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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de saphyr posté le 11-04-2016 à 19:59:12 (S | E | F)
Je viens de finir ma synthèse sur la notion Mythes et héros. Pourriez-vous vérifier mon texte et si possible relever les fautes s'il vous plait ?
Merci beaucoup !

I'm going to talk about the notion « Myths and heroes ». First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of this notion. A myth can be a legend like a story about gods or heroes, a popular belief or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure like a demigod, a person known for her achievements, an icon or a protagonist in a story.
We're going to illustrate this notion with Barack Obama and the American Dream. Barack Obama is the 44th president of the USA and the first afro-american. He started his campaign to restore the American Dream which is a value of the USA, available to all american citizen. However in the XX century, black people were segregated and excluded of this dream.
We can ask ourselves : To what extent does Barack Obama represent the Black American Dream ? »
In the first place, we'll see the black people's wish to be equal and take part of the American Dream and in the second place the life of Barack Obama as an incarnation of the American Dream.

The American Dream is the idea that any person who lives in the United States can succeed thanks to her work, her courage and her determination. This notion appeared for the first time in 1931, in the book The Epic of America wrote by James Truslow Adams.
At this moment, black people fought to take part of the American Dream having the same rights as white people. By their fights and their determination, they should have succeed and be equals. However in the USA, black people seemed never have their rights.
That's why, in the 28th August 1963, Martin Luther King, the leader of the Civil Rights Movement gave his famous speech « I have a dream ». In this speech he said he hopes that one day black and white people could live equals. This wish is part of the black American Dream.
Today, with Obama as first afro-american president, we can say that the dream of Martin Luther King has become true. But the personal life of Obama shows that he's also the incarnation of the American Dream.

Obama was born the 4th August 1961 at Honolulu, at Hawaï. His mother is american and his father is kenyan. He graduated from the Columbia University of New-York, one of the most prestigious university. Then, he chose to work in a ghetto to help poor people. He decided to study at the Harvard University. In 1990, he's the first afro-american elected to be chief editor of the Harvard Law Review. He became senator in 2004 and stand for the presidential elections.
He wished to restore the American Dream, broken acccording to him. With his election in 2008, he has showed that the American Dream is not only for descendants of european migrants but also for afro-american. The day of his election is a public holiday in Kenya, to show the respect and the pride that his country of his origins have for him. He succeed in spite of his colour and thanks to his work.
Obama considered Martin Luther King as a hero because he fought for the civil rights of black people. Obama embodies this rights obtained 50 years ago. Indeed, he studied and worked for the governement like a white person could have. Moreover Obama has been re-elected in 2012 which strenghtens his success.

To conclude, what we have seen illustrate the notion of « Myths and Heroes » because we talked about the black American Dream, a myth became a reality thanks to Martin Luther King and Obama. Martin Luther King can be seen as a hero because he fought for his rights and his values. Obama can be a modern-heros since he has become a symbol of the American Dream, for the afro-american community.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-04-2016 22:52


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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