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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


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Message de student77 posté le 12-03-2016 à 20:25:00 (S | E | F)
en fait j'ai un rapport d'anglais à remettre et je ne suis pas bon en grammaire anglaise; donc je me permets de vous envoyer mon travail afin que puissiez me conseiller sur les tournures anglaises ainsi que sur les fautes que j'ai pu commettre.
Un grand merci d'avance

The production of plastic bottles consumes 10% of the plastic weight in the world. The production uses an injection technique with a kind of syringe and plastic granules that are heated. The fluid obtained is flowed into the syringe. A piston pushes the plastic melted into a mould. We need a certain pressure because liquid plastic is viscous. When we have a good quantity of synthetic material in the mould the machine breaks the link with the syringe. This stage lets a check at the end that we find at the bottlebase.

We get the bottle preform which seems a test tube in chemistry. We find a common element between this form and a bottle, the bottleneck. Producing our final form another kind of device moulds the preform until the bottleneck. The machine injects hot air pressurized between 14 and 15 Bar. Getting certains forms of bottle, we have differents moulds for differents brands.

The material used to make is PET. This is a macromolecule very resistant and it keeps his shape when we stretch it quickly and suddenly. In fact, this is this property which allows an easy and swift production. We need 2 at 3 seconds to make the final proceed. Testing the resistance of our bottle we achieve certains experiences putting a pression of 5,3 Bar and 0,2% of soda at the ambient temperature. The bottle has to withstand 10 minutes if our manufacturing is nice.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-03-2016 21:42


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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