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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide / âge
Message de cha15 posté le 11-04-2016 à 09:37:43 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais savoir comment dit-on on dit : Madame, âgée de 50 ans.
J'hésite entre: Madam, 50 years old , ou Madam, aged 50.
Merci pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-04-2016 11:09

Réponse: Aide / âge de gerondif, postée le 11-04-2016 à 14:48:06 (S | E)
Good morning Sir, Madam, Miss (ce sont des titres)
Mais on n'emploie pas Madam comme ça dans une phrase. On emploierait: this gentleman pour dire ce monsieur et this lady pour dire cette dame.

Mrs Brown, aged 50, was found dead in her flat..... est correct.

Si on s'adresse à ces personnes: The money will be split between you, Sir, aged 48 and you, Madam, aged 50. ok......

The gentleman, aged 48, and the lady, aged 50, were both killed in the accident.

Réponse: Aide / âge de cha15, postée le 11-04-2016 à 16:15:03 (S | E)
Daccord merci.
Donc si par exemple ma phrase est : Madame, âgée de 50 ans est hospitalisée au Centre hospitalier Saint Jean de Perpignan.
Je dois dire : Mrs A, aged 50 is admitted in Saint Jean hospital in Perpignan.

Est-ce bien cela ?
Je vous remercie.

Réponse: Aide / âge de gerondif, postée le 11-04-2016 à 16:38:10 (S | E)
si vous mettez le nom propre,
Mrs Brown, aged 50, was admitted in Saint Jean hospital in Perpignan.
il y a débat pour savoir si on met at, in ou to derrière admitted: to l'emporte!
I was admitted to the hospital.
There were several admissions to the hospital today for flu.
[forum: You apparently think something is wrong with “I’m being admitted at the hospital”. If so, what is wrong with it? – jwpat7 Sep 29 '12 at 5:00
It should be "I'm being admitted *to hospital". The verb "admit" takes the preposition "to", not "at" here. As discussed by others, the use of the definite article seems to depend on whether you speak US or British English. In the variety of English I speak (British), the definite article is not required and, indeed, sounds odd.]
linguee:She was admitted to North York General Hospital in January 1989 where she was diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer and secondary anemia.
After examining me, she admitted me to the hospital for an emergency MRI.
She was admitted to hospital on Thursday morning as her health deteriorated.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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