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Nocion/Idea of Progress

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Nocion/Idea of Progress
Message de morgane98 posté le 19-02-2016 à 13:26:17 (S | E | F)
j'ai fini ma notion d'idée de progrès mais je voudrais être sûre de ne pas avoir fait trop de fautes, me connaissant..
Ce serait donc très gentil à vous, si vous pouviez jeter un petit coup d'oeil et m'indiquer les fautes, mauvaises formulations, phrases qui ne veulent rien dire...
Merci d'avance.

Voici mon texte:
I am going to talk about the notion of the Idea of progress. But first let's define what exactly this notion stands for.
The idea of Progress is the idea of a change, an improvement that helps increase the global lifestyle. There can be progress in many different levels, political, musical, fashion...
We can then ask ourselves how a decade, the sixties was able to shape the futur generations?
We will first present who the sixties broke with the conventions in so many levels. Then we will study the music of this decade in particular. And finally we will see that it was a wonderful decade rememebred as one of a kind by many people.

What pops up at first in this front page of a magazine of the sixties is the amount of bright colours. The characters are unique and seem full of life. We can see many icons of London, the Union Jack, Big Ben, the Red Buses... which shows that London had a big influence in the sixties.The front page can be separated into two parts: the traditionnal way of living of the london high society and the new one, more free and careless. This way the cover illustrates well the generation gap of the time. Many huge Icons of the decade are present in this front page: the beatles, the Who … in music but also the miniskirt in fashion.
The hippie mouvment is centered here, in which the younger generations wished to enjoy life as much as possible which included the use of drugs and the abuse of sex.
A huge youth culture developped which was both joyful and creative. The sixties were a real revolution at the time.

It is interestng to focus on a specif revolution which was the musical one through a text, “The real story behind britain's rock'n'roll”.
Before this decade, the only legal radio was the BBC, but the programms were bland. Thus young people went into internationnal waters and broadcasted illegal pop or rock music. They were called “Pirate Radios” and their popularity grew until reaching their highest pic during the sixties. The British governement had to change the law to forbid those Pirate Radios from broadcasting. The true winners are the pirate radios because even when the law was voted, the taste for rock'n'roll music had already spread everywhere. Indeed those pirate radios took great risks but only because they lived for rock and pop music and that they wanted to spread it all over england.

There has never been a decade quite like the sixties; the diversity, conflicts, hope, anger, the music, the dance crazes and the fun that characterized those years are captured there. The 60s decade was a decade of change. And the people that lived it all talk about this decade with nostalgia, and we can see it in the interview “Memories of the sixties” between three people.
This discussion shows that sixties brought new ways of thinking and living.
There were progresses in many eras, technological with the TV, or the transistor radios from which everyone could listen to their music. Musical progress as we saw with the previous document. But mostly there was an optimistic way of seeing the life that was improoving and people got enthusiastic over it.

In conclusion, we can say that the sixties were a decade in which change took an important place. Either the lifestyle, or many fields progressed.
"The Sixties" explores the landmark era of cultural, political, and technological change during the 1960s, infusing new relevance to the cultural touchstones that changed the world.
We can also rely this notion with the notion of spaces and exchanges because of the global effect onto the world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-02-2016 23:50

Réponse: Nocion/Idea of Progress de laure95, postée le 19-02-2016 à 16:21:37 (S | E)
- that helps (il manque TO)increase the global lifestyle.
- We can then ask ourselves: pas le bon verbe ici, chercher: se demander.
- the futur: orthographe
- We will first present who the sixties broke with the conventions
- rememebred as one of a kind: ?

- What pops up at first in this front page of a magazine of the sixties is the amount of bright colours: présente le document avant de donner ton opinion.
-the (à enlever) London (majuscule)
- mouvment: orthographe.
- A huge youth culture developped: ordre des mots.
- specif: ?

-broadcasted: verbe irrégulier.
- pic.
- The true winners are the pirate radios: temps.
- england: majuscule.
- the music, the dance: pas d'article.
- the fun.
- This discussion shows that sixties brought: présent perfect.
- eras: ?
- everyone could listen to their (à enlever)music.
- way of seeing the life: pas d'article.
- improoving: orthographe.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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