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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de stelou94 posté le 10-04-2016 à 22:18:58 (S | E | F)
je vais bientôt passer mon oral d'anglais et j'aurais besoin d'une correction s'il vous plait.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk about myths and heroes. First of all, I would like give a definition of this notion. For my, a myth is a story that may or may not be true, It is what we call a legend. There may not be records or other proof that the myth is true. And can often be a character remarcable for his courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be a heroin of fiction or a man. Does the protest singers are hereos or myths ? For answer this question I would speak firstly about protest singers and secondly i'm going to speak about a man who was became a myth.

I think a heroe is a person who asserts of who he stand for his belives what he thinks even if for it he risks almonds either still death. Today, there are different types of songs that exist such as the « Protest songs » that have taken an important place in the past. The words of Protestant songs contain messages sometimes directly stated, sometimes audible allusions and indirect messages (often under dictatorships) that the population understands; the song they are accessible to all short, simple texts, which can be understood by all, even without having had a great education, they store easily and can be taken everywhere and memorized by everyone. Music has lyrics associated with a message can have a universal dimension because music transmits and can transmit emotions and ideals. The song can be exported outside the areas where it is prohibited and have a global impact.

Now, we are going to study singers who made a commitment. For me, some singers as Bob MARLEY, John LENON, Bob DYLAN , or Nina SIMONE...are heroes because they fight for values. In class, we quickly saw several singers. For example, Bob MARLEY a singer who was born in Jamaica, he lived in a ghetto, he was poor. In his most famous song which is entitled " get up stand up ", he calls the black people to fight for their rights and denounces some aspects of the colonization. He protested also against poverty.
Other such artist as Nina simone who is the one of most famous protest singers. She was very commintted in the wrestling fot the gratitude of civil right of the blacks in the united states. She wanted an equality of the rights between the whites and the blacks.
I find them brave because they dare to defend what their just countered by saying openly out loud that everybody thinks silently.
Bonjour, je passe mon oral dans la semaine et j'aurais aimer savoir si il y vait des f
I think the song can be exported outside the areas where it is prohibited and have a global impact.

All these singers are heroes, but he also exists which besides being heroes, are myths. It is the case of Rodrigez, an American singer.
We studied his history through a movie: sugar man. He was the famous singer who sold millions of records(disks) in South Africa while nobody knew him in the United States? It's very strange. He was a myth because in South Africa, nobody people knew nothing about him and put themselves inveted differents stories about him and about his « death ». Everybody asked why has he disappeared without leaving of track? In this movie, we can observe quite various stages of research which were made to find what he has become. He is a hero because his songs are committed. Thanks to his songs, he participated on the way up in the movement against the apartheid at the Whites. They also worked at the sexual liberation and at the increase of the social rights. He was a hero because the people coud identify with him. He was an icon.

To conclude, I would say that all these singers wishes to make pass the same message, that to fight always for its rights and for the equality. Furthermore, music can change people's mantality.To my mind, music allow to people to express their opinions and make react the other people for they manifest and they move the world. In a world where the violence always reigns, it's urgent to react.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2016 23:36


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