet, Hello everybody !

It's always a pleasure to translate your texts. This one is beautiful and short but not easy at all, a real

Put in quarantine...
The teacher had meanwhile been informed by doctor Brouchotte's note that the child 's illness wasn't contagious. Her appearance in the class nevertheless triggered a dumbstruck effect. Some nasty whispers were streaming in from every corner : "She has mange..Mange."
Despite the doctor's attention, the teacher was for the carefulness. Head partially hairless, scarlet cheeks, eyes glittering with defiance, Elisabeth was assigned as a plague-stricken on a seat in the back row. For the whole duration of the lesson, her fellows stared at her, whispering, giggling. Isolated in unhappiness, she had no other alternative but to stick her tongue as a sign of scorn.
That was immediately responsible for a punishment which was considered undeserved. The playtime brought her an additional disappointment : her best friends avoided her. Even Claire and Madeleine affected to ignore her presence and desperately played-off ground touch with the others.
Later she thought get back to them at the end of the school day but they left without waiting for her. She caught sight of them rushing, running in the street for fear she joined them. Then she thought about the sem-sem she had given them the previous week.
So much ungratefulness appalled her. Coming back to the cafe, she threw herself into her mother's arms telling her sorrow. Amelie had to serve customers and pushed her aside murmuring : " No Elisabeth ! You can see I'm busy !".
When Elisabeth was allowed to talk to her, it was to be told she was wrong to pay attention to teasing of a few stupid girls and that she wouldn't get anywhere in the live if she didn't show more courage in adversity..

Thank you very much again !

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de eos17, postée le 22-02-2016 à 13:02:46 (S | E)
Hello violet
No so easy ... but real

.. Meanwhile the teacher had been informed by Doctor Brouchotte 's note that the disease of the child wasn't contagious. Her appearance in the classroom nevertheless involved an effect of astonishment. Unkind whispers burst from every nook : «  She 's got alopecia... Alopecia !... »
In spite of the attention of the doctor, the teacher chose carefulness. Her head partially hairless, her scarlet cheeks, her eyes shining of defiance, Elisabeth saw herself relegated at the bottom of the classroom like a plague -stricken victim. During the whole lesson, her fellows stared at her, whispering, giggling. Alone in unhappiness, her only resource was to stick her tongue out at them.
That cost her a punishment that she considered undeserved.The playtime brought her an extra disappointment : her best friends avoided her. Even Claire and Madeleine pretended not to know her presence and madly played off-ground touch with the others. Later, she believed to meet them after school , but they left without waiting for her. She caught sight of them, hurrying, running in the street, for fear of she met them. Then, she thought of the sem-sem she had given them the precedent week. So much ungratefulness hurt her. Coming back to the cafe, she threw herself into her mother's arms to tell her sorrow. Amélie had to serve the customers and she drove her away murmuring :
' No Elisabeth ! You see that I'm busy !'
Finally, when Elisabeth could speak to her , it was to be told that she was wrong to pay attention to the teasings of some stupid little girls and she would never be able to do anything in life if she didn't show more courage in adversity..

Extrait de " La grive" de Henri troyat. 
Thank you so much dear violet. 

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de jo06, postée le 23-02-2016 à 11:35:27 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
Very glad to work with you.
Hello everybody,

The mistress has been notified in the mean time by doctor Brouchotte that the child’s illness was not contagious. Her appearance in the class caused nevertheless an element of stupor. Nasty rustles came from all sides: “She has got alopecia…Alopecia!...”
Despite the doctor’s attention, the teacher was in favour of caution. Partially bald head, purple cheeks, sparkling eye with defiance, Elisabeth was assigned a place of pestiferous in the back of the classroom. During all the duration of the course, her schoolfellows stared at her in whispering, smirking. Isolated in misfortune, she had any other ressource but to stick out her tongue to them in sign of contempt. It brought her a punishment which she considered undeserved. The break time gave her an increased pique: her best friends fled from her. Even Claire and Madeleine affected to ignore her presence and played tag wildly with the others. Later, she thought to meet them at the school’s exit, but they went away without waiting for her. She caught sight of them, hurrying, running in the street, for fear of being caught up. Then, she thought about the sem-sem gum she had given to them the week before. So much ingratitude revolted her. Getting back to the café, she flung herself into her mother’s arms telling her grief. Amelie had customers to serve and drove her back whispering:
“No Elisabeth! You can see I am busy!”
When Elisabeth could finally talk to her, it was to be told she was wrong to pay attention to the mockery of some little fools and she would come to nothing in life, if she didn’t show greater courage in adversity. (She was told she was wrong to pay...)

Thank you very much

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de djim21, postée le 23-02-2016 à 20:11:04 (S | E)
Hello violet91, It's the first time I have the pleasure to translate your text. I hope there isn't too many mistakes.

A doctor Brouchotte's note had warned the teacher that the child's illness wasn't contagious. But, her arrival in the classroom caused a large astonishment . Some unkind murmurs were gushing from everywhere : « She's got alopecia... alopecia !...
In spite the doctor's attentions the teacher was for the care.
Her partially bald head, purple cheeks, challenge shiny eye, Elisabeth had been assigned to a pestiferous seat at the classroom right out.
During all the course time, classmates stared at her whispering, sneering. Alone in her misfortune, she could only stick her tongue out at them, as a scorn sign. That caused to her a punishment she considered as unmerited.
The break brought to her an extra chagrin : her best friends avoided her. Even Claire and Madeleine affected to be ignorant of her presence and madly played-off ground touch with the others.
Later, she believed to find them again at the end of the school day, but they left without waiting her. She caught sight of them, rushing, running at the street, being afraid she caught up them.
Then, she thought at « sem-sem » she had given them the last week. So much ingratitude outraged her.
Returning in the bar, she threw herself into her mother's arms to tell her sorrow.
Amélie had to serve some customers and rejected her, whispering : No, Elisabeth ! You must see I'm busy !
When at last Elisabeth could speak to her, she had to hear she was wrong to pay attention to the mocking attitude of some stupide little girls and she wouldn't get to nothing in her life if she wouldn't more brave during hard time.

Thank you very much. Best regards

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 23-02-2016 à 23:15:01 (S | E)
Good evening to the four of you ! First of all , I wish to congratulate the daring ladies who posted their translations yesterday , I mean dear mamou and eos , such faithful workers ! Then I am glad to see you back here dear jo06 , because apart from the pleasure of your return, I enjoy having a mixed team !
Finally , how nice of you , dear djim , to join us from Burgundy ! A challenge or rather partnership with me from Bordeaux ?! here and be sure I appreciate it !
And now , let us hope other friends and newcomers are on their way !
Thank you very much indeed and have a good night !

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de kadios, postée le 24-02-2016 à 08:20:46 (S | E)
Hello everybody
Very glad to work with you.

Elisabeth is the daughter of Mrs. Mazalaigue , tenants . One day she learns with astonishment that she suffered a nervous original disease , alopecia areata , which lose some of his hair. Elizabeth did not appear in public , but his mother the strength to return to class
The mistress was advised in the meantime by a doctor's note Brouchotte that the child's illness was not contagious. Despite the attention of the doctor, the teacher had to caution. Partially bald head, purple cheeks, bright defiant eye, Elisabeth was assigned a place of the plague in the classroom. For the duration of the course, her companions stared at her, whispering, giggling. Isolated in misfortune, she had no alternative but to take their language in a sign of contempt. That earned him an undeserved punishment she thought. Recreation brought him an additional vexation his best friends the fleeing. Even Claire Madeleine pretended to ignore his presence and played madly to tag with others. Later, she thought back to the exit of the school, but left without the wait. She saw them rushing, running down the street for fear she joined them. Then she thought of the sem-sem * she had given them the previous week. Such ingratitude revolted. Returning to the cafe, she threw herself into the arms of his mother to tell her grief.

good result

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 24-02-2016 à 11:59:29 (S | E)
here dear kadios from so far away ! Thank you for coming and don't forget to translate the end of the text , will you ?

See you

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de zodiac97500, postée le 24-02-2016 à 14:15:16 (S | E)
Hello daer Violet Good morning everybody

Meanwhile , the teacher had been advised by a letter from Dr brouchotte that the chid's illness was not contagious . Her appearance in the classroom triggered a bewilderment effect . Some mean rustles were coming from all sides ; she has pelade .... pelade ...
Despite the doctor's attention , the teacher had choosen the caution way . With her head partly going bald , her redish cheeks , her defiant shinning eyes , elisabeth saw herself assigned at a plague victim's sit at the back of the classroom . During all the time of the course , her partners stared at her ,they were whispering in a sneer .
Isolated in her missfortune , in a sin of comptent , she didn't have any other resources than to stick her tongue out of them .This was worth to her a punishment which she found unfair .Playtime brought her an increasing of resentment : her best friends avoided her . Even Claire and Madeleine pretended to ignore her presence and were madly playing the game of tag with the others . she thought that she would meet them at the school release , but they went without waiting for her . She saw them hurrying ,and running in the street beeing afraid that she would join them . Then she thought about the sem-sem which she has given them the week before . Such an ungratefullness revolted her . Coming back to the café , she threw herself into the arms of her mother to tell her about her sorrow . Amélie was busy serving some customers she then pushed her away murmuring :
" No Elizabeth you can see that I am busy !
When Elizabeth could at last talk to her , it was just to hear that she was wrong to pay any attention to the mockeries of some little idiots and that she would never succeed in her life if she could'nt show more courage in adversity....

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de gerondif, postée le 26-02-2016 à 09:11:22 (S | E)
Meanwhile, the schoolmistress had been warned thanks to a note from Doctor Brouchotte that the child's illness wasn't contagious. Nevertheless, her appearance in the classroom was met with a wave of astonishment. Nasty murmurs would hiss from all corners: She's got alopecia! just imagine! Alopecia !!

Although she had been forewarned by the doctor, the school mistress wanted to stay on the safe side. With her partially hairless skull, her red cheeks, but with her eyes ablaze with defiance, Elizabeth saw herself cast away to a chair at the back of the classroom as if she were plague-stricken. Throughout the whole lesson, her fellow schoolgirls stared at her, whispering and sniggering. Facing her misfortune alone, she could do nothing else but stick out her tongue at them to show how much she despised them. All she got for that was a punishment she deemed undeserved. Break-time only brought her more disappointment : Her best friends were avoiding her. Even Claire and Madeleine played away off-ground touch with the others. Later on, she naively thought she would be reunited with them on leaving school but they left without waiting for her. She caught sight of them, hurrying away, taking to their heels in the street for fear that she should ever catch up with them. This reminded her then of the sem-sem she had given them the previous week. So much ingratitude made her sick. On coming into the pub, she threw herself into her mother's arms to tell her her misfortune / what was ailing her, but Amélie had customers to look after and she turned her away, whispering :
" Not now, Elizabeth, can't you see I'm busy ?"

When Elizabeth eventually found an opportunity to speak to her, all she got was her mother throwing at her that she was wrong paying any attention to the taunts from a few young nitwits and that she would never (manage to) achieve anything in life if she didn't display more bravery when facing adversity.

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de maya92, postée le 27-02-2016 à 17:45:07 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
Put in quarantine..
Meanwhile, the teacher had been informed by a Dr Brouchotte’s note that the child’s disease was not contagious. However, her arrival in the classroom dumbfounded everybody. Nasty murmurs were flying from all sides : ‘She’s got alopecia.. Alopecia !’
In spite of the doctor’s warning, the teacher remained cautious. With her half hairless head, her crimson cheeks, her eyes sparkling defiantly, Elisabeth was allotted the seat of a plague-stricken at the back of the classroom. During the whole class, her classmates stared at her, whispering and giggling. Alone with her woes she had no other possibility but stick out her tongue at them as a sign of contempt. That got her a punishment she thought was undeserved. The break brought her an additional vexation : her best friends avoided her. Even Claire and Madeleine pretended to ignore her presence and madly played tag. Later, she thought she would meet them after school but they left without waiting for her. She saw them, hurrying, running through the street for fear she joined them. Then, she remembered the ‘sem-sem’ she gave them last week. She was revolted by so much ingratitude. When she got to the bar, she threw herself in her mother’s arms to tell her how sad she was. Amélie had customers to serve and she pushed her away whispering :
‘Not now, Elisabeth ! Can’t you see I’m busy?’
When finally Elisabeth managed to talk to her, all she got was that she was not to pay attention to some little idiots’ mockeries and that she would never get on in life in not facing adversity more bravely

Voilà juste avant un petit break d'une semaine. Merci Violet et à bientôt.

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de tereda, postée le 04-03-2016 à 12:53:34 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
here is my work, but I must say that I am not really confident with what I have done, in this exercise !

Meanwhile, the school mistress had been informed by a Doctor Brouchotte's note that the child's illness wasn't contagious. Her arrival in the class, nevertheless produced a dumbstruck effect ; Nasty whispers came from all sides : she has alopecia areata .... !
Despite the doctor's attention, the mistress chose for being careful. The half-hairless head, red cheeks, and the eye sparkled of defiance, Elisabeth was relegated at the back of the class, like a pestiferous. And all along the lesson, her classmates were staring at her, whispering and sniggering.Isolated in her misfortune, she had no alternative but to sticking out her tongue at them, scornfully. That earned her an undeserved punishment, she thought.
The break gave her an additional pique : her best friends avoided her; even Claire and Madeleine feigned to ignore her presence and played desperately to off-ground tag (or tig)with the others. Later, she thought find them again at the out of the school, but they went away without waiting. She saw them, hurrying and running in the street, for fear of she came in. Then, she thought of the chewing gum she had given to them last week; such ingratitude was revolting.
Returned to the café, she got under her mother's arms, for telling her deception. Amélie had to serve clients and pushed her away, whispering : no, Elisabeth, don't you see that I am busy !" - When, finally, Elisabeth was able to speak to her, it was to hear, she was wrong to pay attention to mockeries of stupid girls, and she would succeed nothing in life if she could not show more bravery against adversity.

a picture is worth a thousand words !

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de afarodj, postée le 09-03-2016 à 18:05:25 (S | E)
Hi violet91 , hi everybody
Here is my try. Have a nice evening.

- The schoolmistress was in the meantime informed by a doctor Brouchotte's note that the disease of the child was not transmittable. Her appearance in the classroom didn't cause less dismay impact. Nasty babblings were coming from all sides : ' she got alopecia....alopecia ! ' Inspite of the Doctor's notice, the teacher was for more caution. Partly bald-headed, cheeks purple, the eyes shining with chalenge, Elisabeth could be assigned a seat of a plague-stricken in the back of the class. All through the course duration, her classmates were staring at her with whispers then giggelings. Isolated in misfortune, Elisabeth hadn't any else fighting back ressources, save pulling out her tongue at them as a show of contempt towards them. That behaviour costed her a punishment which she assessed to be quite undeserved. The playground did provide her an increase of resentment, for her school friends were getting away from her. Even Claire and Madeleine who were determined to turn a blind eye to her attendance, used to play carelessly at ' catch the sausage' game with the other girls. She, nevertheless believed she would meet them again at the school exit, though they didn't wait for her but they left without her. Later on she spotted them in a hurry, running down the street for fear she could catch up with them. She then thought about the Sem-sems* she gave them the previous week. So much ingratitude was revolting her. As soon as she entered the café, she ran straight into her mother's embrace to tell her the sorrow she was withstanding. Amélie was busy helping clients with drinks, she murmured her as she pushed her back : ' no Elisabeth ! Don't you see I'm not free ?
When Elisabeth could finally talk to her mom, it was to hear from her say she was wrong to be mindful to those few silly little girls' mockeries, and would never
get anywhere in life if she showed no more bravery in the face of adversity.

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de car2bar, postée le 10-03-2016 à 10:28:19 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
here is my try:

Meanwhile, the teacher had been informed by a doctor Brouchotte’s note that the child’s illness was not contagious. Nevertheless, her appearance in the classroom caused an effect of astonishment. From every corner were coming the wicked murmurs : ‘She's losing her hair ! Losing her hair !
In spite of the doctor's advice, the teacher decided that it was better to be careful. The head partially hairless, the scarlet cheeks, the eyes shining with defiance, Elisabeth saw herself confined as a plague-striken victim at the back of the classroom. During all the lesson, her classmates stared at her, whispering and giggling. Isolated in unhappiness, she had any other ressource but to stick her tongue out at them as a sign of contempt. That brought her a punishment which she considered undeserved.
The break brought her an additional recentment: her best friends avoided her. Even Claire and Madeleine affected to ignore her presence and played off-ground touch madly with the others. Later she thought to meet them at the end of the school day but they left without waiting for her. She saw them, hurrying, running through the street for fear she wood join them. Then she thought about the sem-sem she had given them the precedent week. Such an ungratefullness revolted her. Coming back to the cafe, she threw herself into her mother's arms to tell her how sad she was. Amelie had to serve customers and pushed her aside murmuring : " No Elisabeth ! You can see I'm busy !".
Finally, when Elisabeth could speak to her mother, it was to be told that she was wrong to pay attention to the mockeries of some stupid girls and that she would never succed in life if she didn’t show more courage in adversity.

Thank YOU

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de joe39, postée le 12-03-2016 à 20:42:14 (S | E)
Good evening, dear Anne Violet.
Here is my try I have done in the first person as if I were Elisabeth. I hope my unusual initiative doesn't make you go up the wall. Anyway I beg your pardon in advance
Should you want receive also the translation of the "original" test, please let it me know. I'll try to mail it within a short time.
The excerpt is very nice as usually yours are, though not so easy to translate. I liked it very much.

Put in quarantine
I’m Elisabeth, the daughter of Mr & Mrs Mazalaiques owners of café « le Cristal », boulevard Rochechouart.
A day, I was told that an illness called "alopecia", which causes the loss of the hair, was affecting me.
I didn't dare to show myself in public, but I was forced to return in class by my mother.
In the meantime, the schoolmistress had been advised by a doctor Brouchotte’s note informing that the illness I contracted wasn't a catching one. No sooner I entered the classroom than a malicious whispering arose from the pupils: “She’s got alopecia…The alopecia!...
Despite the trouble taken by the doctor, the teacher opted for the prudence. So, I was assigned to a place at the end of the room, as if I were a plague-stricken. I was aware of my partially bold head and my purple red cheeks, but I glared at them in defiance. For the whole course I was being kept on whispering and giggling by them. Desperate over my isolation I had no other resource but to stick out my tongue at them as a sign of scorn. That involved me being unjustly punished.
An additional sign of vexation was brought on me : my best friends were dodging me. Even Claire and Madeleine seemed to be totally immersed in playing tag with the others, feigning to ignore my presence there. Later I believed I would find them again on leaving the school but they had gone without waiting for her to come.
I saw them while running along the road, fearing I could manage to join them. Then I thought back to the sem-sem I had given them the week before and such a great ingratitude made me feel extremely indignant.
Once I come back to the café, I threw myself into my mother's arms to let her know my grief. Amélie, who had to wait on several customers, pushed me back whispering: "No Elisabeth! See how busy I'm right now!
When I could eventually talk with her, It was only to be told I was going wrong in giving so much importance to the mockery of a few foolish little schoolmates and if I shouldn't be able to show more courage in facing the adversities of the life, I wouldn't arrive anywhere. ....

I Thank you very much for your remarkable work and remain hoping you have a great Sunday, dear friend.
Yours friendly and fond,

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 12-03-2016 à 21:19:56 (S | E)

Hello dear friends and thank you ever so much for your good work ! Also very glad to welcome and congratulate two new members , one from so far away and one more male companion from Burgundy ! ( do come again, now !) .
Grateful you came just in time Joe , amico mio . No use rewriting : your work has its charms, quite close to the original, actually and you also did what our students could do ; you had fun and I am sure nobody will blame you , even the writer himself if ... ( just a question of sticking to the monologue with ' I or me ' as pronouns, though )We are not in the ´Académie ', are we ?
Je peux et dois vous donner aujourd'hui ma / mes propositions . Pour beaucoup , ce texte avait sûrement le charme des jours passés , le goût du 'diabolo menthe ' ou 'mistral gagnant '...nous avons presque atteint la parité .
Merci aux ladies et à notre gentleman fidèles , bravo aussi à la gent masculine mieux regroupée ( encore quelques -uns à 'ramener ' au travail ) ! Reprenez cette bonne habitude , please ! Un brin de nostalgie ? Les bancs de l'école communale ... Troyat était bien agréable à traduire , mais moins simple que je ne le pensais . Son écriture classique permettait globalement de bien transcrire en anglais , sans réel risque de dérapage . Ensuite, il y avait ce fameux problème de choix, donc d'éliminer ! Parfois , ' ça me fend le cœur ! ' Pas à vous ?!

--------------------------------Put in quarantine . ( or Being quarantined ) ----------------------

In the meantime , the schoolmistress had been informed by a note from Doctor Brouchotte that the child's disease was not contagious ( catching ). However her appearing in class was no less cause of astonishment ( bewilderment ) . Spiteful ( nasty ) whispers sprang up from every corner : " ( Look !) She's going bald *. Look ! Bald ! ( She's losing her hair ! Losing her hair ! ´ ) ..."
Despite the doctor' s assurance , the teacher decided it would be better to choose caution . With her hair partly bald , her scarlet cheeks , and a defiant look in her eye , Elisabeth saw herself attributed ( assigned) a seat at the back of the class as though she were carrying the plague with her ( she was suffering from the plague / she had the plague ) . Throughout the lesson , her schoolfellows whispered and sniggered as they stared at them . Isolated ( all alone ) in ( her ) misfortune , all she could do was stick her tongue out at them as a sign of contempt ( in contempt ) . This only earned her a punishment she considered most unfair ( undeserved). Playtime * brought with it another fit of pique ( brought with it additional vexation ) : her best friends would avoid her ! ( avoided her / fled away from her ) . Even Claire and Madeleine pretended to ignore her and played hard ( madly ) off-ground tag with the others . Later , she believed she would meet up with them again at the school exit ( when school was over ), but they ( had) left without waiting for her . She caught sight of them running down the street in a hurry ( hurrying away ) in case she should catch up with them . At that moment , she thought about the 'sem-sem-gum ' she had given them the previous week . She found such ungratefulnesss revolting . When she arrived at the café ( on entering the café ) , she threw herself into her mother's arms to tell her how unhappy she was ( all about her misfortunes ) . Amélie was in the middle of serving customers ( clients ) and pushed her aside muttering( murmuring ) :
" Not now , Elisabeth ! Can't you see I'm busy ? "
When finally Elisabeth was able to speak to her , it was to be told ( all she heard ) that she was wrong to pay attention to the scoffing ( mockeries ) of a few young idiots and that she would never get anywhere in life if she did not show more bravery ( courage ) in the face of adversity . [ ...]

................................... Translated from ' The thrush ' ' La grive ' by Henri TROYAT . ´ Les semailles et les moissons ' The seed and the fruit '
' trilogy . 1957 .

* Impossible que des enfants connaissent le terme médical . Ils pouvaient dire méchamment aussi ' She's got ringworm ' ( elle a la teigne ou gale ( contagieuse par l'animal )/ ils n'auraient pas fait la différence . ).'Alopecia ' ( alopekia - grec- chute de cheveux ), alopécie , est en effet une perte de cheveux due à un choc psychologique et au stress en général .
* Playtime s'applique plus au primaire que 'break ' mieux adapté au secondaire .
* Choix de préposition : running down facile à descendre à toute allure dans le sens de la pente , mais question de topographie : on ne sait pas ...ce pourrait être ' along ', in, through , up même puisqu'on est dans ce quartier où l'on peut trouver une école au bord de fameux escaliers .

.......................................................... ..................

See you tomorrow . Have a very good night even if it is a short one .

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 13-03-2016 à 18:12:52 (S | E)
Hi everybody Not forgetting you . Coming soon . ( beginning to work at your texts actually ... )

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de brun06, postée le 13-03-2016 à 18:59:18 (S | E)
Looking forward to your comments:

Meanwhile the mistress had been informed by a note from Dr Brouchotte that the child's illness was not contagious. Nonetheless, her entrance in the classroom provoked stupor. Some nasty mutterings fired from all corners : ' she's got alopecia...alopecia !.. '
Despite the physician's attention the mistress opted for prudence. With her partially hairless head, her purple cheeks, her eyes shining defiantly, Elisabeth was shown a seat in the back of the room for the plague-stricken. During all the lesson her friends stared at her whispering and giggling. Alone in her misfortuneshe had no other recourse than to stick her tongue at them contemptuously. It caused her a punishment that the judged undeserved. The break gave her an additional resentment : her best friends were staying away. Even Claire and Madeleine were pretending to ignore her presence and were playing tag madly. Later she thought of meeting them at the school exit but they left without waiting for her. She saw them hurring up and running away in the street in fear of being caught up. At this time she thought of the sem-sem she had given them the past week.
So much ingratitude revolted her. Coming into the coffee- room she threw herself in her mother's arms to tell her sorrow.
Amélie had to serve some customers and pushed her back. No Elisabeth ! Can't you see I am busy !
When Elisabeth could speak to her finally she was retorted it was not right to pay attention to the mockery of some foolish little girls and that she would not succeed in life if she did not show more courage in adversity.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-03-2016 19:59

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 13-03-2016 à 22:04:31 (S | E)
Welcome to you brunO6 . Thank you very much for joining us with such a good translation . Obvious you like languages ! Both French and English ! See you . nous voilà à la parité , si je ne me trompe ! CHEERS !

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 14-03-2016 à 12:38:04 (S | E)

Hello dear all and thanks again to you all and the new visitors ( the last-minute one was a surprise !) ,
Je vais essayer de faire mon maximum depuis ma tablette , first ! Hier il faisait enfin beau , j'en ai profité et puis je me suis mise à chercher des termes médicaux sur ´tinia ' , ' alopecia' ( areata , cheers to you dear tereda !) and spent quite a long time on the plague, the Black one , the others and the pestiferous ! The treatments as well ! Alooors ...cela me m'a plus mise en appétit !
Corriger du thème à partir de vos 'glissades ' me paraît compliqué inépuisable , car il y a aussi tant de variantes intéressantes qui ne s'éloignent pas du texte de départ . Je vais m'arrêter plutôt sur ce qui me paraît général, puis me vient au fur et à mesure de la langue de Troyat : vous vous reconnaîtrez ou non ! Tout peut être utile ...Vous me direz si j'ai besoin d'aller plus loin ...

I ] Des erreurs apparues plusieurs fois :
a) - attention au point de vue : mettre en quarantaine n'est pas être mise en quarantaine . Au fait , n'oubliez pas le titre , will you ?
b) - Bien cibler le sens d'un mot : 'mistress ' par exemple qui sans contexte ( première ligne ) peut prêter à confusion
c ) - pas d'article devant un nom propre singulier et un titre : Doctor Brouchotte . ( a Doctor Brouchotte ( sans note ) prendrait le sens d'un certain ...avec une nuance un tantinet péjorative ou alors on aura ' Ah ! You are the Fauré ' ( ´Green card ' starring Depardieu - le fameux et unique ( Gabriel ) Fauré du magnifique 'Requiem ' ... Et au pluriel , on aura toujours ' the Faurés ' , the Obamas , the Millers ...and so on ... the Fauré family nom = adj .invariable
Lien internet
Some American lesson ?
Pourquoi a-t-on eu 'The Who ' - plural - Whos - devenu the Who's ? -as an English rock group ?
d ) - pas d'article devant des noms abstraits ' alopecia' [l 'pi] et l'on verra comment traiter des maladies avec un article , pourtant ) , contempt , ingratitude, caution , prudence , courage , adversity ...; le non tangible en général .( think of ' Life ! Love ! Death ' , pillars of so many reflections and works - arts or else /' Amour , Beauté , Désir ' chez de Musset ou Gauguin for instance . ) On ne peut mettre un article que si l'on veut accentuer sur la particularité de cette vie -là , de cette beauté-là , de ce désir-là .
´The life and death ( like the history )' of Martin Luther King Jr were remarkable est un choix de traduction qui appuie sur l'exemplarité , plutôt que le génitif déterminatif ' Martin Luther King 's life, death , history qui appuie sur le personnage .

..............................................Nabi PAUL GAUGUIN ' Le chien rouge ' 1892
e ) - attention aux temps et aux concordances : she has been informed est un present perfect ( elle a été, elle vient de = she has just been informed ) # had been informed : past perfect = plus-que -parfait = avait été . Étourderie, je suppose . Méfiez-vous toujours des verbes irréguliers ...
f ) - attention à l'orthographe , surtout de mots venus du français ' resource ' , 'resentment ' et avec nos 'devices ' , petits appareils performants et divers qui corrigent tout seuls ou sont trop petits pour certains yeux : des doublons , des triplons ...j'ai bien trouvé 2 'l ' - fulness , même 3 chez moi l'astigmate, ' schoolfellows ' où il y avait une valse de ' l' !! Rapide mais pas encore tremblante !!! .
g ) - Enfin et toujours se relire plusieurs fois avant de considérer comme au point ...certains ont omis de 'jouer à chat perché éperdument ...' with the others ' - c'est difficile , alors !- , un autre a glissé sur la touche 'y ' et ne l'a pas tapée dans son 'hurrying ' ..'.il se passe toujours quelque chose' ( 'adverts ) ...comme à l'ex- Samaritaine ! Et cela nous concerne tous vais d'ailleurs encore me relire !!!
---Some delight , here Lien internet
FAURE 3'38 ( Cambridge)

( and it took me more time because of the unexpected ! ) Good evening , then ,

II ] Commentaires linéaires :
1 ) L' héroïne ( heroine , surtout pas heroin ) du livre et de l'extrait est Elisabeth . Nous la suivons ici sur un méchant épisode de son enfance dans une école élémentaire de filles dans un quartier populaire de Paris . C'est elle la victime de cette' mise en quarantaine' - she is put in quarantine ['kwrntn] , like animals coming from abroad whose owners haven't followed the scheme arriving in GB , for instance - 4 to 6 months quarantine . ( very strict quarantine law requiring rabies ( la rage ) vaccine for travelling pets - la rage ) . La maîtresse par prudence la met comme en quarantaine -quarantining [...] et la fillette est comme put in quarantine , ( not exactly kept in confinement ) , isolated [s 'ltid].

2 ) In the meantime , meanwhile et autres ' connecteurs logiques ' , outils de liaison ou articulation ( then , however , nevertheless , nonetheless, yet , but , still ...) se placent généralement en début d'énoncé . Vous pourrez en trouver quelques autres comme though [], pourtant [...] toujours placé après la déclaration et d'autres comme 'actually ' à vrai dire qui pourront se trouver en début ou en fin .
- This man is very clever and handsome , he is unpleasant , though ...he is so conceited [ k-nsitid] , vaniteux , pédant .
- Actually I saw that film twice / I saw it twice , actually .

3 ) The ' schoolmistress' est indissociable de son école en anglais, surtout si elle est en première ligne ...du texte ! La collection faramineuse de 'mistresses ' d'un certain acteur américain , 'le tombeur de Hollywood' a beau avoir éveillé l'intérêt de notre chaîne bilingue culturelle qui en avait fait une émission ou la 'mistress ' favorite d'Henri IV , Gabrielle d'Estrées , voire celle de votre voisin ( you are going to think I am a nosy person , which is completely wrong ! I don't care a fig , if you don't mind me being a bit rude , here ) ...voilà une dérive et bon pour la ' yellow press ' ! Le mot 'schoolmistress ' plaçait d'emblée dans 'a primary school ' ...on pouvait ensuite trouver 'teacher' . Bonjour Maîtresse ! = Good morning / afternoon / hello teacher ( used to be Miss) !

4 ) To inform / to notify semblaient un peu meilleurs que ' warn ' puisque le docteur n'avertissait pas d'un danger , mais au contraire rassurait . Il donnait son ' assurance ' ['rns]= informed positively and provided a guarantee [ 'u' muet = horseguards ,' The guardian' ( newspaper) ] he knew for certain about the child not being contagious .

5 ) A ( short ) note [ nt] n'était ni 'a prescription ' ( ordonnance ) ni ' a certificate ' [ s 'tifikit ] d'admission en cours . Un billet ( no ticket of course !)

6 ) The note was from Doctor Brouchotte ( provenance), the Malazaigues' attending or licensed physician [ 'fizin] ( médecin traitant , de famille ) et il avait passé ' a doctoral degree , a doctorate ['dktrit]...comme d'autres passent a Research Doctorate , a Ph(ilosophy ). D , a Maths Doctorate , a French , an English , any subject D . You call them Doctors all the same ...
* Doc is a common nickname ( surnom ) in books or films more in the US , I should think ...( American Old West , military ...) I was thinking of the great great film ( 1953 US / 1954 France) by Fred Zinnermann - Oscar du meilleur film ' From Here to Eternity ' , ' Tant qu'il y aura des hommes ' heureusement repasssé récemment ...toujours sur la même chaîne ! On en sort complètement remué ! Très en avance et courageux , ce film ! Lien internet

7 ) Il était évident que l'on était dans le milieu scolaire et qu'une petite avait dû être absente quelques jours - la maîtresse était au courant ...on aurait même pu avoir 'Elisabeth's disease [di'zz] ' or 'that child 's disease maladie n'étant pas si grave , un génitif ' classique ' non saxon - the disease of the child - ne se justifiait pas . Il n'est pas faux pour autant : on se comprend . Donc gardons le génitif déterminatif dit saxon - the child's disease - et personne n'en attrapera de l'eczéma .

8 ) Disease and illness . Sans être particulièrement pointilleux , pernickety [p nikiti ]( amusant à ' sortir ') , a disease porte un nom : alopecia areata , mumps ( les oreillons ) measles [ mzapi1z] la rougeole , chickenpox -la varicelle, flu ( influenza) - la grippe, the plague !, whatever you think of ...: a disease peut être aussi bénigne que maligne ( cancer can be a deadly disease ) ...Elles portent un nom . Illness peut aussi être employée dans le même sens , mais le mot générique recouvre plutôt un état de mauvaise santé : la maladie au contraire de la santé ( to your health !) . On peut aussi parler de sickness ( plutôt pour les enfants ). To be sick = être plutôt légèrement malade / to vomit , aussi .
............................................ .........................

( J'ai commencé après avoir dîné et je vois que 'time flies ' et que the clock is going to strike twelve PM ( Beware ! Time for the Red Death ! ' La masque de la mort rouge ' cf E.A. Poe ...) Shall we go to bed , then go to sleep ? not to confuse ...!
Therefore , it is time to wish you all a very good night with sweet and sound ( sains ) dreams !!

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 16-03-2016 à 00:20:45 (S | E)
' En cheminant avec Hérodote ' ( Jacques Lacarrière ***)'...ou plutôt avec vous , je vais tâcher d'avancer un peu plus dans cette correction qui est incompatible avec le magnifique soleil dont on jouit tout au long du jour ! I hope you also had a gorgeous day ! I'll do my best tonight ...

Good evening dear friends ,

9 ) Nonetheless ( bright idea ) / no less cause / ...was all the same a cause of bewilderment [ ...] ( synonyms ) se valaient .

10 ) Spiteful ['sptfl]/ nasty / wicked whispers sprang up ( to spring, sprang , sprung : jaillir ) / fired / ..from every corner / everywhere .

11 ) She's got ringworm[rinwm] / the mange [mn ]( toujours la gale des chats , entre autres ) / alopecia ( tout en connaissant les nuances ) . Il fallait introduire 'got ' pour la dynamique du verbe avoir , donc surtout marquer le temporaire . Elisabeth est revenue en classe , donc en voie de guérison . Pelada semble exister, mais j' ignore si jamais on l'emploie ( jamais lu ni entendu ) .
Les enfants pouvaient toujours dire - Hey ! Look ! She's going bald / She's losing *her hair ! * to lose avec un seul 'o' , je rappelle .

12 ) Attention à ne pas faire de mixture à cause du français ! In spite of the doctor's assurance = despite the doctor's assurance .

13 ) Prudence [' prdns] éviter les mots français/ carefulness / safety / security ... / Caution ['kn] ...] ( > being cautious ) was the best .

14 ) Partly = partially bald . She had patches of hair loss on her head .

15 ) La description d'Elisabeth nécessitait l'utilisation de la préposition 'with ' et de l'adjectif possessif féminin 'her': avec tous ces signes...elle se vit consignée au fond , à l'écart .

16 ) Malgré 'Deep purple ' hard rock group ( cf. Led Zeppelin ) que vous avez peut-être aimé ( depuis 1968 )
Lien internet
- Soldier of fortune 3'28
rappelez -vous que ' la couleur pourpre ´ ( film ***)* s'obtient when mixing blue and red colours = violet ( pas des joues sacerdotales !!!) , bluish red , pomegranate , wine ( sic) , rouge sombre ( Bordeaux and even more Burgundy wine ) # very red with anger = scarlet like ' The scarlet letter ' ( 'a romance ' by Nathaniel Hawthorne -US 1850 ) , non Scarlett O' Hara célèbre entre autres pour ses colères rouges ! Scarlet cheeks she had !
....................... .... Such was Vivien LEIGH [l]

Feverish ['fvri] était une nuance intéressante , mais la gamine enrageait sans température ( to have a temperature ) . She hadn't got scarlet fever ( scarlatine ) either
*Lien internet
3'01 Célie's blues .' The Color Purple'

17 ) Pestiferous is a noun , littéraire et peu usité . As if she was ( were) plague- infected / touched / suffering from plague / as if she had the plague ( ça dure et ce pouvait être deadly -mortel ) ; la peste frappe = strikes ou struck in the past . Plague -stricken est un glissement de sens > qui a la poisse , la guigne , sur qui tombent tous les malheurs, toutes les plaies ( plagues) = star-crossed , ill-fated , doomed , cursed ( genre maudite ) ...Avez-vous pensé à panic -stricken ???

18 ) Throughout the lesson = during the whole of the lesson, during the whole lesson / all through the lesson . Did you read the book through ? As-tu lu le livre tout entier ?

19 ) The front row ['r](not to confuse with [r] quarrel) the back row . Le premier # dernier rang . Le devant # le fond ( horizontalement # the bottom comme le fond d'un verre ) ' Bottoms-up ' ='cul sec ' ne pas traduire littéralement bien sûr !!!!

20 ) Her schoolfellows ( Old English c-1200 ' companion , comrade , partner ( one who shares with another / gambling ) - c1300 one of a pair , of the same kind ] se dit davantage pour des filles que schoolmates . Niveau de langue . 'Mates ' est familier et renvoie à l'idée de 'potes ' . Maintenant , ils diraient ' schoolmates ' entre eux , mais pas forcément un auteur ni un professeur .

21 ) Isolated, she had no other resource , nothing else to do but ( except ) / all she could do was .../ what else could she do but stick ( or poke ) her tongue [ 'tng] out at them ? ( préposition de l'agressivité = to laugh at : se moquer de : to scoff at )

22 ) This earned * her - it brought about or caused her a punishment undeservedly / this cost* her / then she got ...for that ! ( * to earn , earned ( earnt correct but no more common, earned ) . To cost , cost, cost .

23 ) Not fair > unfair : injuste . Undeserved [ ndi'zvd] non mérité ,immérité.

24 ) Pas d'article ici à ' break ' ...auquel on préférera donc ´playtime ' pour jouer et se détendre sur le playground de l'école primaire . Quand je pense aux étendues de gazon où , aux beaux jours , s'étalaient les jeunes -filles en uniformes dans mon lycée presque londonien !Plus tard , mes élèves français bavaient d'envie ' de pareilles conditions de travail et détente, à chaque échange ! Pas une fleur de bordure cassée , tout en parfait état ...on y voyait même les fameuses' daffodils ' , des roses personne n'y touchait ! L'établissement est récemment devenu une école d'art .

Sur ces belles images paisibles qui me remontent vais arrêter ici pour ce soir . Midnight sharp ! Have a good soothing night with sweet dreams ! See you tomorrow for sure .( I should be able to complete and finish on my PC )

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de violet91, postée le 16-03-2016 à 15:35:37 (S | E)
( What I can still do for you this morning )

Hello dear all and have a nice sunny day where you are ( our blue sky here is turning grey and it is really chilly [ ...] ( frisquet ) because of a Northern wind ) ,

25 ) A fit of pique [pk] / vexation = reacting badly when your pride is hurt . Une montée , une crise due à l'humeur blessée ( one's pride wounded ['wndid] - to be in a fit of pique / to do something in a fit of pique . To feel resentment ri'zntmnt] or indignation . > to arouse pique in someone . ( to pique -piqued - piquing ) from Middle French 1530s - fit of ill-feeling / pike [pk] ( pierce , kill or wound with a pike ( spear, une lance) , prick , sting , irritate . = to excite to anger 1670s from French 'piquer ' . Le sens s'est ensuite un peu adouci ( softened) ...

26 ) To affect est atteindre , nuire , contaminer , contrarier ( upset ) ( # to afflict ) . Faire semblant , affecter de , prétendre = to pretend -pretended [ ...] to act, behave , do as if ( + subj. > simple past or past perfect )

27 ) Éperdument - littéralement madly ( or hard ) comme des petites folles . Un peu comme le désir violent : to want badly .

28 ) Ce fameux chat perché ( décidément ne pas devenir chat sur cet exercice !) to play tag ( transitif) off-ground touch / it ! Being touched or tagged . Je n'ai pas trouvé d'histoire de saucisse , sinon peut-être un jeu d'enfant qui se joue en cercle avec quelqu'un au milieu à qui chacun pose la question 'who is it ? an appropriate question ' The only answer to every question is 'sausage ' et celui qui arrive à faire rire celui du centre a le droit d'y aller . ( je ne vois pas à quoi cela correspond chez nous, ni vraiment ce que c'est ...) What about you ? Même pas le furet . 'Hunting the ferret ' est une vraie chasse , si je ne me trompe comme appât ( les pauvres ) pour débusquer des foxes ( renards ) ou autres , tapis dans leurs tanières .
Jouer à la saucisse est peut-être un jeu d'extérieur équivalent au chat perché dans un pays ensoleillé...Je viens de trouver qu'il s'agit aussi d'un jeu de société qui ressemble à 'ma ' première recherche ' Devine quoi ? Attention saucisse ' ???? A suivre s'il y a des connaisseurs ...

29 ) À la sortie de l'école a été compris de deux façons : littéralement , 'at the school exit' sur le trottoir ou après les cours ' when school was over ' même endroit

30 ) De crainte de implique une modalité, donc l'emploi d'un modal marquant l'hypothétique : fearing (that ) she should catch up with them / or in case ( ks]] she should ( Elle aurait ses chances d'y parvenir) ...Ah ! Naughty girls !

31 ) To think about or of : lui revient plus ou moins clairement en mémoire ...j'ai opté pour 'about ' , le chewing-gum en lui-même ,n'étant pas bien important . Le fait de donner lui, l'était . Le ' chicle ' mexicain -pâte à mâcher en petites bandes extraites du 'sapotier ' - a voyagé et parfumé à la menthe est parti à la conquête du monde ( su de ce matin !!!) > Les soldats américains - arrivée des G.I in 1944 - avaient introduit le 'sem-sem-gum ' : it appears to be the name of a brand ( a make , a sort , a trademark ...) J'ai trouvé dans un 'fil de conversations ' un nostalgique de la sem-sem gomme pourquoi ne pas dire gomme sem-sem ...bref en bon francais , du chewing-gum , quoi ! Comme le 'malabar ' sacrément fort, car il résiste aux générations , arriva pour le détrôner ?!

32 ) Last week nous remettrait dans le passé de la petite et on aurait un flash back donc nous préparerions à Be+ING en past continuous ; or, la narration prend du recul > the previous week or the week before .

33 ) La petite se jette dans les bras et compte y trouver refuge - préposition into , donc : mouvement vers et dans .

34 ) ' No Elisabeth ' était sec , trop brutal, comme une remontrance ( being told off ) ; j'avais pensé à ' You don' t ' , puis ai comme deux d'entre vous introduit un ' not now ' . La maman doit rester réconfortante ; gardez-lui son accent à la Française : Amélie ...qui deviendrait Amelia ['mli].

- Nous avons été plusieurs à basculer na-tu-rel-le-meng ( toujours des réminiscences - toutes fraîches d'ailleurs cf. Arte- de Pagnol et Raimu -Fresnay ' Tu l'as dit à sa mère? -Et naturellemeng ( diphthongué à Marseille )que je l'ai dit à sa mère !' en interro-négative = Can't you see I'm busy?'

35 ) Wrong to pay attention to the scoffing* [skfin] ( mockeries) of ' nitwits' si vous voulez ! J'ai personnellement laissé tomber 'little ' qui a son côté attendrissant ...pour moi difficilement compatible avec ces pestes ( encore ! Mais 'pests' , young pests ( or brats plus rare ) this time ! Vous pouviez parfaitement dire 'little pests ' et ceux qui en ont trouvé 'some '( several plusieurs et plus some ...4,5,6 ...) sont plus pessimistes que moi qui ai réduit à ' a few ' pensant à l'infâme trahison de ses meilleures amies ( 2, 3 ..) !!

36 ) ' And then you'll be a man , my son !' Eh bien ! Pas de pleurnicherie , Elisabeth ! Il faut t'endurcir ( times have changed , haven't they ?) to become somebody , to get anywhere in life . Learn how to be more courageous , braver , ma fille ! Show more bravery in the face of adversity , en l'affrontant ' droit dans les yeux'! Tu en verras d'autres ; c'était une façon sans doute assez commune de bring up a child . Voilà du ferme upbringing supposé l'armer . Life will teach her . Un peu dur, pas vrai ? Mais on peut imaginer quelques petits câlins ( cuddles to comfort) réparateurs du soir after Amélie's busy day in her French café . ( avec l'accent encore et ce n'est pas a coffee-shop C'est un café avec son zinc , très parisien , très français )

Woilà ...j'en ai terminé d'écrire et d'expliquer . ( I'll come back tomorrow to finalise my work )

Thank you for waiting and sleep well! ---

Ce soir , après avoir tout vérifié ( I hope ) , j'ai amplement le temps de vous féliciter et remercier vivement de nouveau Ce groupe mixte avait une saveur supplémentaire . Outre aux retours et nouveaux arrivés qui m'ont fait bien plaisir , toujours thanks a lot to all the faithful ones . Ready for another kind ?


Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de mamou3, postée le 19-03-2016 à 07:09:22 (S | E)
Thank you very much dear Violet ! C'est toujours aussi enrichissant de lire tes corrections précises et minutieuses ! Merci de relever pour nous toutes ces nuances du vocabulaire et de la grammaire anglaise ! Quel travail de fourmi pour toi mais quel plaisir  pour nous !

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de eos17, postée le 20-03-2016 à 10:46:03 (S | E)
Thank you so much dear Violet pour ce thème et son sujet,cette petite Elisabeth confrontée à la méchanceté des camarades de classe.
Merci pour tes recherches, tes explications, les illustrations et pour l'envie que tu m'as donnée de relire "La grive".
Bon dimanche.

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de car2bar, postée le 21-03-2016 à 06:45:45 (S | E)
Merci, encore merci et toujours merci, chère Violet. Quel bonheur, pour nous tous , d’avoir trouvé dans le site une enseignante contagieuse de l’amour des langues et aussi de l’enthousiasme à construire le pont merveilleux qui est la traduction.

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de joe39, postée le 25-03-2016 à 19:34:40 (S | E)
Bonsoir ma chère amie Violet,
I thank you very much for your kind comments on my translation.
Your excerpt pushed me into doing my best, making you (at least I hope so) satisfied of my work, what, in my opinion, should be one of the main tasks of every student toward his teacher.
I take the opportunity, dear Anne, to wish you and your family a Happy Easter, notwithstanding the worrysome situation affecting our countries.
Have a nice night, dear friend.
So long.
Yours friendly

Réponse: Mise en quarantaine/Thème de djim21, postée le 27-03-2016 à 12:16:00 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
Sorry for the delay, but better late than never !
I enjoyed your detailed marking. It's very enriching.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards.


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