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Oral/Spaces and Exchanges

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Oral/Spaces and Exchanges
Message de laetimini20 posté le 09-04-2016 à 15:58:58 (S | E | F)
d'ici quelques semaines, je passe mon oral d'anglais pour le Bac. Etant donné que j'ai beaucoup de mal, je me suis dit pourquoi ne pas demander de l'aide ici. Merci à ceux qui m'aideront.

I am going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges. To illustrate this notion, I study the travelling and tourism.
Nowadays, more and more people travel in the world. Nevertheless, people travel for different reasons. To what extent can we say that travel broadens the mind ? For answer, we talk the advantages and the drawbacks on the travel.

More and more people travel across the world but a lot of them decide to rest close in the society. In fact, people choose to take a package tour to unwind. First of, all I would like to give a definition of package tours. It's convenient because everything is provided for people. People just sit back and relax. Moreover people explain this program is good for the economy because there are more tourists in hotel rooms. Besides, hotels are more luxurious.
To illustrate the notion, I have chosen an oral comprehension, who is eco tourism, a hit bay of Bengal. The text speak of the isle that meet a lot of people. All the time, the tourists isn't liberty as he must in the obligation of follow the other. If they want to go to the restaurant, they must ask permission. It's a way to travel in the world. Similarly, it's possible to travel for medical reasons consists in choosing a place to have an operation in security and pay less. So, it's important to travel across the world and appreciate the wild landscape.

Yet, travelling allows tourists to discover another culture and broaden their mind. For example, couchsurfing is an activity that consists in sleeping on other people's couches when you're away from home. Furthermore, it's free. So, it's a good experience to speak with strangers. For the notion Spaces and Exchanges, I am going to refer to the text “take the couch”. In fact, the text indicates that couchsurfing it's an activity very interesting and use in the world. In fact, Casey Fenton, the person who created the website for couchsurfing thinks that he has revolutionize the world and the life conditions to travel across the world.
Furthermore, travelling across the world allows to ameliorate general culture of everybody. In fact, when you travel, it's possible to learn about new cultures, for example you can discover typical food, local people, typical religions. Moreover, with couchsurfing, it's possible to start more longer because it's less expensive and it's more free and attractive.

To conclude, I think that travel broadens the mind. In fact, it's important to travel to discover, exchange, and have fun too. Broadens the mind is when we decide with other people or discover the heart of a country. The document, “slum tourism treads the fine between aid and exploitation” is an example for broadens the mind. In fact, going to a slum to see malnutrition, conditions and poverty of the people. It's a best way appreciate the life that we have. We may wonder if it's possible to open-mind without leaving home.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-04-2016 17:51


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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