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Notion/places and forms of power

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Notion/places and forms of power
Message de jujubilingue posté le 13-04-2016 à 16:46:59 (S | E | F)
Voici une autre notion que j'ai faite pour le Bac d'anglais oral (je suis en Terminale S). Quelqu'un ici pourrait-il m'aider en corrigeant?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Notion: Places and faces of power
I am going to talk about the notion of «Places and faces of power ». To illustrate the notion, I’ve chosen to talk about the power of citizens in today’s society because nowadays the citizens have the ability to exercise authority and they are able to influence the behavior of others. It also seems that they have been giving more power in the past years.
Is the empowerment of citizens a reality?
To begin with, I am going to talk about these new technologies that have change the way we live. Then, I am going to show in what way they seem to give more power to the citizens showing at the same time that citizens are still powerless in some situations.

Many technologies have been invented and created in the recent years. Among these technology devices, we can cite the inventions of Steve Jobs. According to the speaker in the recording “think different”: “Steve Jobs was the men whose technology changed the way we live”. Indeed, the Ipad and the IPhone that his multinational technology company and him created have marked a turning point in the society. In addition of being super sophisticated, they are multifunctional. They enable us do many things: using them enable us to do all types of researches, to keep in touch with our friends, to take pictures, videos and even to listen to music… but they also allow us to do far more important.

Indeed, by taking pictures or videos of events that occur, the new technologies can be used in order to protect the rights of citizens. For example, people can use technologies in order to protect themselves from unlawful arrest or from being beaten by police officers who are out of control. As David Thorburg says during an interview in the recording “empowered citizens”: « every citizen is empowered potentially as a journalist, as a reporter to the world of events that surround him or her. ». But that is not all: the people can also use technologies as a support to share their experiences, their political opinions or their ideas with the world. Considering the fact that Internet is nowadays used by millions of people, the information can get to a lot of citizens really fast. In that way, citizens can influence others and they can even make changes occur in the society.

However, the power giving to the citizens remains limited. It seems that people are not totally free of sharing whatever they want to on Internet: the government control what is being said and what is being shared on Internet. We have seen an example with the website “wikileaks” in the text “Should Wikileaks be banned?”. Indeed, Wikileaks is menaced to be banned even thought, according to Jennifer Robinson, a lawyer “by revealing abuses, this website has made a remarkable contribution to free speech and human rights”.

As a conclusion, we can consider the fact that citizens really have been empowered since the past years thanks to the new technologies and the large possibilities they offer to the citizens. However, the power of citizens remains limited: they are not totally free; they cannot share everything that they want. Indeed, the government still control what is being said, what is being shared on the Internet. I think people should be careful on what information they share on Internet because, I think the new technologies can also been used against the citizens.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-04-2016 17:13


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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